82 research outputs found

    Classical radio source propagating into outer HI disc in NGC 3801

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    We present observations of a large-scale disc of neutral hydrogen (HI) in the nearby Fanaroff & Riley type-I radio galaxy NGC 3801 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. The HI disc (34 kpc in diameter and with M_HI = 1.3 x 10^9 M_sun) is aligned with the radio jet axis. This makes NGC 3801 an ideal system for investigating the evolution of a small radio source through its host galaxy's cold ISM. The large-scale HI disc is perpendicular to a known inner CO disc and dust-lane. We argue that the formation history of the large-scale HI disc is in agreement with earlier speculation that NGC 3801 was involved in a past gas-rich galaxy-galaxy merger (although other formation histories are discussed). The fact that NGC 3801 is located in an environment of several HI-rich companions, and shows indications of ongoing interaction with the nearby companion NGC 3802, strengthens this possibility. The large amounts of ambient cold ISM, combined with X-ray results by Croston et al (2007) on the presence of over-pressured radio jets and evidence for an obscuring torus, are properties that are generally not, or no longer, associated with more evolved FR-I radio sources. We do show, however, that the HI properties of NGC 3801 are comparable to those of a significant fraction of nearby low-power compact radio sources, suggesting that studies of NGC 3801 may reveal important insight into a more general phase in the evolution of at least a significant fraction of nearby radio galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (6 figure, 2 tables

    Cold gas & mergers: fundamental difference in HI properties of different types of radio galaxies?

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    We present results of a study of large-scale neutral hydrogen (HI) gas in nearby radio galaxies. We find that the early-type host galaxies of different types of radio sources (compact, FR-I and FR-II) appear to contain fundamentally different large-scale HI properties: enormous regular rotating disks and rings are present around the host galaxies of a significant fraction of low power compact radio sources, while no large-scale HI is detected in low power, edge-darkened FR-I radio galaxies. Preliminary results of a study of nearby powerful, edge-brightened FR-II radio galaxies show that these systems generally contain significant amounts of large-scale HI, often distributed in tail- or bridge-like structures, indicative of a recent galaxy merger or collision. Our results suggest that different types of radio galaxies may have a different formation history, which could be related to a difference in the triggering mechanism of the radio source. If confirmed by larger studies with the next generation radio telescopes, this would be in agreement with previous optical studies that suggest that powerful FR-II radio sources are likely triggered by galaxy mergers and collisions, while the lower power FR-I sources are fed in other ways (e.g. through the accretion of hot IGM). The giant HI disks/rings associated with some compact sources could - at least in some cases - be the relics of much more advanced mergers.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures - to appear in PoS, "The Modern Radio Universe: From Planets to Dark Energy Conference", Manchester UK, eds: Beswick, Diamond & Schilizz

    The location and impact of jet-driven outflows of cold gas: the case of 3C293

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    The nearby radio galaxy 3C293 is one of a small group of objects where extreme outflows of neutral hydrogen have been detected. However, due to the limited spatial resolution of previous observations, the exact location of the outflow was not able to be determined. In this letter, we present new higher resolution VLA observations of the central regions of this radio source and detect a fast outflow of HI with a FWZI velocity of \Delta v~1200 km/s associated with the inner radio jet, approximately 0.5 kpc west of the central core. We investigate possible mechanisms which could produce the observed HI outflow and conclude that it is driven by the radio-jet. However, this outflow of neutral hydrogen is located on the opposite side of the nucleus to the outflow of ionised gas previously detected in this object. We calculate a mass outflow rate in the range of 8-50 solar masses/yr corresponding to a kinetic energy power injected back into the ISM of 1.38x10^{42} - 1.00x10^{43} erg/s or 0.01 - 0.08 percent of the Eddington luminosity. This places it just outside the range required by some galaxy evolution simulations for negative feedback from the AGN to be effective in halting star-formation within the galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    QSO2 outflow characterization using data obtained with OSIRIS at the Gran Telescopio Canarias

