17 research outputs found

    Comparing genetic diversity in three threatened oaks

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    Genetic diversity is a critical resource for species’ survival during times of environmental change. Conserving and sustainably managing genetic diversity requires understanding the distribution and amount of genetic diversity (in situ and ex situ) across multiple species. This paper focuses on three emblematic and IUCN Red List threatened oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae), a highly speciose tree genus that contains numerous rare species and poses challenges for ex situ conservation. We compare the genetic diversity of three rare oak species-Quercus georgiana, Q. oglethorpensis, and Q. boyntonii-to common oaks; investigate the correlation of range size, population size, and the abiotic environment with genetic diversity within and among populations in situ; and test how well genetic diversity preserved in botanic gardens correlates with geographic range size. Our main findings are: (1) these three rare species generally have lower genetic diversity than more abundant oaks; (2) in some cases, small population size and geographic range correlate with genetic diversity and differentiation; and (3) genetic diversity currently protected in botanic gardens is inadequately predicted by geographic range size and number of samples preserved, suggesting non-random sampling of populations for conservation collections. Our results highlight that most populations of these three rare oaks have managed to avoid severe genetic erosion, but their small size will likely necessitate genetic management going forward

    Multinational evaluation of genetic diversity indicators for the Kunming‐Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

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    Under the recently adopted Kunming‐Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, 196 Parties committed to reporting the status of genetic diversity for all species. To facilitate reporting, three genetic diversity indicators were developed, two of which focus on processes contributing to genetic diversity conservation: maintaining genetically distinct populations and ensuring populations are large enough to maintain genetic diversity. The major advantage of these indicators is that they can be estimated with or without DNA‐based data. However, demonstrating their feasibility requires addressing the methodological challenges of using data gathered from diverse sources, across diverse taxonomic groups, and for countries of varying socio‐economic status and biodiversity levels. Here, we assess the genetic indicators for 919 taxa, representing 5271 populations across nine countries, including megadiverse countries and developing economies. Eighty‐three percent of the taxa assessed had data available to calculate at least one indicator. Our results show that although the majority of species maintain most populations, 58% of species have populations too small to maintain genetic diversity. Moreover, genetic indicator values suggest that IUCN Red List status and other initiatives fail to assess genetic status, highlighting the critical importance of genetic indicators

    Probability of lek collapse is lower inside sage-grouse Core Areas: Effectiveness of conservation policy for a landscape species.

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    Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) occupy sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) habitats in 11 western states and 2 Canadian provinces. In September 2015, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the listing status for sage-grouse had changed from warranted but precluded to not warranted. The primary reason cited for this change of status was that the enactment of new regulatory mechanisms was sufficient to protect sage-grouse populations. One such plan is the 2008, Wyoming Sage Grouse Executive Order (SGEO), enacted by Governor Freudenthal. The SGEO identifies "Core Areas" that are to be protected by keeping them relatively free from further energy development and limiting other forms of anthropogenic disturbances near active sage-grouse leks. Using the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's sage-grouse lek count database and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission database of oil and gas well locations, we investigated the effectiveness of Wyoming's Core Areas, specifically: 1) how well Core Areas encompass the distribution of sage-grouse in Wyoming, 2) whether Core Area leks have a reduced probability of lek collapse, and 3) what, if any, edge effects intensification of oil and gas development adjacent to Core Areas may be having on Core Area populations. Core Areas contained 77% of male sage-grouse attending leks and 64% of active leks. Using Bayesian binomial probability analysis, we found an average 10.9% probability of lek collapse in Core Areas and an average 20.4% probability of lek collapse outside Core Areas. Using linear regression, we found development density outside Core Areas was related to the probability of lek collapse inside Core Areas. Specifically, probability of collapse among leks >4.83 km from inside Core Area boundaries was significantly related to well density within 1.61 km (1-mi) and 4.83 km (3-mi) outside of Core Area boundaries. Collectively, these data suggest that the Wyoming Core Area Strategy has benefited sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat conservation; however, additional guidelines limiting development densities adjacent to Core Areas may be necessary to effectively protect Core Area populations

    Probability of lek collapse was calculated using Bayesian binomial probability from 2001–2013 in Wyoming based on leks located 1.61 km (1 mi), 4.83 km (3 mi) outside Core Areas and the Core-Core Area.

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    <p>All probabilities are independent probabilities of collapse; however probabilities have been displayed as continuous for easier viewing. The vertical line at 2008 indicates the year in which the SGEO was enacted. The 95% credibility intervals have not been included, but all CI’s overlap.</p

    Probability of lek collapse is lower inside sage-grouse Core Areas: Effectiveness of conservation policy for a landscape species - Fig 1

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    <p><b>(A) Wyoming in relation to the United States. (B) Density of average oil and gas wells per km</b><sup><b>2</b></sup><b>(C) 31 sage-grouse Core Areas designated by The State of Wyoming SGEO (version 3) within the distribution of sage-grouse (D) Locations of 2,382 leks archived within the lek database.</b><i>For our</i> study, only leks surveyed from 1999 to 2013 were used. Collectively, these were the data sets that were used to conduct our analysis.</p

    Linear regression results of probability of lek collapse within Core Areas versus oil and gas well development densities (DD) outside of Core Area in Wyoming, USA, 2001–2013.

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    <p>Linear regression results of probability of lek collapse within Core Areas versus oil and gas well development densities (DD) outside of Core Area in Wyoming, USA, 2001–2013.</p

    Predicted percent change in Core Area lek attendance as a function of oil and gas development adjacent to Core Area boundaries.

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    <p>We used the linear model from the regression of Core Area lek attendance for leks within 1.61 km and 4.83 km of the Core Area boundary against oil and gas development density within 1.61 km and 4.83 km outside of the Core Area boundary to predict the percent decline in lek attendance of Core Area leks.</p

    Summary statistics of male lek counts for greater sage-grouse in Wyoming, USA, 1999–2013.

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    <p>Summary statistics of male lek counts for greater sage-grouse in Wyoming, USA, 1999–2013.</p

    Probability of lek collapse was calculated independently for each year using a Bayesian binomial probability function of the Core Area leks and non-core area leks in Wyoming, 2001–2013.

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    <p>All probabilities are independent probabilities of collapse, however probabilities have been displayed as continuous for easier viewing. The vertical line at 2008 indicates the year in which the SGEO was enacted. The 95% credibility interval is given for each year.</p