12,725 research outputs found

    Masson\u27s Assault on Truth: A Critique

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    In his book, The Assault on Truth, j. M. Masson (I) proposes to challenge the very foundations of psychoanalysis by showing how Freud \u27s abandonment of the so-called seduction theory of the etiology of neurosis was erroneously predicated. Masson\u27s argument, in essence, may be summarized as follows. Freud, while studying with the eminent neurologist Charcot in Paris (from October 1885 to February 1886), found himself exposed to the prevalent horrors of ch ild abuse, which were copiously detailed in the French medical literature at the time, and which were very probably demonstrated to him at the Paris morgue. The impression of these revelations would contribute profoundly to Freud\u27s formulation of his seduction theory of the etiology of the neuroses in a trio of papers published in 1896

    Applicability of Boussinesq approximation in a turbulent fluid with constant properties

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    The equations of motion describing buoyant fluids are often simplified using a set of approximations proposed by J. Boussinesq one century ago. To resume, they consist in assuming constant fluid properties, incompressibility and conservation of calories during heat transport. Assuming fulfilment of the first requirement (constant fluid properties), we derive a set of 4 criteria for assessing the validity of the two other requirements in turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard convection. The first criterion αΔâ‰Ș1\alpha \Delta \ll 1 simply results from the incompressibility condition in the thermal boundary layer (α\alpha and Δ\Delta are the thermal expansion coefficient and the temperature difference driving the flow). The 3 other criteria are proportional or quadratic with the density stratification or, equivalently with the temperature difference resulting from the adiabatic gradient across the cell Δh\Delta_{h}. Numerical evaluations with air, water and cryogenic helium show that most laboratory experiments are free from such Boussinesq violation as long as the first criterion is fulfilled. In ultra high Rayleigh numbers (Ra>1016Ra>10^{16}) experiments in He, one of the stratification criteria, scaling with αΔh\alpha \Delta_{h}, could be violated. This criterion garanties that pressure fluctuations have a negligible influence both on the density variation and on the heat transfer equation through compression/expansion cycles. Extrapolation to higher RaRa suggests that strong violation of Boussinesq approximation could occur in atmospheric convection.Comment: Submitted to Phys.Fluids (oct 2007

    Predicting Smoking Behaviors Among Junior High School Students in Ghana

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    Despite the rising rate of smoking in sub-Sahara African countries, measures to control the tobacco epidemic have been limited to developed countries. The purpose of the present study was to recommend predictive models for determining predictors of smoking tendencies among junior high school students in Ghana. The 2009 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) served as the data source. The GYTS is a school-based survey designed to enhance the ability of countries to monitor tobacco use among youth and to guide the implementation and evaluation of tobacco control and prevention programs. Logit model and forward selection were used to choose predictive variables for smoking tendencies and behaviors. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, Area under the curve (AUC) and C-Index were validation tools used to assess the predictive power of recommended models. Results showed promising potential for different predictive models: where students smoked, having friends who smoked, having people smoke in their presence, chewing tobacco products, and a student's sex significantly predicted their smoking tendencies

    Estimating Health Care Costs Among Fragile and Conflict Affected States: an Elastic Net-Risk Measures Approach

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    Fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS) are those in which the government lacks the political will and/or capacity to provide the basic functions necessary for poverty reduction, economic development, and the security of human rights of their populations.Until recent history, unfortunately, the majority of research conducted and universal health care debates have been centered around middle income and emerging economies. As a result, FCAS have been neglected from many global discussions and decisions. Due to this neglect, many FCAS do not have proper vaccinations and antibiotics. Seemingly, well estimated health care costs are a necessary stepping stone in improving the health of citizens among FCAS. Fortunately, developments in statistical learning theory combined with data obtained by the WBG and Transparency International make it possible to accurately model health care cost among FCAS. The data used in this paper consisted of 35 countries and 89 variables. Of these 89 variables, health care expenditure (HCE) was the only response variable. With 88 predictor variables, there was expected to be multicollinearity, which occurs when multiple variables share relatively large absolute correlation. Since multicollinearity is expected and the number of variables is far greater than the number of observations, this paper adopts Zou and Hastie\u27s method of regularization via elastic net (ENET). In order to accurately estimate the maximum and expected maximum HCE among FCAS, well-known risk measures, such as Value at Risk and Conditional Value at Risk, and related quantities were obtained via Monte Carlo simulations. This paper obtained risk measures at 95 security level

