10,632 research outputs found

    What Can Anthropologists Do?: Applied Anthropology in a Conflict-Ridden World

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    This work examines the role of anthropology in conflict, post-conflict studies, and conflict resolution. Present research has asserted that Anthropology as a discipline must move forward with greater involvement in domestic and international conflict resolution, but no scholar nor activist has taken that leap. All anthropological research in conflict has pertained to forensic anthropology, expert witness testimony, and post-conflict ethnographic research— all completed after conflict has already ended. Many anthropologists have recommended involvement in actual conflict resolution, and many have advocated for further Ethnographic Peace Research. However, the role of anthropology continues to be questioned by the discipline itself as well as governmental agencies and other academic disciplines. Despite these objections, the agreement by the majority of anthropologists in conflict studies is that Anthropologists have the skills necessary to participate and aid in conflict resolution

    The Reflected (Un)Real: Space in Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Probleme Probleme”

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    In her 1977 short story “Probleme Probleme,” Ingeborg Bachmann plays with space and representations of reality in a way that reflects the disillusionment of Austria’s post-war generation. Beatrix’s two desires in the short story – to look at herself in the mirror and to sleep – both suggest a resistance to living in the real world and a dependence on the illusions of her dreams, mirrors, and the beauty salon. Although the older patrons of the salon and Beatrix try to hide from the responsibility for the past and present, the mirrors and the salon prove to be temporary illusions that are unsustainable. Sleep and mirrors become ways to avoid reality rather than coming to terms with it, which, for Bachmann, is ultimately unproductive and naïve

    Waiting Room Health Promotion for Older Adults in Rural Primary Care

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    Background: Advances in health care technology have lead to adults living longer than in previous decades. Longer life expectancy in combination with the aging of the Baby Boomer generation is predicted to result in rapid and exponential growth among the older adult population. Adults in the U.S. over the age of 65 have on average five or more chronic illnesses, many of which are often poorly managed. Older adults who experience chronic diseases often report decreased quality of life, limitations in functional ability, loss of independence, and periods of decline and increasing disability. Health promotion efforts can help in delaying the onset of disability and preventing rapid decline associated with many chronic conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of a brief waiting room health promotion activity that informs older adults about the benefits of walking, such as reducing the risk of chronic disease, improving mood, and maintaining weight, physical and cognitive function. This project took place at a federally qualified health center in Plainfield, Vermont. Methods: The target population for this educational intervention included patients, as well as family members and visitors to the primary care practice who were age 55 and older. All age-eligible participants were encouraged to participate regardless of health status or the presence of comorbid health conditions. The activity comprised of participants viewing a brief audiovisual educational activity explaining the health benefits of walking, supplemented with paper materials to support the health messages; the intervention was then followed by completion of a brief paper survey evaluation. Results: During the two-month period the health promotion activity was available, 56 individuals participated and completed the survey. Of the 56 participants, 87% indicated they either “strongly agreed” or “agreed” that watching the video increased knowledge about health-related benefits of walking. In total, approximately 73% of participants who participated in this health promotion activity agreed that they paid attention to educational materials in the waiting room setting. Approximately 57% of participants shared a health related goal that they created as a result of the health promotion activity. Conclusion: This project has suggested that implementation of waiting room health promotion activities, specifically for older adults, is a simple and cost-effective way to promote good health practices and provide patients with in-depth health care information that may not be addressed during the health care visit. Activities in the waiting room can help to supplement information provided during the clinical encounter, leaving patients more satisfied with their visits, and promoting positive behavior change

    What About Susan? Gender in Narnia

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    Critics of C.S. Lewis argue that his misogyny is present in his portrayal of female characters. While Lewis himself was self-contradictory in his attitudes towards women, his depictions of female characters in The Chronicles of Narnia are both realistic and progressive. Both the male and female characters throughout the series demonstrate individual strengths and weaknesses that are not dependent on their gender. The criticism against Lewis focuses on his treatment of Susan, especially regarding her being the only child not to return to Narnia at the end of the series. Unlike what the critics argue, however, Susan is not excluded simply for her sexuality

    Maternal inbreeding reduces parental care in the zebra finch, <i>Taeniopygia guttata</i>

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    Increased embryo mortality is the most commonly cited cause of reduced fitness in inbred organisms. Reduced embryo survival may be the result of reduced parental expenditure by inbred individuals and here we tested the hypothesis that inbreeding results in impaired incubation behaviour in captive zebra finches. We compared incubation attentiveness of inbred female zebra finches (derived from full-sibling mating) with that of control females (derived from unrelated parents) and found a statistically significant inbreeding depression of 17% in incubation attentiveness. This shows that inbreeding can significantly influence parental behaviour. Despite a reduction in the amount of time inbred females spent incubating, their partners were able to compensate for the reduced incubation attentiveness. Incubation temperature also did not differ between inbred and control females. To test for the effect of incubation behaviour, we fostered eggs laid by control females to either inbred or control females at the end of laying. Eggs that were incubated by inbred females had an 8.5% lower hatching success than eggs incubated by control females and, although based on a relatively small sample and not statistically significant, the magnitude of the difference was consistent with differences in hatching success observed in the wild under relatively benign environmental conditions. Thus, under more challenging environmental conditions usually encountered in the wild, the reduced incubation attentiveness of inbred females could provide one proximate explanation for the consistent finding of decreased hatching success with increasing maternal inbreeding in birds

    An investigation into the archaeological application of carbon stable isotope analysis used to establish crop water availability: solutions and ways forward

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    Carbon stable isotope analysis of charred cereal remains is a relatively new method employed by archaeological scientists to investigate ancient climate and irrigation regimes. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of environmental variables on carbon isotope discrimination (D) in multiple environments to develop the technique and its archaeological application, using crops grown at three experimental stations in Jordan. There are two key results: (1) as expected, there was a strong positive relationship between water availability and D; (2) site, not water input, was the most important factor in determining D. Future work should concentrate on establishing ways of correcting D for the influence of site specific environmental variables and on assessing how well carbon isotope discrimination values are preserved within the archaeological record

    Enumeration in Alzheimer's disease and other late life psychiatric syndromes

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    Previous studies suggest that visual enumeration is spared in normal aging but impaired in abnormal aging (late stage Alzheimer's disease, AD), raising the task's potential as a marker of dementia. Experiment 1 compared speeded enumeration of 1–9 random dots in early stage AD, vascular dementia (VAD), depression, and age-matched controls. Previous deficits were replicated but they were not specific to AD, with the rate of counting larger numerosities similarly slowed relative to controls by both AD and VAD. Determination of subitizing span was complicated by the surprisingly slower enumeration of one than of two items, especially in AD patients. Experiment 2 showed that AD patients’ relative difficulty with one item persisted with further practice and extended to the enumeration of targets among distractors. However, it was abolished when pattern recognition was possible (enumerating dots on a die). Although an enumeration test is unlikely to help differentiate early AD from other common dementias, the unexpected pattern of patients’ performance challenges current models of enumeration and requires further investigation