16 research outputs found

    Making Interdisciplinary Collaboration Work: Key Ideas, a Case Study and Lessons Learned

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    This article discusses the ‘lessons learned’ from an attempt to establish an interdisciplinary education research group. The growth, development and dissolution of the group are treated as an instrumental case study. Current literature on interdisciplinary collaboration is synthesized in order to provide a frame for analysis. Data was collected over several years and included three rounds of written participant reflections and documentation of group activities and meetings. Five major themes arose from the research, covering issues such as disciplinary diversity, common ground, interpersonal relationships, career pressures, and the need for concrete problems and tangible progress. Based on these themes, a number of ‘lessons learned’ are discussed which will likely be of great interest to those considering similar interdisciplinary initiatives.Cet article discute des «leçons apprises» d’une tentative visant l’établissement d’un groupe de recherche sur l’enseignement interdisciplinaire. La croissance, le dĂ©veloppement et la dissolution du groupe sont prĂ©sentĂ©s comme une Ă©tude de cas dĂ©terminante. Les ouvrages actuels portant sur la collaboration interdisciplinaire sont synthĂ©tisĂ©s de sorte Ă  produire un cadre pour l’analyse. La collecte des donnĂ©es s’est Ă©tendue sur plusieurs annĂ©es et a impliquĂ© trois cycles de rĂ©flexions Ă©crites par les participants et de documentation des activitĂ©s de groupe et des rĂ©unions. Cinq grands thĂšmes ont dĂ©coulĂ© de la recherche, portant sur des questions comme la diversitĂ© disciplinaire, le terrain d’entente, les relations interpersonnelles, les pressions professionnelles, et le besoin de problĂšmes concrets et de progrĂšs tangibles. À partir de ces thĂšmes, on discute de plusieurs «leçons apprises» qui intĂ©resseront sans doute ceux qui envisagent des initiatives interdisciplinaires similaires

    L’apprentissage en ligne dans le contexte de la quatriĂšme rĂ©volution industrielle : le cas d’un module connectiviste en contexte universitaire

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    Cet article propose de faire le lien entre les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©volutions industrielles, les principales thĂ©ories de l’apprentissage et la formation en ligne : Ă  travers l’histoire, nous montrons comment l’éducation s’est toujours plus centrĂ©e sur l’apprenant, quand nos systĂšmes de production et d’éducation de masse ont dĂ©possĂ©dĂ© les consommateurs de la conception et de l’agencement des produits et les apprenants de leurs curriculums d’apprentissage. En introduisant une dimension connectiviste dans un cours Ă  l’universitĂ©, nous montrons ses effets sur les Ă©tudiants, sur leurs apprentissages et sur comment le connectivisme pourrait permettre de dĂ©velopper les compĂ©tences essentielles Ă  la quatriĂšme rĂ©volution industrielle

    J Thromb Haemost

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    Essentials To reliably study the respective roles of blood and endothelial cells in hemostasis, mouse models with a strong and specific endothelial expression of the Cre recombinase are needed. Using mT/mG reporter mice and conditional JAK2 mice, we compared Pdgfb-iCreERT2 and Cdh5(PAC)-CreERT2 with well-characterized Tie2-Cre mice. Comparison of recombination efficiency and specificity towards blood lineage reveals major differences between endothelial transgenic mice. Cre-mediated recombination occurs in a small number of adult hematopoietic stem cells in Pdgfb-iCreERT2;JAK2 transgenic mice. SUMMARY: Background The vessel wall, and particularly blood endothelial cells (BECs), are intensively studied to better understand hemostasis and target thrombosis. To understand the specific role of BECs, it is important to have mouse models that allow specific and homogeneous expression of genes of interest in all BEC beds without concomitant expression in blood cells. Inducible Pdgfb-iCreERT2 and Cdh5(PAC)-CreERT2 transgenic mice are widely used for BEC targeting. However, issues remain in terms of recombination efficiency and specificity regarding hematopoietic cells. Objectives To determine which mouse model to choose when strong expression of a transgene is required in adult BECs from various organs, without concomitant expression in hematopoietic cells. Methods Using mT/mG reporter mice to measure recombination efficiency and conditional JAK2 mice to assess specificity regarding hematopoietic cells, we compared Pdgfb-iCreERT2 and Cdh5(PAC)-CreERT2 with well-characterized Tie2-Cre mice. Results Adult Cdh5(PAC)-CreERT2 mice are endothelial specific but require a dose of 10 mg of tamoxifen to allow constant Cre expression. Pdgfb-iCreERT2 mice injected with 5 mg of tamoxifen are appropriate for most endothelial research fields except liver studies, as hepatic sinusoid ECs are not recombined. Surprisingly, 2 months after induction of Cre-mediated recombination, all Pdgfb-iCreERT2;JAK2 mice developed a myeloproliferative neoplasm that is related to the presence of JAK2V617F in hematopoietic cells, showing for the first time that Cre-mediated recombination occurs in a small number of adult hematopoietic stem cells in Pdgfb-iCreERT2 transgenic mice. Conclusion This study provides useful guidelines for choosing the best mouse line to study the role of BECs in hemostasis and thrombosis

