6 research outputs found

    Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien unter Berücksichtigung der Zusammenhänge zwischen relevanten Professionswissensdomänen und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen von Lehramtsstudierenden

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation soll einen relevanten Beitrag zur Verbesserung der universitären Ausbildung angehender Lehrkräfte leisten. Einführend wird der Fokus auf relevante Professionswissensdomänen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von digitalen Fähigkeiten gelegt. Letztere werden darüber hinaus im Hinblick auf die durch die COVID-19-Pandemie bedingten Herausforderungen im Distanzlernen spezifiziert. Hieran anschließend werden Chancen und Herausforderungen digitaler Medien für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht skizziert. Unter exemplarischer Betrachtung des Fachs Biologiedidaktik widmet sich ein erstes Forschungsprojekt den Zusammenhängen zwischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und der Innovationsfähigkeit Lehramtsstudierender. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ähnliche Zusammenhänge bestehen, die zuvor in Studien aus der Unternehmenswelt berichtet wurden. Im Rahmen eines zweiten Forschungsprojekts konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass sich die Werte auf den Dimensionen des Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge- und des Big Five-Persönlichkeitsmodells bei Lehramtsstudierenden vor und nach der Umstellung auf das COVID-19-bedingte Distanzlernen voneinander unterscheiden. Im Rahmen eines dritten Forschungsprojekts wurde schließlich gezielt auf die Lernförderlichkeit digitaler Unterrichtselemente fokussiert, indem eine Gruppe Lehramtsstudierender, die die Bestimmungsübung Botanik mit einer App absolviert hat, mit einer zweiten Gruppe verglichen wurde, die die Lerninhalte auf traditionellem Wege erarbeitet hatte. Es zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen bezüglich des Wissenserwerbs, wohl aber bezüglich der akkuraten Einschätzung der eigenen Fähigkeiten, wenn man die Korrelationen zwischen Botanik-CK-Selbstkonzept und tatsächlich gezeigter Leistung im Wissenstest betrachtet. Zum Abschluss werden die Ergebnisse dieser drei Forschungsarbeiten im Hinblick auf ihre praktische Relevanz kritisch diskutiert und zukünftige Perspektiven herausgearbeitet

    Assignment 7.1 Open Science

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    PKS | Plant Knowledge Survey

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    In order to examine students’ knowledge concerning plant species a self-developed knowledge test (15 items) was developed. The adequacy of the items was assessed by two experienced biology lectures. The items were constructed as single-choice questions with four response options. The answers were dichotomously scored (0 = wrong answer; 1 = correct answer). One point could be reached per question. The maximum achievable score was 15 points in total with a high sum score indicating high plant knowledge. Pre- and posttest contained the same questions but in different order and with different plant pictures. The main focus of the test was on the characteristics of the treated plant families and species, whereby each family was covered by 3 items (with one exemption, where the preference was given to a more general question on taxonomy). *Illustrations used for this questionnaire are provided in a separate document. Please cite this document as: Emmerichs, L., Mohneke, M., Hofhues, S. & Schlüter, K. (2020). PKS | Plant Knowledge Survey. Center for Open Science. https://osf.io/e4zr5

    University Teacher Students’ Learning in Times of COVID-19

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    At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, school and university learning were abruptly switched to distance learning, coming along with psychological strains and various learning lags on the part of the students. These problems come to a head when focusing on university teacher students, since an expectable competence lag on their part, similarly arising from pandemic-caused distance learning in university teacher training, could affect their future teaching in schools, possibly then disadvantaging school students a second time. To determine changes of teacher students’ self-concept of professional knowledge, we used data of a repeated cross-sectional survey carried out in a period from 2018 to 2021, including several comparable cohorts of overall N = 395 teacher students. This design allowed for splitting the participants in two groups relating to times before and after switching to distance learning. Our results show that the switch to distance learning goes hand in hand with lower scores on almost every dimension of teacher students’ self-concept of professional knowledge, although, in parallel, their scores on variables such as openness to experiences, agreeableness, and conscientiousness increased significantly, indicating a certain degree of compliance with the new situation. Beyond that, we report on an evaluative survey among N = 84 teacher students carried out in July 2020, offering further insights into their situation during the first semester of distance learning. Its results primarily show which specific aspects of distance learning the students consider in need of improvement. On the other hand, it becomes clear that they experienced handicaps in various areas, accompanied by a significant decrease of their core self-evaluations when comparing them to a reference sample. Practical implications and recommendations that can be derived from these results are discussed

    University Teacher Students' Learning in Times of COVID-19

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    At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, school and university learning were abruptly switched to distance learning, coming along with psychological strains and various learning lags on the part of the students. These problems come to a head when focusing on university teacher students, since an expectable competence lag on their part, similarly arising from pandemic-caused distance learning in university teacher training, could affect their future teaching in schools, possibly then disadvantaging school students a second time. To determine changes of teacher students' self-concept of professional knowledge, we used data of a repeated cross-sectional survey carried out in a period from 2018 to 2021, including several comparable cohorts of overall N = 395 teacher students. This design allowed for splitting the participants in two groups relating to times before and after switching to distance learning. Our results show that the switch to distance learning goes hand in hand with lower scores on almost every dimension of teacher students' self-concept of professional knowledge, although, in parallel, their scores on variables such as openness to experiences, agreeableness, and conscientiousness increased significantly, indicating a certain degree of compliance with the new situation. Beyond that, we report on an evaluative survey among N = 84 teacher students carried out in July 2020, offering further insights into their situation during the first semester of distance learning. Its results primarily show which specific aspects of distance learning the students consider in need of improvement. On the other hand, it becomes clear that they experienced handicaps in various areas, accompanied by a significant decrease of their core self-evaluations when comparing them to a reference sample. Practical implications and recommendations that can be derived from these results are discussed

    What Do the Relationships between Pre-Service Biology Teachers' Personality and Professional Knowledge Reveal about Their Innovativeness?-An Exploratory Study Using Canonical Correlation Analysis

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    Already in 2016, the German educational policy adopted the Education in the Digital World strategy, recommending that all teachers should become experts in using media. However, despite this initiative regarding the promotion of innovative forms of teaching using digital media, most teachers did not feel optimally prepared to successfully cope with the demands of implementing e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most empirical studies on potential barriers to innovation pertain to comparatively easy, changeable environmental factors, whereas only a few studies have focused on teachers as an individual factor so far. Since several organizational psychological studies on the relationships between innovativeness and personality traits in professional contexts identified the personality trait of openness to experience to be particularly influential on the innovative behaviors of employees', our study aimed to explore whether comparable results can also be found in the educational context. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional survey (n = 201) to analyze to what extent the Big Five personality traits are related to pre-service teachers' self-concept of professional knowledge and, in particular, its digitalization-related domains. The results of our canonical correlation analysis show that the two personality traits of openness to experience and conscientiousness appear to be significantly related to the overall professional knowledge of our sample. Furthermore, a dominant affinity for technology seems to be associable with the risk of lower values on personality traits that are regarded to be pedagogically relevant. However, we found that our canonical model could also get along with fewer variables since the actual digitalization-related teaching skills were not sufficiently reflected by the canonical solution but were rather caught up in the domain of pedagogical content knowledge. Interpretations of these findings as well as practical implications are discussed