72 research outputs found

    Character Generation through Self-Supervised Vectorization

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    The prevalent approach in self-supervised image generation is to operate on pixel level representations. While this approach can produce high quality images, it cannot benefit from the simplicity and innate quality of vectorization. Here we present a drawing agent that operates on stroke-level representation of images. At each time step, the agent first assesses the current canvas and decides whether to stop or keep drawing. When a 'draw' decision is made, the agent outputs a program indicating the stroke to be drawn. As a result, it produces a final raster image by drawing the strokes on a canvas, using a minimal number of strokes and dynamically deciding when to stop. We train our agent through reinforcement learning on MNIST and Omniglot datasets for unconditional generation and parsing (reconstruction) tasks. We utilize our parsing agent for exemplar generation and type conditioned concept generation in Omniglot challenge without any further training. We present successful results on all three generation tasks and the parsing task. Crucially, we do not need any stroke-level or vector supervision; we only use raster images for training

    Cosine Similarity Measure According to a Convex Cost Function

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    In this paper, we describe a new vector similarity measure associated with a convex cost function. Given two vectors, we determine the surface normals of the convex function at the vectors. The angle between the two surface normals is the similarity measure. Convex cost function can be the negative entropy function, total variation (TV) function and filtered variation function. The convex cost function need not be differentiable everywhere. In general, we need to compute the gradient of the cost function to compute the surface normals. If the gradient does not exist at a given vector, it is possible to use the subgradients and the normal producing the smallest angle between the two vectors is used to compute the similarity measure

    Self-Supervised Learning of 3D Human Pose using Multi-view Geometry

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    Training accurate 3D human pose estimators requires large amount of 3D ground-truth data which is costly to collect. Various weakly or self supervised pose estimation methods have been proposed due to lack of 3D data. Nevertheless, these methods, in addition to 2D ground-truth poses, require either additional supervision in various forms (e.g. unpaired 3D ground truth data, a small subset of labels) or the camera parameters in multiview settings. To address these problems, we present EpipolarPose, a self-supervised learning method for 3D human pose estimation, which does not need any 3D ground-truth data or camera extrinsics. During training, EpipolarPose estimates 2D poses from multi-view images, and then, utilizes epipolar geometry to obtain a 3D pose and camera geometry which are subsequently used to train a 3D pose estimator. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on standard benchmark datasets i.e. Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP where we set the new state-of-the-art among weakly/self-supervised methods. Furthermore, we propose a new performance measure Pose Structure Score (PSS) which is a scale invariant, structure aware measure to evaluate the structural plausibility of a pose with respect to its ground truth. Code and pretrained models are available at https://github.com/mkocabas/EpipolarPoseComment: CVPR 2019 camera ready. Code is available at https://github.com/mkocabas/EpipolarPos

    Representation Recycling for Streaming Video Analysis

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    We present StreamDEQ, a method that aims to infer frame-wise representations on videos with minimal per-frame computation. Conventional deep networks do feature extraction from scratch at each frame in the absence of ad-hoc solutions. We instead aim to build streaming recognition models that can natively exploit temporal smoothness between consecutive video frames. We observe that the recently emerging implicit layer models provide a convenient foundation to construct such models, as they define representations as the fixed-points of shallow networks, which need to be estimated using iterative methods. Our main insight is to distribute the inference iterations over the temporal axis by using the most recent representation as a starting point at each frame. This scheme effectively recycles the recent inference computations and greatly reduces the needed processing time. Through extensive experimental analysis, we show that StreamDEQ is able to recover near-optimal representations in a few frames' time and maintain an up-to-date representation throughout the video duration. Our experiments on video semantic segmentation, video object detection, and human pose estimation in videos show that StreamDEQ achieves on-par accuracy with the baseline while being more than 2-4x faster.Comment: v3: ECCV2022 paper. This version: extended version under review at TPAM

    Approximate Computation of DFT without Performing Any Multiplications: Applications to Radar Signal Processing

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    In many practical problems it is not necessary to compute the DFT in a perfect manner including some radar problems. In this article a new multiplication free algorithm for approximate computation of the DFT is introduced. All multiplications (a×b)(a\times b) in DFT are replaced by an operator which computes sign(a×b)(∣a∣+∣b∣)sign(a\times b)(|a|+|b|). The new transform is especially useful when the signal processing algorithm requires correlations. Ambiguity function in radar signal processing requires high number of multiplications to compute the correlations. This new additive operator is used to decrease the number of multiplications. Simulation examples involving passive radars are presented

    Improving Sketch Colorization using Adversarial Segmentation Consistency

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    We propose a new method for producing color images from sketches. Current solutions in sketch colorization either necessitate additional user instruction or are restricted to the "paired" translation strategy. We leverage semantic image segmentation from a general-purpose panoptic segmentation network to generate an additional adversarial loss function. The proposed loss function is compatible with any GAN model. Our method is not restricted to datasets with segmentation labels and can be applied to unpaired translation tasks as well. Using qualitative, and quantitative analysis, and based on a user study, we demonstrate the efficacy of our method on four distinct image datasets. On the FID metric, our model improves the baseline by up to 35 points. Our code, pretrained models, scripts to produce newly introduced datasets and corresponding sketch images are available at https://github.com/giddyyupp/AdvSegLoss.Comment: Under review at Pattern Recognition Letters. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2102.0619
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