9 research outputs found

    Fanconi AnÀmie : Development of hematopoetic mosaicism and functional studies of FANCO (RAD51C) and FANCN (PALB2)

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    Zur Wahrung der GenomstabilitĂ€t entwickelten sich verschiedene Reparaturmechanismen, deren Defekte zu diversen Erkrankungen fĂŒhren. Der 1927 erstmals beschriebenen Fanconi AnĂ€mie (FA) (Fanconi 1927) liegt eine fehlerhafte Reparatur der DNA-Doppelstrang-Quervernetzung zugrunde. Als Ursache wurden Defekte innerhalb des FA/BRCA-Weges lokalisiert, welche zur ChromosomeninstabilitĂ€t fĂŒhren. Das Krankheitsbild der autosomal rezessiven oder X-chromosomalen Erkrankung wird meist von kongenitalen Fehlbildungen, progressivem Knochenmarkversagen sowie bereits im jugendlichen Alter erhöhten Tumor-raten und AnĂ€mien geprĂ€gt. Bisher wurden Defekte in 19 verschiedenen Genen als ursĂ€chlich fĂŒr diese Erkrankung diskutiert. Anhand des betroffenen Gens können nur begrenzt RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf die AusprĂ€-gung des PhĂ€notyps geschlossen werden, vielmehr scheinen die Art der Mutation und deren Position im Gen mit der Schwere der Erkrankung zu korrelieren. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden immer mehr Patienten mit mild ausgeprĂ€gtem Erkrankungsbild beobachtet. Eine mögliche ErklĂ€rung hierfĂŒr liefern milde Mutationen, eine weitere das Vorhandensein von Mosaiken blutbildender Zellen. Zu letzterem fĂŒhrt die Reversion einer der beiden Mutationen. Diese Art der „natĂŒrlichen Gentherapie“ wurde bei 10-30% der FA-Patienten beobachtet. Um die Entwicklung von Reversionen besser zu verstehen, erfolgte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Untersuchung verschiedener Zelllinien von 5 Patienten im Alter von 11 (Pat. 5) bis 33 (Pat. 4) Jahren. Die FA-A-Patienten 1 und 2 wurden bereits von Gross et al. 2002 als Mosaikpatienten beschrieben. FĂŒr die weiteren Patienten fĂŒhrten unterschiedliche Aspekte, wie normale Blutwerte, MMC-tolerante lympho-blastoide Zelllinien und gDNA-Analysen des Blutes zum Mosaikverdacht. NĂ€here Analysen bestĂ€tigten fĂŒr die FA-D2-Patienten (Pat. 4, 5) ebenfalls das Vorliegen einer Reversion in den Blutzellen. Allen Patienten gemein war die Reversion in Form einer RĂŒckmutation (Pat. 1: c.971T>G, Pat. 2: c.856 C>T, Pat. 4: c.3467-2A>G, Pat. 5: c.3707G>A), welche meist in einem oder in der NĂ€he eines Mutationsmotives vorlag. Zur EinschĂ€tzung des Mosaikstatus in den Patientenblutzellen wurden, neben der meist mehrjĂ€hrigen Be-obachtung der Blutwerte (Thrombo-, Mono-, Granulo-, Lymphozyten, HĂ€moglobin), gDNA-, Chromoso-menbruch- und Zellzyklusanalysen durchgefĂŒhrt. Chromosomenbruchanalysen von Metaphasen der T-Lymphozyten der Patienten 4 und 5 zeigten nach MMC-Behandlung die mosaik-typische bimodale Vertei-lung der Chromosomenbruchraten. Die nur moderat erhöhten Bruchraten in Metaphasen des Patienten 1 sprachen fĂŒr eine starke Reversion. Zur besseren AbschĂ€tzung des Mosaikstatus wurden Zellzyklusanaly-sen an Mischungsreihen aus FA- und nicht FA- Blut durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Detektionsgrenze fĂŒr FA-Mosaike lag bei einem Anteil von 30% Zellen mit spontanem/MMC-induziertem G2-Phasen-Arrest. In Anlehnung an Mischungskurven wurden fĂŒr die vier Patienten Reversionen von 0% (Pat. 4) bis 90-95% (Pat. 2) ange-nommen. Die gDNA-Analyse MACS-sortierter T-/B-Lympho-, Mono- und Granulozyten sowie von Fib-roblasten und lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien ermöglichte einen detaillierten Einblick in die Mosaikstatus auf molekularer Ebene. Wir fanden bei allen Patienten einen unterschiedlich stark ausgeprĂ€gten Mosaikstatus ihrer Blutzellreihen. Tendenziell scheinen die Reversionsgrade mit der Zell-Lebensdauer korrelieren, hier-bei zeigen kurzlebige Zellen (Mono-, Granulo-, B-Lymphozyten) höhere Reversionsgrade als langlebige T-Lymphozyten. Das Auftreten von gleichen Reversionen in allen Zelllinien lĂ€sst eine Reversion in einer gemeinsamen VorlĂ€uferzelle vermuten. Als Besonderheit fanden wir, unseren Erachtens erstmalig, eine komplette Reversion einer Knochenmark-Fibroblastenzelllinie (Pat. 1). HĂ€ufig in Kultur stattfindende Re-versionen in lymphoblastoiden Zelllinien beobachteten wir fĂŒr alle vier Patienten. Die Mosaikentstehung im Patientenblut konnte mit allen Methoden bestĂ€tigt werden. Jede Methode wies Vor- und Nachteile auf. Zur AbschĂ€tzung der Mosaikstatus empfiehlt sich deshalb eine Kombination der Methoden. Ein weiteres