10 research outputs found

    Computer visualization of wood : some important aspects

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    Research regarding the aesthetic features of wood and people's preferences for different appearances of wood has to date been rather limited. Today it is common to use computers to show how a room or product will look when or if it is produced. This thesis presents the results of a quest to learn which aspects are of importance when visualizing wood. The objective of the first two studies was to find and gather words and descriptions for aspects of wood visualization and to categorize them. The objective for the third study was to find a method for measuring peoples' preferences for wood on internet and to describe these differences in preference amongst the interviewed respondents. The objective for the latest study arose in an attempt to use the descriptions found in the first studies to search for an experienced difference between an image on paper and the same image on a computer screen. This thesis does not cover computer visualization in general or the differences between wood species. The basis for the studies in this thesis is qualitative interviews based on the Grounded Theory method, focus groups and two-by-two comparisons. With the findings from the first studies, it was interesting to try to verify them and at the same time rank found aspects that seemed to be important and test a hypothesis regarding preferred exaggeration when visualizing wooden interiors. There are some bias risks involved in paper IV, and these are discussed openly. Given the results from these four studies, it is easier see the entirety of the complex topic visualization of wooden interiors. Since smart exaggeration (rather than merely correct photorealism) and being part of the whole (the context is critical) are more important than merely having a correct texture, it is time to start work with factors that make wood interact with its context. Light is a good example of this. The light gleam reflecting from the wooden surface tells us that this is not just a flat texture, but a topological and varying structure. The contrast and color of the wooden surface are also crucial.Godkänd; 2004; 20070128 (ysko

    On computer visualization of interior wood

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    Our impressions are important for the decision of purchasing a product or not. If the product is not yet produced, communication in form of visualisations or representations is needed. Computer visualisation of interior wood products therefore requires knowledge about the feelings and attitudes the visualisation evokes. The aim of this thesis is to find and understand aspects of importance when people experience computer visualisations of interior wood. This aim also involved the evaluation of methods suitable for these investigations. The research work constitutes a journey from a qualitative to a quantitative approach. The first two studies used interviews and Grounded theory for categorising the words used when looking at images. The next two studies used different methods to measure and quantify such experiences; preference-mapping through multivariate analysis and a ranking procedure for the assessment of different aspects. The final study used the method of Kansei Engineering for connecting subjective data to physical properties. The research presented in this thesis contributes to theory and practice in two main ways. First, the results indicate what aspects are important when computer visualising wood and to a certain amount, how important. Lighting conditions, colour and contrast is important for bringing the wood surface to life on the computer screen. The need for a "smart adaptation" of these aspects is also discussed, as well as the influence of the surroundings. Second, the methods used are a result in itself; learning how to work with a phenomenon like this has been an important side-effect. These findings are hopefully relevant for architects, engineers and visualisers as well as the forest industry and future research.De intryck vi får är avgörande för vårt beslut att köpa en produkt eller inte. Om produkten ännu inte är tillverkad, behövs kommunikation i form av visualiseringar eller representationer. Datorvisualisering av synliga träprodukter kräver kunskap om de känslor visualiseringen väcker. Avsikten med arbetet som presenteras här har varit att finna och förstå aspekter som är viktiga när människor upplever datorvisualiseringar av synligt trä.Arbetet innebär också utvärdering av metoder lämpliga för dylika undersökningar. Forskningsarbetet har inneburit en resa från ett kvalitativt till ett kvantitativt synsätt. De två första studierna nyttjade intervjuer och Grounded theory för att kategorisera ord som används när man upplever bilder av trämiljöer. De följande två studier använde olika metoder för att mäta och kvantifiera sådana upplevelser; preference mapping med multivariat analys samt en rankningsmetod för att bedöma vikten på aspekterna. Den sista studien nyttjade Kansei Engineering för att finna relationen mellan subjektiva data och produktegenskaper. Forskningen som presenteras här bidrar till teori och praktik på i huvudsak två sätt. Dels indikerar resultaten vilka aspekter som är viktiga-och i viss mån hur viktiga-när man datorvisualiserar trä; ljusförhållanden, färg och kontrast är viktiga för att ge trä liv på datorskärmen. Behovet av "smart anpassning" av dessa aspekter diskuteras också, liksom den omgivande miljöns påverkan. Dels är de använda metoderna ett resultat i sig; att lära sig hur man bör arbeta med ett fenomen som detta har varit en viktig följd av studierna.Resultaten är förhoppningsvis relevanta för arkitekter, konstruktörer och visualiserare liksom för skogsindustrin och framtida forskning.Godkänd; 2008; 20081017 (ysko)</p

    Visualizing wood interiors : a qualitative assessment of what people react to and how they describe it

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    Wood is more than a material with technical characteristics. It is a material with aesthetic qualities and is the object of subjective appraisal. Today, it is common to use computers to show how a room or product will look when it is produced. In communicating the aesthetic properties of wood in such cases, the ways people experience wood are of interest, as are what is important to focus on and what is best avoided. The objective of this study was to explore and gather descriptions of computer-visualized wood interiors through qualitative interviews. The Grounded Theory method was used to get a map of what people react to in such images. The principle is to sort data into groups consisting of aspects of a certain property. Eighteen pictures were used in a two-by-two comparison study. Twenty-one persons were interviewed for about 20 minutes each. The results indicate that good visualization of wood should avoid erroneous details, repetitive patterns and lighting, or shadowing errors. Another result is recognition of the difference between seeing and describing. It was hard for respondents to separate what they liked/disliked from what they understood. Most respondents also reacted more to how the wood in the pictures handled shades and colors than to its textures. This could mean that photorealism is no guarantee for getting acceptance for the picture. In addition, more important than high resolution is for wood to be part of the whole picture and not stand out or appear more processed than the surroundings.Validerad; 2005; 20061025 (cira

