114 research outputs found

    Biomedical Research, A Tool to Address the Health Issues that Affect African Populations.

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    Traditionally, biomedical research endeavors in low to middle resources countries have focused on communicable diseases. However, data collected over the past 20 years by the World Health Organization (WHO) show a significant increase in the number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases (e.g. heart disease, diabetes, cancer and pulmonary diseases). Within the coming years, WHO predicts significant decreases in communicable diseases while non-communicable diseases are expected to double in low and middle income countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The predicted increase in the non-communicable diseases population could be economically burdensome for the basic healthcare infrastructure of countries that lack resources to address this emerging disease burden. Biomedical research could stimulate development of healthcare and biomedical infrastructure. If this development is sustainable, it provides an opportunity to alleviate the burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases through diagnosis, prevention and treatment. In this paper, we discuss how research using biomedical technology, especially genomics, has produced data that enhances the understanding and treatment of both communicable and non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. We further discuss how scientific development can provide opportunities to pursue research areas responsive to the African populations. We limit our discussion to biomedical research in the areas of genomics due to its substantial impact on the scientific community in recent years however, we also recognize that targeted investments in other scientific disciplines could also foster further development in African countries

    Environmentally friendly agent against fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda): Antifeedant potency of mentha spicata aqueous extracts

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    The rising trends of insect resistance, coupled with escalating environmental pollution from synthetic pesticides, heighten the need for a more effective and, non-hazardous agents to control insect/pests. Different aqueous extracts of Mentha spicata were screened for their phytochemical constituents and their antifeedant activities against Spodoptera frugiperda. Screening of the different aqueous extracts of Mentha spicata obtained by cold maceration revealed the presence of phenolics and tannins. The concentration of phenols and tannins in the water, glycerine, and glycerine plus water (glycerine-water) extracts were significantly different (p \u3c 0.05). Mentha spicata water extract had a greater antifeedant activity against Spodoptera frugiperda as compared to glycerine and glycerine-water (60 : 40, v/v) extracts at a concentration of 5g/100 mL. The estimated % antifeedant activity recorded were 97 as against 8.21 and 49.81, respectively. Aqueous neem seed water extracts gave an estimated % antifeedant activity of 93.07 and it served as a control. Saponins were absent in all extracts and only water extracts had alkaloids present. The simple, non-hazardous, and cost-saving extraction method demonstrated could be applied in both commercial and subsistent farming to counteract the damnable effects of Spodoptera frugiperda infestation

    Capital Structure and Firm’s Performance in Ghana. Do Macroeconomic Factors Matter?

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    The paper seeks to investigate how macroeconomic factors affect the relationship between capital structure and bank performance from 2004 to 2014. In this context we try to condition the postulated relations between capital structure and firm performance on the dynamics of the macroeconomic environment of Ghana. We considered the impact of some macroeconomic variables such as inflation and GDP growth. Panel data methodology is adopted in this study. This combines simultaneous cross-section and time series data. The paper employs samples of banks in Ghana. Using fixed effect regression estimation model, a relationship was established between performance (proxied by return on asset and return on equity) and the firms capital structure over a period of ten years. Hausman chi-square test was conducted in each equation.The macroeconomic variables, GDP growth were registered to be significant in both models. This signifies that macroeconomics matter in the bank’s capital structure and performance. Inflation however were found to be insignificant. We therefore recommend that macroeconomic policies should provide a conducive environment for banks operations, in addition the government should develop the bond market

    Conceptualised psycho-medical footprint for health status outcomes and the potential impacts for early detection and prevention of chronic diseases in the context of 3P medicine