Projekt beschĂ€ftigte sich mit Interaktionen des FANCO (RAD51C) innerhalb der RAD51 Paraloge (RAD51B, -C, -D, XRCC2, XRCC3) und mit RAD51. Die Analysen erfolgten im Mammalian Two- und Three-Hybrid (M2H/M3H) System. Die Untersuchungen bestĂ€tigten die meisten der bisher detektierten Interaktionen, welche zur Ausbildung des RAD51C-XRCC3 Komplexes und des, aus den Subkomplexen RAD51B-RAD51C (BC) und RAD51D-XRCC2 (DX2) bestehenden, BCDX2-Komplex fĂŒhren. Die M3H-Analysen weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle des RAD51B-Proteins bei der AusprĂ€gung dieses Komplexes hin. Es scheint die Ausbildung der RAD51C-RAD51D-Interaktion erst zu ermöglichen und zusĂ€tzlich, anders als bisher beobachtet, auch mit XRCC2 zu interagieren. Diese Interaktion wiederum wird durch die Anwesenheit von RAD51D stark gefördert. Unsere M2H-/M3H-Beobachtungen weisen darauf hin, dass die Ausbildung der Subkomplexe fĂŒr die Entstehung des BDCX2-Komplexes wichtig ist und dieser vermutlich als Ringstruktur vorliegt. ZusĂ€tzlich fanden wir Hinweise auf mögliche Wechselwir-kungen zwischen den BCDX2- und den XRCC3-Komplexproteinen. Aufgrund der Beteiligung der Protei-ne an der DoppelstranglĂ€sionsreparatur wurde die Auswirkung von MMC-induzierten DNA-SchĂ€den un-tersucht. Diese fĂŒhrten innerhalb der Subkomplexe zu gegensĂ€tzlichen Änderungen der Interaktionsinten-sitĂ€t. WĂ€hrend die Substanz im DX2-Komplex zum Sinken der InteraktionsstĂ€rke fĂŒhrte, erhöhte sich diese im BC-Komplex. Die in der Literatur beschriebene und charakterisierte RAD51C-FANCN-Interation war im M2H-Test nicht darstellbar. Möglicherweise wĂŒrde diese jedoch durch die Anwesenheit eines drit-ten Proteins gefördert werden. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde ein RAD51C-Protein, welches die Patientenmutation R258H enthielt, ĂŒberprĂŒft. Es zeigte nur in der M3H-Analyse, mit pMRAD51D und nativem RAD51B, nach Behandlung mit MMC eine reduzierte InteraktionsstĂ€rke im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Dies unter-streicht einmal mehr die als hypomorph beschriebene Mutation des Proteins. Das dritte Projekt, die angestrebte StrukturaufklĂ€rung des RAD51C-Proteins erwies sich als schwierig. Eine fĂŒr eine Kristallisation ausreichende Proteinmenge konnte, weder im E. coli-System noch in Insektenzellen oder in Co-Expression mit seinem Interaktionspartner XRCC3, isoliert und aufgereinigt werden. Elektro-phoretische Mobility Shift Assays des CX3-Proteinkomplexes mit DNA-Strukturen (ssDNA, Open Fork, 3‘-/ 5‘-Überhang-Struktur), zeigten eine Bevorzugung des 3‘-Überhang-DNA-Substrates. Diese Art der Analyse könnte in weiterfĂŒhrenden Analysen zur AbschĂ€tzung der Auswirkung von Patientenmutationen herangezogen werden. bbFor maintaining genomic stability several repair mechanisms have evolved. Defects in these mechanisms lead to diverse diseases. One of these Fanconi Anemia (FA), first described in 1927, evoked by deficient mechanism of interstrand crosslinks. As causative reason defects within the FA-BRCA pathway were iden-tified leading to chromosome instability. To date 19 different genes were found to cause Fanconi Anemia. Most commonly for the clinical picture of FA are congenital malformations, progressive bone marrow defects as like an increased tumor rates and anemia at a juvenile age. Knowing the affected gene only lim-ited conclusions could be considered of the phenotypical appearance. More likely the kind of mutation and the affected position within the gene seems to correlate with the severity of the disease. Over the time an elevated number of patients with mild phenotype were observed. One possible explanation may be mild mutations another a mosaic state developed within the blood forming cells. The latter was caused by rever-sion of one of both mutations. This kind of “natural gene therapy” was observed in the blood of 10 up to 30 % FA- patients. To get better insights in to the mosaic development we investigated different cell lines of five patients aged between 11 (pat. 5) and 33 (pat. 4) years. Both FA-A patients (pat. 1, 2) were described as mosaic patients before by Gross et al. 2002. The other patients arouse suspicion for developing mosai-cism by different aspects like normal blood counts, MMC tolerant lymphoblastiode cell lines and analyzing gDNA from blood. Detailed analyses confirmed the reversion of one mutation in blood of the FA-D2 patients (pat. 4, 5). In common for all four mosaic was the kind of reversion, a back mutation (pat. 1: c.971T>G, pat. 