    People's perceptions of the visual appearance of wood flooring : a Kansei engineering approach

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    Evaluations of products based on visual stimuli are at the same time both subjective and important. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the visual properties of wood flooring and people's reactions to computer visualization of interior wood products. The research strategy involved showing digital pictures of the same room, but with different wood floorings. The impressions of potential consumers were measured by means of rating scales for each descriptive word. This was done using the method of Kansei engineering, in which statistical connections between properties and semantics (descriptions) were analyzed. The research presented here contributes to theory and practice in two important ways. First and most important, the study shows that the chosen method is suitable for measuring people's preferences on visualizations of interior wood. Second, the results indicate that certain properties are important for a floor to be judged as ‘‘good-looking'' and others for a floor to be deemed ‘‘modern'' or ‘‘vivid.''Validerad; 2010; 20100531 (olof)</p

    Means for measuring people's preferences for visual wood with aid of Internet

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    It is of interest to study and analyse the consumer market for visual wood so as to produce the right "look" of wood to the right product and the right group of customer. The choice of wood quality to a certain product is often decided at the production site without good information of people's sensitivity (taste profiles) for different blending of wood features. Today, regarding the issue of wood quality, there are no established techniques for detecting people's taste profiles.The aim of the work has been to develop a method for preference studies where visible wood is in focus. The aim was also to present interview results showing differences in acceptance among interviewed people just to persuade the readers about the usability of the methodology.In this investigation only wood floors of parquet type have been examined. Only one room type has been used. The interior was changed over time to study possible affect on parquet flooring preferences. About 50 persons participated in the study and they answered three times each during the development process.The interview concept is interactive and self instructive to measure preferences of different appearances of wood (in this study floor). The same room is shown but with different wood flooring and the floors is ranked with aid of paired comparison. When the ranking is completed, questions with both open and given answer alternatives are asked, just to get a description of the cause of preferences.Principal Component Analysis together with simple statistics was used to envisage the reader about the usability of the method. Perhaps the most important results of the research is that it is possible to measure what people prefer and to a certain extent why. Groups of peoples with different taste profiles can be found even if the number of interviewed people was small. The different wood species was described in words of the interviewed people, which of course from a wood producing company view, can be valuable in a market communication situation.Godkänd; 2006; 20070501 (ysko

    Estetiska kvaliteter och skillnader i preferenser för limfog : en jämförelse mellan två intervjumetoder

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    Den produktgrupp som här studerats är limfog för Gör-Det-Själv-marknaden. Limfog är en vanlig produkt som konsumenter köper styckevis och där träets estetiska blandning av träegenskaper kan vara av betydelse för ett aktivt val eller köp av kunden. Projektets övergripande mål var att studera vanliga konsumenters olika känslighet (smakprofiler) för olika utseenden på trä. Huvudmålet med studien var att jämföra två metoder för preferensmätning; dels användandet av riktiga träytor (limfog) och dels digitala bilder av desamma för rangordning av produktalternativ. För att validera användbarheten av de båda metoderna jämfördes deras rangordningsresultat. Ett delmål med studien var att studera skillnader mellan preferenser för limfog som producerats enligt alternativa produktionssätt med traditionellt producerad limfog. Femton personer intervjuades i två omgångar. I den första intervjun fick personerna rangordna 11 limfogsytor med hjälp av datorbilder och en webapplikation. I den andra intervjun två veckor senare fick samma personer rangordna samma limfogsytor fast nu med riktiga träytor. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att de båda metoderna gav likvärdiga resultat. Det fungerade bra att använda digitala bilder och utföra preferensstudier via utvecklad web-applikation. För båda metoderna gällde att 11 stycken produktalternativ var på gränsen till för många att ta ställning till för de intervjuade personerna. Detta gällde båda intervjumetoderna. Bildernas kvalitet visade sig vara viktigt och de små skillnader i rangordningsresultat mellan de två intervjumetoderna kan till viss del förklaras av bristande återgivning av färgnyanser. Metoden att rangordna de verkliga limfogsskivorna fungerade mycket bra. Principen att välja ömsom bäst och sämst och kontinuerligt plocka bort valda produktalternativ fungerade bra. Följande estetiska kvalitetsskillnader visade sig vara viktiga för intervjupersonerna: En jämn fördelning av kvistar över ytan (limfogen) tillika blandning av kvistutseende är viktigt för helhetsintrycket. Märgstråk upplevdes starkt negativt då de ses som streck i ytan, en artefakt. Detta gäller också hög grad av randighet som upplevdes negativt. Detta kan orsakas av splint-/kärnvedsvariationer, speciellt när limfogen producerats med låg lamellbredd. Negativt var också tjurvedsstråk som orsakar randighet i en yta, vilket stör den visuella balansen och harmonin. Den limfog som producerats inom ramen för en ny högutbytesstrategi rankades högre än den traditionellt tillverkade limfogen som var inköpt. Detta kan förklaras främst av en hög grad av färska kvistar (ej svarta och eller döda kvistar), som kommer sig av valet av råvara. Råvaran utgjordes av klentimmer medan råvaran till den traditionellt tillverkade limfogen kom från plank med ursprung från osorterat timmer. Slutsatsen är att för limfog så har valet av råvara minst lika stor betydelse än produktionssätt (lamellbredd, koniska lameller etc) för det estetiska uttrycket och kundtillfredsställelse.Godkänd; 2008; 20080422 (ysko