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    Background: The Suboptimal Health Status Questionnaire-25 (SHSQ-25) is a distinctive medical psychometric diagnostic tool designed for the early detection of chronic diseases. However, the synaptic connections between the 25 symptomatic items and their relevance in supporting the monitoring of suboptimal health outcomes, which are precursors for chronic diseases, have not been thoroughly evaluated within the framework of predictive, preventive, and personalised medicine (PPPM/3PM). This baseline study explores the internal structure of the SHSQ-25 and demonstrates its discriminatory power to predict optimal and suboptimal health status (SHS) and develop photogenic representations of their distinct relationship patterns. Methods: The cross-sectional study involved healthy Ghanaian participants (n = 217; aged 30–80 years; ~ 61% female), who responded to the SHSQ-25. The median SHS score was used to categorise the population into optimal and SHS. Graphical LASSO model and multi-dimensional scaling configuration methods were employed to describe the network structures for the two populations. Results: We observed differences in the structural, node placement and node distance of the synaptic networks for the optimal and suboptimal populations. A statistically significant variance in connectivity levels was noted between the optimal (58 non-zero edges) and suboptimal (43 non-zero edges) networks (p = 0.024). Fatigue emerged as a prominently central subclinical condition within the suboptimal population, whilst the cardiovascular system domain had the greatest relevance for the optimal population. The contrast in connectivity levels and the divergent prominence of specific subclinical conditions across domain networks shed light on potential health distinctions. Conclusions: We have demonstrated the feasibility of creating dynamic visualizers of the evolutionary trends in the relationships between the domains of SHSQ-25 relative to health status outcomes. This will provide in-depth comprehension of the conceptual model to inform personalised strategies to circumvent SHS. Additionally, the findings have implications for both health care and disease prevention because at-risk individuals can be predicted and prioritised for monitoring, and targeted intervention can begin before their symptoms reach an irreversible stage. We observed differences in the structural, node placement and node distance of the synaptic networks for the optimal and suboptimal populations. A statistically significant variance in connectivity levels was noted between the optimal (58 non-zero edges) and suboptimal (43 non-zero edges) networks (p = 0.024). Fatigue emerged as a prominently central subclinical condition within the suboptimal population, whilst the cardiovascular system domain had the greatest relevance for the optimal population. The contrast in connectivity levels and the divergent prominence of specific subclinical conditions across domain networks shed light on potential health distinctions

    Multi-block data integration analysis for identifying and validating targeted N-glycans as biomarkers for type II diabetes mellitus

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    Plasma N-glycan profiles have been shown to be defective in type II diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and holds a promise to discovering biomarkers. The study comprised 232 T2DM patients and 219 healthy individuals. N-glycans were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The multivariate integrative framework, DIABLO was employed for the statistical analysis. N-glycan groups (GPs 34, 32, 26, 31, 36 and 30) were significantly expressed in T2DM in component 1 and GPs 38 and 20 were related to T2DM in component 2. Four clusters were observed based on the correlation of the expressive signatures of the 39 N-glycans across T2DM and controls. Cluster A, B, C and D had 16, 16, 4 and 3 N-glycans respectively, of which 11, 8, 1 and 1 were found to express differently between controls and T2DM in a univariate analysis (p\u3c 0.05). Multi-block analysis revealed that trigalactosylated (G3), triantennary (TRIA), high branching (HB) and trisialylated (S3) expressed significantly highly in T2DM than healthy controls. A bipartite relevance network revealed that HB, monogalactosylated (G1) and G3 were central in the network and observed more connections, highlighting their importance in discriminating between T2DM and healthy controls. Investigation of these N-glycans can enhance the understanding of T2DM

    The Integration of Intercultural Competence in Innovative Pedagogical Methodology in Nursing Education.

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    The global population is continuously emigrating and progressing due to the increased abilityto travel. This has resulted in upsurge escalation of cultural diversity in every country.Immigration expansion, increasing globalization and the growth of minorities have resulted incultural diversity of students in the nursing education. This, therefore, calls for the need toenhance the teaching strategies of nursing educators to meet the demands of diverse students.This correlational study aims to measure the relationship between the integration ofintercultural competence on the use of innovative pedagogical methodology. Also, it aims tomeasure the significant difference of years of teaching experience on the use of innovativepedagogical methodology. Thirty (30) nurse educators were conveniently sampled from threeuniversities in Trinidad and Tobago. The study adopted and modified Cultural DiversityQuestionnaire for Nurse Educators (CDQN) to assess the intercultural competence of nurseeducators and a self-constructed questionnaire was used for the pedagogical methodology ofnurse educators. The statistical treatment used was Pearson Correlation and ANOVA. Therelationship between intercultural competence and the use of innovative pedagogicalmethodology yielded a moderate significant positive relationship (r=0.387, p=0.008) at a95% confidence interval. In examining the differences between years of teaching experiencethe use of innovative pedagogical methodology, the study showed a non-significantdifference (p=1.35) on equal variance assumed, Therefore, this study concludes that in orderto enhance the quality of nursing education, nurse educators should pose interculturalcompetence in order to provide innovative pedagogical methods that would enhance teachingquality and facilitate cultural diversity in the classrooms. It is therefore critical for continuousprofessional development for nursing educators to include the development of interculturalcompetence and the use of innovative pedagogical methodology. Further research shouldinvestigate using qualitative research design on the challenges that nurse educators face withthe increase of cultural diversity in nursing education