2: c.856 C>T, pat. 4: c.3467-2A>G, pat. 5: c.3707G>A) mostly in or near by a mutation motive. To get insights in to the mosaic state of the patients’ blood cells, gDNA, chromosomal breakage and cell cycle analyses were performed and blood cell counts of thrombo-, mono-, granulo-, lymphocytes and haemoglobin were observed for several years. Chromosomal breakage analyses of t-lymphocytes met-aphases (pat. 4, 5) treated with MMC showed a mosaicism typical bimodal distribution. The only moderate increased chromosomal breakage rate in metaphases of patient 1 points out a strong pronounced reversion. For better estimation of the Mosaic state in patient blood we performed cell cycle analysis with mixtures of FA- and non FA-blood. Thereby we observed the border for mosaic detection at a degree of 30 % cells with spontaneous /MMC induced G2-phase arrest. Compared to the mixing study reversion degrees of 0 % (pat. 4) up to 90-95 % (pat. 2) were assumed for four of the patients. At molecular base gDNA analyses of MACS sorted T-/ B- lympho, mono and granulocytes as well as from fibroblasts and lymphoblastoide cell lines allowed a more detailed insight in to the mosaic statuses. In all patients we observed different distinct of mosaic state in their blood cell lines. We observed a tendency of correlation between reversion degree and the longevity of blood cells – cells with short life spans (mono-, granulo-, B-lymphoytes) showed higher reversion degrees than log living T-lymphocytes. The fact that we detected the same rever-sion in the different cell lines of a patient suggests a reversion within a common precursor cell. Further we observed, as we know for the first time, a reversion within a bone marrow fibroblast line (pat. 1). Four of our patients showed commonly observed reversions in cultured lymphoblastoide cell lines. With each of the tested methods we could show mosaic development in blood of our patients. Every of them showed pros and cons. For this reason a combination of the different methods would be recommendable for cal-culation of the mosaic state in patient blood. The second project investigated the interactions of FANCO (RAD51C) within the group of the RAD51 paralogs (RAD51B, -C, -D, XRCC2, XRCC3) and with RAD51. Interactions were tested by Mammalian Two- and Three-Hybrid (M2H/M3H) System. Our investigations confirm most of the up to now detected interactions leading to RAD51C-XRCC3-complex (CX3) and RAD51B-RAD51C-RAD51D-XRCC2 com-plex (BCDX2) formation – latter consisting of the subcomplexes RAD51B-RAD51C (BC) and RAD51D-XRCC2 (DX2). M3H analyses give a hint for the importance of the RAD51B protein for the BCDX2 complex formation. The protein seems to be necessary for RAD51C-RAD51D interaction and also to interact, other than intended before, with XRCC2. In turn this interaction seems to be strongly promoted by RAD51D. In M2H and M3H analyses we found evidence of the importance of subcomplex formation for the formation of the whole BCDX2 complex and that the complex may be a circular structure. Addi-tionaly we observed evidence for interdependency between the BCDX2- and the XRCC3- complex pro-teins. Because of the proteins involvement into the double strand lesion repair the effect of MMC induced DNA lesions were tested. MMC treatment leads to different changes of interaction within the subcom-plexes. We observed a decrease of interaction strength between RAD51D and XRCC2 and an increased interaction within the BC-complex. The interaction between RAD51C and FANCN was not detectable in our M2H assay but may be promoted by another protein in M3H analysis. Additionally we tested a RAD51C protein inherited the patient mutation R258H. Only in M3H analysis with pMRAD51D and native RAD51B and with additional MMC treatment reduced interaction strength was detectable compared to the wildtype RAD51C. This underlines the hypomorphic nature of the mutation described before. The third project – the elucidation of the RAD51C protein structure proved to be difficult. We could not isolate and purify enough protein for crystallization, neither by expression within a E.coli or an insect cell system not even by co-expression of the complex partner XRCC3. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays of the CX3 complex with different DNA-structures (ssDNA, open fork, 3’- and 5’- overhang structures) showed preference for the 3’-overhang DNA substrate. This method may be used for further investiga-tions of mutations in patient DNA in future