    Supporting work practices through telehealth: impact on nurses in peripheral regions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Canada, workforce shortages in the health care sector constrain the ability of the health care system to meet the needs of its population and of its health care professionals. This issue is of particular importance in peripheral regions of Quebec, where significant inequalities in workforce distribution between regions has lead to acute nursing shortages and increased workloads. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are innovative solutions that can be used to develop strategies to optimise the use of available resources and to design new nursing work practices. However, current knowledge is still limited about the real impact of ICTs on nursing recruitment and retention. Our aim is to better understand how work practice reorganization, supported by ICTs, and particularly by telehealth, may influence professional, educational, and organizational factors relating to Quebec nurses, notably those working in peripheral regions.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>First, we will conduct a descriptive study on the issue of nursing recruitment. Stratified sampling will be used to select approximately twenty innovative projects relating to the reorganization of work practices based upon ICTs. Semi-structured interviews with key informants will determine professional, educational, and organizational recruitment factors. The results will be used to create a questionnaire which, using a convenience sampling method, will be mailed to 600 third year students and recent graduates of two Quebec university nursing faculties. Descriptive, correlation, and hierarchical regression analyses will be performed to identify factors influencing nursing graduates' intentions to practice in peripheral regions. Secondly, we will conduct five case studies pertaining to the issue of nursing retention. Five ICT projects in semi-urban, rural, and isolated regions have been identified. Qualitative data will be collected through field observation and approximately fifty semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Data from both parts of this research project will be jointly analysed using triangulation of researchers, theoretical approaches, methods, and results. Continuous exchanges with decision makers and periodic knowledge transfer activities are planned to facilitate the dissemination and utilization of research results in policies regarding the nursing recruitment and retention.</p

    Les Ă©motions : outils et corps social pour l’apprentissage en ligne

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    This paper proposes considering emotions bodily and socially. After we will have presented neuroscience and artificial intelligence researches, we are going to introduce an historic of the emotions’ theory. The understanding of this theory will lead us to put forward the hypothesis that emotion could be considered as an interface between human body and social relationship. Experimentation on online trainers’ training provided us with an opportunity to observe some cases where people manage their emotions in online situation as we had pretended previously. We conclude that the link between emotion and cognition is embodied in online communication tools which must be organized specifically for online learning.Cet article propose de considĂ©rer les Ă©motions dans une dimension Ă  la fois corporelle et sociale. AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© des exemples de recherche en neurobiologie et en intelligence artificielle, nous prĂ©sentons un historique de la thĂ©orie des Ă©motions qui nous permet de proposer une hypothĂšse : l’émotion comme objet Ă  l’interface du corps et de la relation sociale. Une expĂ©rimentation de formation en ligne avec un public de formateurs nous a permis d’observer des cas de gestion en ligne des Ă©motions qui vont dans le sens de notre hypothĂšse. Nous en concluons que le lien entre Ă©motion et cognition est matĂ©rialisĂ© dans les outils de communication et nous proposons une organisation de ces outils pour l’apprentissage en ligne.DuplĂ a Emmanuel. Les Ă©motions : outils et corps social pour l’apprentissage en ligne. In: Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation, volume 14, 2007. Les Dimensions Ă©motionnelles de l'interaction dans un EIAH/Analyses des traces d'utilisation dans les EIAH. pp. 289-308

