4 research outputs found

    Contribution to clinical characterization of autosomal recessive hereditary ataxias

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    As ataxias hereditárias autossômicas recessivas compõem um grupo de doenças heterogêneas, que necessitam de criteriosa avaliação clínica, de exames complementares e, algumas vezes, de testes genéticos para o diagnóstico. A partir da revisão da literatura, foi elaborado um algoritmo para auxiliar a investigação diagnóstica deste grupo. Esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados da investigação de três formas de ataxias recessivas: 1. Síndrome de Joubert, caracterizada por hipotonia precoce, atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, ataxia e padrão respiratório irregular no período neonatal ou anormalidades na motricidade ocular extrínseca. Apresenta amplo espectro clínico, assim como heterogeneidade genética. Alterações renal, hepática e da retina são freqüentes. A presença de hipoplasia do vermis cerebelar, alongamento dos pedúnculos cerebelares superiores e aumento da fossa interpeduncular, aos cortes axiais da ressonância magnética (RM) do encéfalo, constituem o sinal do dente molar, considerado critério radiológico obrigatório para o diagnóstico. Aqui é apresentada uma série de cinco pacientes que preenchem critérios clínicos e radiológico de síndrome de Joubert e tem grande variabilidade fenotípica: duas crianças têm a forma pura (subtipo 1), uma tem associadamente retinopatia (subtipo 3), uma tem amaurose congênita de Leber e alteração renal (subtipo 4) e a outra apresenta associadamente coloboma corioretiniano e alterações hepáticas (subtipo 5); 2. Ataxia com Deficiência de Vitamina E, que apresenta fenótipo semelhante ao da ataxia de Friedreich, progressão mais lenta, baixo nível sérico de -tocoferol e é tratável com reposição da vitamina E. Frequente no sul da Itália e norte da África, sem relatos no Brasil. Foram investigados quatro pacientes pertencentes a duas famílias: três apresentavam o quadro clínico típico acompanhado de distonia em mãos, manifestação pouco relatada, mas que pode contribuir para a diferenciação clínica com ataxia de Friedreich. O outro paciente foi identificado em fase pré-sintomática, após o diagnóstico ser estabelecido em dois irmãos, e permanece com sinais sutis de alteração do equilíbrio após de 5 anos de reposição de vitamina E. Nos demais, a reposição de vitamina E promoveu melhora dos sintomas e impediu que a doença se agravasse; 3. Xantomatose Cerebrotendínea, que está relacionada à alteração no metabolismo do colesterol, com redução na produção dos ácidos biliares e acúmulo de colestanol, um metabólito tóxico. Catarata congênita ou juvenil e diarréia crônica são manifestações precoces. Ataxia cerebelar, paraparesia espástica, declínio cognitivo e xantomas tendíneos completam o quadro clínico. Na RM do encéfalo, a presença de hipersinal nos núcleos denteados, nas sequências T2-pesada e FLAIR, é sugestiva da doença. Três pacientes, pertencentes a duas famílias, com alterações clínicas e radiológica foram investigados. Em todos, o colestanol sérico encontravase elevado. A espectrocopia por RM detectou no cerebelo pico em 1,2-1,4 ppm, sugestivo de lipídio, achado até o momento não descrito. Após início do tratamento com ácido quenodeoxicólico, observou-se melhora da marcha.Autosomal recessive hereditary ataxias belong to a group of heterogeneous disorders, for which detailed clinical evaluation, ancillary exams, and sometimes, genetic tests, are required for diagnosis. After literature review, an algorithm was built to help the investigation of this group. The objective of this thesis is to present the results of investigation of three forms of recessive ataxias: 1. Joubert syndrome is a condition characterized by early hypotonia, developmental delay, ataxia and neonatal respiratory disturbances or abnormal eye movement. It has a wide clinical spectrum and is genetically heterogeneous. Renal, hepatic and retina abnormalities are often seen. A combination of midline cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, deepened interpenducular fossa, and thick, elongated superior cerebellar penduncles gives to the axial view of the midbrain an appearance of a molar tooth at brain magnetic ressonance image (MRI) study. Molar tooth sign is considered as obligatory radiologic criteria to diagnosis. In this study we present a series of five patients that have clinical and radiologic criteria to Joubert syndrome and a large phenotypic variability: Two children have a pure form (subgroup 1), one child has an associated retinopathy (subgroup 3), the other has Leber congenital amaurosis and kidney abnormalitties (subgroup 4), and another has chorioretinal coloboma and hepatic abnormalities (subgroup 5); 2. Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency, which has a phenotype similar to Friederich ataxia but slowest progression, is characterized by low levels of serum -tocopherol and is treatable with vitamin E. This ataxia is common in South Italy and North Africa, but was not reported in Brazil. Four patients from two different families were studied. Three of them have typical clinical features and hands dystonia, a probably underreported feature which might helps its distinction from Friedreich ataxia. The other case was identified in a presymptomatic stage, after family investigation. After five years of treatment with vitamin E, subtle balance disturbance was still present. The remaing three patientes improved with vitamin E supplementation and disease progression stopped; 3. Cerebrotendinous xantomathosis (CTX) is a disorder of cholesterol metabolism, characterized by reduction of bile acid synthesis and accumulation of cholestanol, a toxic metabolic. Congenital or juvenile cataract and chronic diarrhea are early manifestations. Cerebellar ataxia, spastic paraplegia, cognitive impairment and tendinous xanthomas are also seen. Brain MRI T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences disclosed dentate nucleus hypersignal, a quite feature in CTX. Three patients from two different families, with clinical and radiologic features were studied. In all, serum cholestanol was elevated. MRI spectroscopy demonstrated in cerebellum a peak in 1,2-1,4 ppm, which is an possibly a lipid, not previously described. Treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid improved their gait