    Constitutive promoter methylation of BRCA1 and RAD51C in patients with familial ovarian cancer and early-onset sporadic breast cancer

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    Genetic defects in breast cancer (BC) susceptibility genes, most importantly BRCA1 and BRCA2, account for ∌40% of hereditary BC and ovarian cancer (OC). Little is known about the contribution of constitutive (soma-wide) epimutations to the remaining cases. We developed bisulfite pyrosequencing assays to screen >600 affected BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation-negative patients from the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer for constitutive hypermethylation of ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51C, PTEN and TP53 in blood cells. In a second step, patients with ≄6% promoter methylation were analyzed by bisulfite plasmid sequencing to demonstrate the presence of hypermethylated alleles (epimutations), indicative of epigenetic gene silencing. Altogether we identified nine (1.4%) patients with constitutive BRCA1 and three (0.5%) with RAD51C hypermethylation. Epimutations were found in both sporadic cases, in particular in 2 (5.5%) of 37 patients with early-onset BC, and familial cases, in particular 4 (10%) of 39 patients with OC. Hypermethylation was always confined to one of the two parental alleles in a subset (12–40%) of the analyzed cells. Because epimutations occurred in cell types from different embryonal layers, they most likely originated in single cells during early somatic development. We propose that analogous to germline genetic mutations constitutive epimutations may serve as the first hit of tumor development. Because the role of constitutive epimutations in cancer development is likely to be largely underestimated, future strategies for effective testing of susceptibility to BC and OC should include an epimutation screen