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    Ionized outflows are ubiquitous in non radio-loud obscured quasars (QSO2s) at different redshifts. We search for large-scale ionized outflows associated with six optically selected QSO2 (five non-radio-loud and one radio-loud) at zz\sim 0.2-0.5, targeting objects with extended radio structures. We have obtained OSIRIS/GTC optical long slit spectroscopy data for these six QSO2 with the slit located along the radio axis. We traced the gas kinematics with the [OIII]λ\lambda4959,5007 lines to investigate ionized outflows and characterize the dynamical state of the host galaxies. This second study has been complemented with previously published FORS2/VLT spectroscopic data of 13 more QSO2 at similar z. We identify ionized outflows in four out of the six QSO2 observed with the GTC. The outflows are spatially unresolved in two QSO2 and compact in a third (radial size of R=0.8±\pm0.3 kpc). Of particular interest is the radio-quiet QSO2 SDSS 0741+3020 at z=0.47, associated with a giant \sim 112 kpc nebula. An ionized outflow probably induced by the radio structures has been detected along the axis defined by the central \sim1\arcsec\ radio structure, extending up to at least \sim4 kpc from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). Turbulent gas (σ\sigma\sim130 km s1^{-1}) has also been detected across the giant gas nebula up to \sim40 kpc from the AGN. This turbulence may have been induced by outflows triggered by the interaction between a so-far undetected large-scale radio source and the nebula. Regarding the dynamical state of the host galaxies, we find that the majority of the QSO2 show v/σ<\sigma< 1, implying that they are dominated by random motions (so-called dispersion-dominated systems). Most (17 of 19) fall in the area of the E/S0 galaxies in the dynamical diagram v/σ\sigma versus σ\sigma. None are consistent with spiral or disk galaxies.Comment: 27 pages, 11+8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    HI on large and small scales in starburst radio galaxies

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    The study of the optical continuum of radio galaxies shows that about 30% have a young stellar population component. Among them are the most far-IR bright radio galaxies. A further indication of the relatively gas rich environment of these galaxies (possibly related to the recent merger from which they originate) is the high fraction being detected in HI. Here we present recent results obtained from the study of neutral hydrogen (detected either in emission or absorption) in a group of starburst radio galaxies. In some objects, large-scale (tens of kpc) structures involving HI masses exceeding 10^9 M_sun are observed. In these cases, the HI can be used to study the origin and evolution of these systems and the timescales involved. In this respect, the parameters obtained from the study of the stellar populations and from the HI can be complementary. In other objects, very broad (> 1000 km/s), mostly blueshifted HI is detected in absorption. This result shows that, despite the extremely energetic phenomena occurring near an AGN - including the powerful radio jet - some of the outflowing gas remains, or becomes again, neutral. This can give new and important insights in the physical conditions of the gaseous medium around an AGN. The possible origin of the extreme kinematics is discussed.Comment: Invited review to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies", eds. S.Aalto, S.Huttemeister & A.Pedlar. 12 pages, Figs.2,4,5 are in separate gif files. The full paper with high resolution images can be downloaded from http://www.nfra.nl/~morganti/Papers/starburst.ps.g

    Jet-ISM Interaction in the Radio Galaxy 3C293: Jet-driven Shocks Heat ISM to Power X-ray and Molecular H2 emission

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    We present a 70ks Chandra observation of the radio galaxy 3C293. This galaxy belongs to the class of molecular hydrogen emission galaxies (MOHEGs) that have very luminous emission from warm molecular hydrogen. In radio galaxies, the molecular gas appears to be heated by jet-driven shocks, but exactly how this mechanism works is still poorly understood. With Chandra, we observe X-ray emission from the jets within the host galaxy and along the 100 kpc radio jets. We model the X-ray spectra of the nucleus, the inner jets, and the X-ray features along the extended radio jets. Both the nucleus and the inner jets show evidence of 10^7 K shock-heated gas. The kinetic power of the jets is more than sufficient to heat the X-ray emitting gas within the host galaxy. The thermal X-ray and warm H2 luminosities of 3C293 are similar, indicating similar masses of X-ray hot gas and warm molecular gas. This is consistent with a picture where both derive from a multiphase, shocked interstellar medium (ISM). We find that radio-loud MOHEGs that are not brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), like 3C293, typically have LH2/LX~1 and MH2/MX~1, whereas MOHEGs that are BCGs have LH2/LX~0.01 and MH2/MX~0.01. The more massive, virialized, hot atmosphere in BCGs overwhelms any direct X-ray emission from current jet-ISM interaction. On the other hand, LH2/LX~1 in the Spiderweb BCG at z=2, which resides in an unvirialized protocluster and hosts a powerful radio source. Over time, jet-ISM interaction may contribute to the establishment of a hot atmosphere in BCGs and other massive elliptical galaxies.Comment: Accepted by ApJ 21 pages in ApJ format, 9 figures, 8 table

    Fast neutral outflows in nearby radio galaxies: a major source of feedback

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    Fast (~1000 km/s) outflows of neutral gas (from 21-cm HI absorption) are detected in strong radio sources. The outflows occur, at least in some cases, at distances from the radio core that range between few hundred parsecs and kpc. These HI outflows likely originate from the interaction between radio jets and the dense surrounding medium. The estimated mass outflow rates are comparable to those of moderate starburst-driven superwinds. The impact on the evolution of the host galaxies is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Conference proceedings to appear in "The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei", ed. L. C. Ho and J.-M. Wang (San Francisco: ASP