    Approche institutionnelle et intĂ©gration des technologies dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur : le cas d’une recherche action

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    Cet article propose d’analyser un cas d’intĂ©gration technologique sous l’angle de l’approche institutionnelle. Une recherche action de type intervention par la formation a permis de comparer l’usage de la messagerie instantanĂ©e et du courriel dans une formation en ligne auprĂšs de deux Ă©coles d’ingĂ©nieurs françaises. Les rĂ©sultats montrent des diffĂ©rences quantitatives et qualitatives entre les deux institutions. L’histoire, l’idĂ©ologie et les pratiques de ces institutions sont Ă  l’origine de cette diffĂ©rence. Si l’enseignant et ses valeurs sont aujourd’hui au centre de l’intĂ©gration des technologies, l’institution semble avoir un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant Ă  jouer dans le changement de pratique.This article analyzes a case of technological integration from the perspective of an institutional approach. Based on online training, this action research allowed the author to compare, between two French engineering schools, the use of instant messaging and email. The results demonstrate quantitative and qualitative differences between the institutions. The history, ideology, and practices of the institutions appear to lie at the root of the differences observed. If, today, the teacher lies at the centre of technological integration, the institution appears to have a significant role to play in changing practices. Este artĂ­culo propone analizar un caso de integraciĂłn tecnolĂłgica desde el punto de vista institucional. A raĂ­z de una investigaciĂłn-acciĂłn basada en la formaciĂłn se pudo comparar el uso de la mensajerĂ­a instantĂĄnea y del correo electrĂłnico en una formaciĂłn en lĂ­nea con dos escuelas de ingenieros franceses. Los resultados muestran diferencias cuantitativas y cualitativas entre las dos instituciones. Estas diferencias originan de la historia, la ideologĂ­a y las prĂĄcticas de estas escuelas. Si el docente y sus valores se encuentran hoy en dĂ­a al centro de la integraciĂłn de las tecnologĂ­as, la instituciĂłn parece jugar un papel determinante en el cambio de prĂĄctica

    Les Ă©motions : outils et corps social pour l’apprentissage en ligne

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    This paper proposes considering emotions bodily and socially. After we will have presented neuroscience and artificial intelligence researches, we are going to introduce an historic of the emotions’ theory. The understanding of this theory will lead us to put forward the hypothesis that emotion could be considered as an interface between human body and social relationship. Experimentation on online trainers’ training provided us with an opportunity to observe some cases where people manage their emotions in online situation as we had pretended previously. We conclude that the link between emotion and cognition is embodied in online communication tools which must be organized specifically for online learning.Cet article propose de considĂ©rer les Ă©motions dans une dimension Ă  la fois corporelle et sociale. AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© des exemples de recherche en neurobiologie et en intelligence artificielle, nous prĂ©sentons un historique de la thĂ©orie des Ă©motions qui nous permet de proposer une hypothĂšse : l’émotion comme objet Ă  l’interface du corps et de la relation sociale. Une expĂ©rimentation de formation en ligne avec un public de formateurs nous a permis d’observer des cas de gestion en ligne des Ă©motions qui vont dans le sens de notre hypothĂšse. Nous en concluons que le lien entre Ă©motion et cognition est matĂ©rialisĂ© dans les outils de communication et nous proposons une organisation de ces outils pour l’apprentissage en ligne.DuplĂ a Emmanuel. Les Ă©motions : outils et corps social pour l’apprentissage en ligne. In: Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation, volume 14, 2007. Les Dimensions Ă©motionnelles de l'interaction dans un EIAH/Analyses des traces d'utilisation dans les EIAH. pp. 289-308