    Inhibitory receptor signals suppress ligation-induced recruitment of NKG2D to GM1-rich membrane domains at the human NK cell immune synapse

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    NKG2D is an activating receptor expressed on all human NK cells and a subset of T cells. In cytolytic conjugates between NK cells and target cells expressing its ligand MHC class I chain-related gene A, NKG2D accumulates at the immunological synapse with GM1-rich microdomains. Furthermore, NKG2D is specifically recruited to detergent-resistant membrane fractions upon ligation. However, in the presence of a strong inhibitory stimulus, NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity can be intercepted, and recruitment of NKG2D to the immunological synapse and detergent-resistant membrane fractions is blocked. Also, downstream phosphorylation of Vav-1 triggered by NKG2D ligation is circumvented by coengaging inhibitory receptors. Thus, we propose that one way in which inhibitory signaling can control NKG2D-mediated activation is by blocking its recruitment to GM1-rich membrane domains. The accumulation of activating NK cell receptors in GM1-rich microdomains may provide the necessary platform from which stimulatory signals can proceed

    Metformin in chemotherapy-naive castration-resistant prostate cancer: a multicenter phase 2 trial (SAKK 08/09)

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    BACKGROUND There is evidence linking metformin to improved prostate cancer (PCa)-related outcomes. OBJECTIVE To evaluate treatment with metformin in patients with castration-resistant PCa (CRPC) and the effect of the treatment on progression-free survival (PFS) and PSA doubling time (PSA DT). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Forty-four men with progressive metastatic CRPC from 10 Swiss centers were included in this single-arm phase 2 trial between December 2010 and December 2011. INTERVENTION Patients received metformin 1000 mg twice daily until disease progression. OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS The primary end point was the absence of disease progression at 12 wk. Simon two-stage optimal design was applied. With a 5% significance level and 90% power, 44 patients were required to test PFS at 12 wk ≀ 15% (H0) compared with ≄ 35% (H1). RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS Thirty-six percent of patients were progression-free at 12 wk, 9.1% were progression-free at 24 wk, and in two patients a confirmed ≄ 50% prostate-specific antigen (PSA) decline was demonstrated. In 23 patients (52.3%) we observed a prolongation of PSA DT after starting metformin. The homeostatic model assessment index fell by 26% from baseline to 12 wk, indicating an improvement in insulin sensitivity. There was a significant change in insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 from baseline to 12 wk. Sample size and lack of a control arm are the limitations of this trial; analyses are therefore exploratory. CONCLUSIONS Treatment with metformin is safe in nondiabetic patients, and it yields objective PSA responses and may induce disease stabilization. The activity of metformin in PCa, along with its low cost, favorable toxicity profile, and positive effect on metabolic parameters, suggests that further investigation of metformin as therapy for patients with PCa is of interest. PATIENT SUMMARY In this trial we assessed the use of the diabetes mellitus drug metformin in patients with advanced prostate cancer. We found disease stabilization and prolongation of prostate-specific antigen doubling time in some patients as well as effects on metabolic parameters. TRIAL REGISTRATION This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov with the identifier NCT01243385. PREVIOUS PRESENTATION The study was presented at ESMO 2012 (abstract 1460)

    Mutation of the RAD51C gene in a Fanconi anemia-like disorder

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare chromosomal-instability disorder associated with a variety of developmental abnormalities, bone marrow failure and predisposition to leukemia and other cancers(1). We have identified a homozygous missense mutation in the RAD51C gene in a consanguineous family with multiple severe congenital abnormalities characteristic of FA. RAD51C is a member of the RAD51-like gene family involved in homologous recombination-mediated DNA repair. The mutation results in loss of RAD51 focus formation in response to DNA damage and in increased cellular sensitivity to the DNA interstrand cross-linking agent mitomycin C and the topoisomerase-1 inhibitor camptothecin. Thus, biallelic germline mutations in a RAD51 paralog are associated with an FA-like syndrome