49 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of distrontium manganese (III) tetraoxophosphate heptaoxodiphosphate, Sr2Mn[PO4] [P2O 7]

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    MnO11P3Sr2, monoclinic, P121/c1 (no. 14), a = 6.641(1) Å, b = 6.834(1) Å, c = 19.554(4) Å, β = 99.22(3)°, V = 876.0 Å3, Z = 4, Rgt(F) = 0.051, wRref(F2) = 0.090, T = 298 K.The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (grant no. TBAG-2160(102T052)

    Integration of triboluminescent EuD4TEA crystals to transparent polymers: Impact sensor application

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    Lanthanide-based organometallic materials are well-known candidate triboluminescent (TL) materials that can show bright emission when a mechanical force is applied. These materials are usually in the form of crystalline powders, and it is often useful to integrate these samples into a polymer matrix in order to achieve processability, enabling coating from a solution/molten state or fabrication as a complex-shaped matrix. In this work, micrometer-sized europium tetrakis (dibenzoylmethide) triethylammonium (EuD4TEA) crystals were synthesized and integrated with various transparent polymers (PMMA, PS, PVDF, and PU) using two approaches: (i) blending and (ii) surface impregnation. In the former method, the crystalline particles were molecularly dissolved; therefore, a TL response cannot be achieved. More than 10 wt % TL crystals in the composite is needed to obtain TL signals. However, TL signal was achieved at 2.5 wt % when a composite was prepared by the latter approach. TL intensity shows exponential decay with consecutive mechanical action. The TL emission of PU-based surface impregnated composite expires with long-lived emission, and maximum TL response with respect to applied force was measured between 2.45 and 42.0 N.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK KBAG-114Z292

    A two-dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid compound, poly[(ethylenediamine)tri-μ-oxido-oxidocopper(II)molybdenum(VI)]

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    A new organic–inorganic two-dimensional hybrid compound, [CuMoO4(C2H8N2)], has been hydro­thermally synthesized at 443 K. The unit cell contains layers composed of CuN2O4 octa­hedra and MoO4 tetra­hedra. Corner-sharing MoO4 and CuN2O4 polyhedra form CuMoO4 bimetallic sites that are joined together through O atoms, forming an edge-sharing Cu2Mo2O4 chain along the c axis. The one-dimensional chains are further linked through bridging O atoms that join the Cu and Mo atoms into respective chains along the b axis, thus establishing layers in the bc plane. The ethyl­enediamine ligand is coordinated to the Cu atom through its two N atoms and is oriented perpendicularly to the two-dimensional –Cu—O—Mo– layers. The average distance between adjacent layers, as calculated by consideration of the closest and furthest distances between two layers, is 8.7 Å. The oxidation states of the Mo and Cu atoms of VI and II, respectively, were confirmed by bond-valence sum calculations

    Diacetamidinium sulfate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, 2C2H7N2 +·SO4 2−, which contains four cations and two anions in the asymmetric unit, the ions are inter­connected by an extensive hydrogen-bonding system whereby two of the O atoms of sulfate ion are hydrogen-bonded to the amidinium H atoms of two cations, leading to the formation of two eight-membered rings. The two remaining O atoms inter­connect two H atoms of acetamidinium cations, forming an infinite chain. The C⋯N separations within the H2N⋯C⋯NH2 moieties are similar, with an average value of 1.305 (2) Å, which is in good agreement with a delocalization model

    A synchrotron study of Na2.27Ho7.73(SiO4)6O0.72

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    A well crystallized powder sample of sodium holmium orthosilicate oxyapatite, Na2.27Ho7.73(SiO4)6O0.72, was obtained after mechanical milling and thermal treatment at 1123 K. Crystal structure analysis was performed from the results of Rietveld refinement of the synchrotron diffraction data. As in other rare-earth orthosilicate apatites, sodium cations appear located sharing with holmium the 4f Wyckoff position at the center of a tricapped trigonal prism. In its turn, holmium almost fully occupies the 6h position at the center of a seven-coordinated penta­gonal bipyramid. A small quantity of Na atoms was found at this site. No vacancies are present in the two independent crystallographic sites available for Ho and Na atoms