3 research outputs found
Cover and contents : “Proceedings of the 11th CEReS Symposium on Enviromental Remote Sensing” February 23, 2009
2009年2月23日(月) 於 千葉大学けやき会
Additional file 7: of A specific anti-citrullinated protein antibody profile identifies a group of rheumatoid arthritis patients with a toll-like receptor 4-mediated disease
Stimulation of IL-6 production by individual RASF samples and their response to NI-0101 treatment. These results suggest that individual RASF can cause variable levels of TLR4-dependent cytokine production by monocytes from patients with RA. (DOCX 1399 kb
Additional file 2: of A specific anti-citrullinated protein antibody profile identifies a group of rheumatoid arthritis patients with a toll-like receptor 4-mediated disease
Methodological approach used to identify NI-0101 responder samples and biomarkers. RA patient stratification methodology. (DOCX 27 kb