345 research outputs found

    Are Emerging Economies FDI Inflows Cointegrated With FDI Inflows of China? An Empirical Investigation

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    Emerging economies viz., Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa have seen a tremendous increase in the FDI inflows in the last one decade. Amongst all, the FDI inflows of China witnessed sharp rise from 1992. As on 2006, China stood as the worldĂ­s second largest recipient of FDI inflows (AT Kearney Report, 2006), leaving behind many emerging economies in the race of attracting FDI inflows.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64423/1/wp904.pd


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    Emerging economies viz., Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa have seen a tremendous increase in the FDI inflows in the last one decade. Amongst all, the FDI inflows of China witnessed sharp rise from 1992. As on 2006, China stood as the world’s second largest recipient of FDI inflows (AT Kearney Report, 2006), leaving behind many emerging economies in the race of attracting FDI inflows.FDI inflows, Emerging economies, China & Cointegration.

    Potential Tourism Market in Transition Countries: A Regional Analysis

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    Tourism is a very important sector for the economic growth and the employment. It is also important to stress that this relationships have not been studied enough, this is even more important if we take into account that we consider the economic impact, not the major determinants of tourist demand, which is the most common feature of tourism studies. In this paper we analyse the economic impact of tourism in the economy of 50 regions of transition countries. The political and economic changes in these countries have brought the attention in this area, making it a desirable destination for an important part of tourists, both in Europe and other parts of the world. Nowadays tourist are not seeking just sun and beaches as it happened in the past, other factors such as culture, history, archaeology or natural parks can explain some of the changes in the movement of tourists around the world. We study the difference among the countries and regions, considering the importance of resident and non-residents tourism in each of them. Through this analysis we would like to point those countries, and regions, which are already in a good position, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary or Poland, comparing them with those others which offer an important potential to develop this sector.

    Economic growth and employment: regional disparities in the UE.

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    One of the main problems of the European countries is their small capacity to generate employment. This is an important point because of the social and human problems that it produces, which are more serious in the case of peripheral regions. In this paper, we make a comparative analysis of employment and economic growth among the main EU countries. We study the reason of the more reduced rates of employment in several EU countries. Then, we analyse the generation of employment in the European regions, especially in the peripheral ones which are the most affected by unemployment.

    Economic growth and employment: Regional disparities in the EU

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    One of the main problems of the European countries is their small capacity to generate employment. This is an important point because of the social and human problems that it produces, which are more serious in the case of the peripheral regions. In this paper, we make a comparative analysis of employment and economic growth among the EU and the main OECD countries. We study the reasons of the more reduced rates of employment in several EU countries in relation to USA and Japan. Then, we analyze the generation of employment in the European regions, specially in the peripheral ones which are the most affected by unemployment.

    Human capital and other factors of the total productivity in Spanish Regions

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    The productivity evolution results a main factors indicators in order to explain the uneven growth of the different economic spaces and their different levels of welfare in a long run. Just, the crucial importance of productivity for economic growth can be derived from its relation to other indicators of economic performance. Among other factors, these include accumulation of physical and human capital, technological progress, resources allocation and efficiency, and competitiveness. For this reason, in this paper we elaborate in the first place an indicator of Total Factor Productivity for the Spain regions from of point of view of the theoretical justifications of the different methodological proposals. In the second place, and using the available statistics, we explain the unequal behaviour of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) between these regions from a point of view that variables like public capital (infrastructure), human capital (qualification), technological capital (research and development), productive specialization, the different grades of resource's uses, the exploitation of scale economies ..., may justify the regional divergence in productivity terms.

    Un analisis de la productividad del comercio en las Comunidades Autonomas españolas.

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    Medir adecuadamente la productividad no resulta facil en general, y resulta mucho mas complicado en el ambito del sector comercial, debido a la escasez de datos y a la dificultad para cuantificar de forma detallada los distintos factores productivos y productos. En este trabajo, despues de efectuar una breve referencia al marco teorico que nos sirve de base y de exponer el procedimiento de calculo de las variables a utilizar, cuantificamos un indice de productividad total para este sector, lo que nos permite ver el comportamiento diferenciado de este indicador en las distintas Comunidades Autonomas. Este estudio se completa con la elaboracion de un modelo econometrico que nos permite deducir cuales son los factores determinantes de la divergencia en la productividad.

    Estudio de la competitividad de la industria a traves de la productividad.

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    Cuando se habla de competitividad, a nivel macroeconomico, se entiende como la capacidad de un pais de aumentar su cuota de exportaciones al mismo tiempo que mantiene la cuota de mercado interna. De esta definicion se deduce que por una parte hay que hacer un analisis de las ganancias de cuotas de mercado de un pais dentro del ambito que se establezca, aunque no se deben olvidar las posibles causas debido a las cuales hay o no ganancias de cuotas de mercado. Asi, cuando un pais exporta en mayor o menor medida que otro, es porque hay un factor que diferencia su capacidad exportadora con respecto a los paises con los que efectuamos la comparacion. En este estudio vamos a analizar los sectores en los que la productividad aparente del factor trabajo explica las exportaciones per capita de un pais, para lo que hemos establecido como marco de referencia los paises de la CEE y los años 1980, 85 y 90.

    Comercio exterior de Galicia. Analisis econometrico

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    Este trabajo estudia el comercio exterior de Galicia en el periodo 1980-1997, centrandose en los dos principales socios comerciales de Galicia: Francia y Portugal. El analisis econometrico resalta las distintas macromagnitudes que influyen en el comportamiento de las exportaciones y de las importaciones gallegas.

    Un analisis econometrico de la concentracion industrial en las regiones españolas

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    En este trabajo se analiza la concentracion de la produccion en las regiones españolas a lo largo de los ultimos años. Para ello diferenciamos entre aquellos sectores que muestran una tendencia a la concentracion por encima de la media, de los que se comportan siguiendo una pauta intermedia y de los que tienden a la dispersion geografica. La convergencia real y la estabilidad en las regiones españolas, integradas en la UE, requieren la modificacion de los problemas creados por la excesiva concentracion. Nos proponemos elaborar un modelo econometrico para cuantificar y analizar la competitividad y los efectos de politica industrial sobre el crecimiento de las regiones.