    Présentation: Jeux et apprentissage dans les mondes numériques

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    Au regard du dĂ©veloppement important et rapide des jeux vidĂ©o et du questionnement qu’ils suscitent parmi la communautĂ© Ă©ducative, plusieurs chercheurs, jeunes ou expĂ©rimentĂ©s, ont mis en commun leurs rĂ©flexions. Issus de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique, ces chercheurs francophones se sont rĂ©unis pour un colloque qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ© Ă  MontrĂ©al dans le cadre des confĂ©rences de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) en mai 2010. Cette confĂ©rence, reconduite en 2011, a donnĂ© lieu Ă  des prĂ©sentations de travaux trĂšs variĂ©s et de grande qualitĂ© sur le thĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ral des jeux et de l’apprentissage, et en particulier sur le thĂšme des jeux sĂ©rieux, c’est-Ă -dire des jeux assurant une certaine compĂ©tition intellectuelle contre un ordinateur dans un but Ă©ducatif (Zyda, Mayberry, McCree & Davis, 2005). Ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial de la Revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie est le fruit de cette rencontre. Il reprend les meilleures prĂ©sentations et tĂ©moigne ainsi de la naissance d’une communautĂ© de recherche francophone sur les jeux et les apprentissages dans les mondes numĂ©riques. Avant de synthĂ©tiser les recherches des auteurs impliquĂ©s dans ce projet, nous voudrions esquisser briĂšvement les principales problĂ©matiques qui ont conduit Ă  la rencontre de 2010. Enfin, la conclusion proposera une mise en perspective du sujet en intĂ©grant quelques rĂ©flexions issues des diffĂ©rents travaux repris dans ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial

    Formation en ligne : types d’interaction souhaitĂ©s chez des directions d’école et des enseignants franco-canadiens

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    Pour desservir la communautĂ© francophone en situation de valorisation culturelle et linguistique, la formation en ligne est toute dĂ©signĂ©e. Une nouvelle maĂźtrise professionnelle en Ă©ducation entiĂšrement en ligne et en français est offerte. Dans un cadre de formations rĂ©elles, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©value la pertinence de certaines composantes pĂ©dagogiques. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les apprenants en ligne considĂšrent que les travaux d’équipe et les rencontres synchrones entre le formateur et les apprenants favorisent la comprĂ©hension du contenu et enrichissent leur apprentissage.Web-based distance learning education program is appropriate to meet the training needs of teachers and school principals in French-language minority contexts in Canada. This study evaluates some educational components of one program which is entirely offered online in Canada: the francophone Professional Master’s program in education. According to the results, the majority of participants are very satisfied with their courses and agree that team homework and synchronous meeting with the professor and other students promote understanding of content and enhance learning

    La gĂ©rontologie narrative numĂ©rique : porte ouverte sur les apprentissages informels intergĂ©nĂ©rationnels et les communications numĂ©riques

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    Ontario’s action plan for seniors recognizes that seniors have health and education needs, among other needs (Gouvernement de l’Ontario, 2017). To partially meet these needs, we have proposed an innovative gerontagogical approach by combining two existing concepts: narrative gerontology with digital storytelling. Thus, by this new concept of Digital Narrative Gerontology, we give seniors a special place for the elaboration of the message they wish to bequeath to other generations, by creating together their life testimonies in digital form easy to share, while mutually acquiring new digital skills and exploiting the benefits of narrative gerontology, such as well-being, aging well, resilience and wisdom, but also informal and intergenerational learning. Communication was important on two levels: between the elder and the researcher during the oral narration and the creation of the digital narration in a relationship of mutual trust as well as in the form of digital testimony with a key message to transmit, during the broadcast of the digital narration. This research also made it possible to respond to the curiosity of the elders for new matters in a reassuring framework, adapted to their level, while respecting their learning pace and the choices of knowledge that they wish to acquire. Seniors were proud to share their digital creation with those they had chosen, thus opening the space for discussions, exchanges, emotions and the open door to a new intergenerational “narrative” and social interactions - sources of learning