    Preparing for future outbreaks in Ghana:An overview of current COVID-19, monkeypox, and Marburg disease outbreaks

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    Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Ghana is currently grappling with simultaneous outbreaks of Marburg virus disease and human monkeypox virus. The coexistence of these outbreaks emphasizes the imperative for a collaborative and global approach to enhance surveillance and expedite case detection. While Ghana has made efforts to respond to these outbreaks, this paper outlines the lessons learned and proposes recommendations in this regard. It is crucial to intensify response efforts at the local, regional, and national levels to effectively contain the spread of these infectious diseases. Therefore, this paper suggests prioritizing the following recommendations as crucial for assisting Ghana in adequately preparing for future outbreaks and safeguarding global public health: strengthening surveillance system through digitization, rapid and effective response; risk communication and community engagement; healthcare system readiness; and research and collaboration. Also, prioritizing building healthy public policies and developing personal skills of health personnel across the country is key for future outbreak response.</p

    Advancing Stroke Genomic Research in the Age of Trans-Omics Big Data Science: Emerging Priorities and Opportunities

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    Background—We systematically reviewed the genetic variants associated with stroke in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and examined the emerging priorities and opportunities for rapidly advancing stroke research in the era of Trans-Omics science. Methods—Using the PRISMA guideline, we searched PubMed and NHGRI- EBI GWAS catalog for stroke studies from 2007 till May 2017. Results—We included 31 studies. The major challenge is that the few validated variants could not account for the full genetic risk of stroke and have not been translated for clinical use. None of the studies included continental Africans. Genomic study of stroke among Africans presents a unique opportunity for the discovery, validation, functional annotation, trans-omics study and translation of genomic determinants of stroke with implications for global populations. This is because all humans originated from Africa, a continent with a unique genomic architecture and a distinctive epidemiology of stroke; as well as substantially higher heritability and resolution of fine mapping of stroke genes. Conclusion—Understanding the genomic determinants of stroke and the corresponding molecular mechanisms will revolutionize the development of a new set of precise biomarkers for stroke prediction, diagnosis and prognostic estimates as well as personalized interventions for reducing the global burden of stroke

    Substance use and adolescent injuries: a multi-country analysis of the association and mediating effect of interpersonal violence among 122,945 in-school paediatric populations in 29 countries

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    BackgroundAdolescent use of substances and injury experiences such as head injury have become increasingly prevalent. However, information regarding their association and the potential pathways linking them remains limited. This study examined the association between substance use and injuries, emphasizing the mediating role of interpersonal violence among adolescents.MethodsWe employed a multi-country analysis of Global School-based Health Surveys of 122,945 in-school adolescents aged 11–18 from 29 countries. This study was a cross-sectional school-based, nationally representative study developed by the World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, other United Nations allies, and country-specific institutions. Random-effects meta-analysis was performed to estimate the overall prevalence of injury and substance use and the I-square (I2) statistic was used to investigate the between-country heterogeneity. Logistic regression models were fitted to examine the association between substance use and injuries. A path analysis was used to examine the potential mediation effect of interpersonal violence and employed decomposition of effects into total, direct, and indirect.ResultsPrevalence of substance use and injuries were 33.6% (95%CI = 28.5, 38.6%) and 41.7% (95%CI = 37.3, 46.1%), respectively. Substance use (37.8% vs. 29.4%, p = 0.001) and injuries (47.3% vs. 36.4%, p = 0.001) were significantly higher among male adolescents than females, respectively. After adjustment, substance users had 40% higher odds of injuries. The path analysis showed a mediation effect of perpetration of and victimization by interpersonal violence on the association of substance use with injuries, with total positive effects of perpetration [β = 0.18; 95%CI = 0.16, 0.19; p = 0.001] and victimization on injuries [β = 0.22; 95%CI = 0.21, 0.24; p = 0.001]. In a further subgroup analysis, tobacco users were 3.98 times more likely to sustain a gunshot wound whiles marijuana users had 2.81 times higher odds of sustaining gunshot wounds. Cigarette smokers had 45% lower odds of sustaining cut/stab wounds. Alcohol users were 53% more likely to sustain concussion/head injury and two and half times more likely to sustain gunshot wound.ConclusionA significant association exists between substance use and severe injuries among adolescents, mediated by interpersonal violence exposure. Our findings may have utility in informing substance use and interpersonal violence control policies and interventions to address adolescent injuries
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