    Prognosis of bacterial meningitis in children Prognóstico de meningite bacteriana em crianças

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    We studied the incidence and prognosis of acute neurologic complications in 281 children under 13 years of age with a diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis. All the patients were examined daily by the same group of neurologists, using a standardized neurological examination. Patients with signs of encephalic lesions, unsatisfactory response to antibiotics or decreased level of consciousness were submitted to brain computer tomography. The overall lethality rate was 20.3% and cases whose causative agent was identified presented a higher lethality rate (23.7%) than those in which the agent was not found. The most important neurological abnormalities were meningeal signs (88.3%) followed by decreased consciousness (47.7%), irritability (35.2%), seizures (22.4%), fontanel bulging (20.6%) and cranial nerve palsy (14.2%). Seizures, cranial nerve palsy and the absence of meningeal signs were related to higher rates of lethality. Diminished consciousness, seizures, subdural effusion, abscess and hydrocephalus were the most important complications, respectively. We can conclude that acute bacterial meningitis continues to be an important health problem in developing countries and that public health measures will be necessary to minimize the impact of sequelae and reduce the mortality rate in children with that pathology.Para estudar os fatores prognósticos e incidência de complicações em meningite bacteriana, 281 crianças (idade abaixo de 13 anos) com quadro clínico e do LCR compatíveis com esse diagnóstico foram acompanhadas, durante o internamente), através de ficha de avaliação padrão. Aquelas que apresentaram sinais de lesão encefálica, resposta inadequada ao tratamento ou diminuição do nível de consciência, com Glasgow < 7, foram submetidas a tomografia computadorizada de crânio. A taxa de letalidade global foi 20,3%, sendo maior quando o agente etiológico foi identificado (23,7%). As alterações neurológicas mais encontradas foram: irritação meníngea, diminuição do nível de consciência, convulsões, irritabilidade, abaulamento de fontanela e comprometimento de nervos cranianos. Convulsões, comprometimento de nervos cranianos e ausência de irritação meníngea foram associados a maior Ietalidade. Complicações neurológicas ocorreram em 58%, sendo as mais frequentes diminuição do nível de consciência (47,7%), convulsões (22,4%), coleção subdural (3,2%), abscesso(2,5%) e hidrocefalia(2,5%). Observamos que meningite bacteriana continua sendo problema de saúde publica em países em desenvolvimento e que medidas para redução da morbidade e mortalidade desta doença são necessárias

    Classic and Atypical Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis in Latin America: Clinical and Genetic Aspects, and Treatment Outcome with Cerliponase Alfa

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    Introduction: Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 (CLN2), is a neurodegenerative autosomal recessive disease caused by TPP1 gene variants, with a spectrum of classic and atypical phenotypes. The aim of treatment is to slow functional decline as early as possible in an attempt to improve quality of life and survival. This study describes the clinical characteristics as well as the response to treatment with cerliponase alfa. Materials and methods: A retrospective study was conducted in five Latin-American countries, using clinical records from patients with CLN2. Clinical follow-up and treatment variables are described. A descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis was performed. Results: A total of 36 patients were observed (range of follow-up of 61–110 weeks post-treatment). At presentation, patients with the classic phenotype (n = 16) exhibited regression in language (90%), while seizures were the predominant symptom (87%) in patients with the atypical phenotype (n = 20). Median age of symptom onset and time to first specialized consultation was 3 (classical) and 7 (atypical) years, while the median time interval between onset of symptoms and treatment initiation was 4 years (classical) and 7.5 (atypical). The most frequent variant was c.827 A > T in 17/72 alleles, followed by c.622C > T in 6/72 alleles. All patients were treated with cerliponase alfa, and either remained functionally stable or had a loss of 1 point on the CLN2 scale, or up to 2 points on the Wells Cornel and Hamburg scales, when compared to pretreatment values. Discussion and conclusion: This study reports the largest number of patients with CLN2 currently on treatment with cerliponase alfa in the world. Data show a higher frequency of patients with atypical phenotypes and a high allelic proportion of intron variants in our region. There was evidence of long intervals until first specialized consultation, diagnosis, and enzyme replacement therapy. Follow-up after the initiation of cerliponase alfa showed slower progression or stabilization of the disease, associated with adequate clinical outcomes and stable functional scores. These improvements were consistent in both clinical phenotypes