    Maternal Mortality in Ghana: Impact of the Fee-Free Delivery Policy and the National Health Insurance Scheme

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    Maternal mortality (MMR) is the second largest cause of female deaths in Ghana. Yet, many households cannot afford the cost of skilled delivery The study utilized the Panel Data Model to examine the impact of the fee-free delivery (FDP) and the National Health Insurance Policy (NIP) exemptions on MMR in Ghana. The Demographic and Health Survey reports on Ghana from 2002 to 2009 served as the main data source. Data were analyzed using Panel data model with within group fixed effects estimator. MMR declined significantly over the period studied. Both FDP and NIP positively impacted MMR at a 5% level of significance. In addition, skilled delivery was a significant predictor of MMR. Stakeholders would do well to ensure NIP is adequately funded in order to sustain the decline in MMR

    Prevalence of Active School Transportation in the Upper East and Upper West Regions of Ghana

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    The use of active transportation such as walking to and from school is on the decline globally. The primary purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of active school transportation among primary and junior high school students in the Upper East and Upper West regions of Ghana. The secondary purpose was to examine predictors for meeting the recommended daily number of steps. A total of 2505 (1117 boys and 1388 girls) primary (1583) and junior high school (922) students participated in the study. The distances from children\u27s homes to their schools, heights, and body weights were measured –their heights were used to estimate their stride lengths. The step count for each participant to and from school each day was calculated. Data were analyzed using conditional percentage distribution and Logit model. Analyses indicated that 98.96% of participants used active transportation to and from school. Over 63% of the students were within the normal BMI range. However, 26.47% of the participants were either thin or underweight while 9.9% were either overweight or obese. Overall, 46.47% of the participants met the recommended daily steps. The Logit model indicated that educational level, BMI, mode of transportation, region, height, and age were significant predictors for meeting the recommended daily number of steps. The prevalence of school active transportation in the present study was high compared to that reported in other studies. Furthermore, the prevalence of thinness and underweight were higher than in previous studies, while the prevalence in overweight and obesity were lower

    Aid-Financed Public Investments and the Dutch Disease: Evidence from Tanzania

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    In this paper we discuss the impact of scaling-up aid in Tanzania using an economy-wide dynamic CGE model. The major conclusions coming out from this work is that productivity effects matter. If additional aid and consequently increased public spending has a positive impact on productivity this would spur GDP growth and reduce the risk of an appreciating real exchange rate. In a way this resembles previous results in the aid-growth literature that aid has a positive impact on growth in a country with good economic policies assuming that good policies have a positive impact on productivity. Presenting various scenarios on the impact of additional aid a sustained GDP growth rate of around 7 percent would be possible to achieve in a modest scaling-up aid scenario without any significant changes in the real exchange rate.Aid:Dutch:Disease:Tanzania

    Reply to: Comment on `Long-range electrostatic interactions between like-charged colloids: steric and confinement effects'

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    In his Comment (cond-mat/0104060) to [Phys. Rev. E 60, 6530 (1999)], Mateescu shows that while the effective interactions remain repulsive when the specific size of the micro-ions is taken into account via a Modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation, a similar conclusion cannot be reached for the situation of complete lateral confinement. This point is correct but has already been considered in a more general study [Phys. Rev. E 62, R1465 (2000), where repulsion is generically obtained]; moreover, we argue that it illustrates the irrelevancy of the notion of pair potential in completely confined configurations, as shown on a simple example
