1 research outputs found

    Eradikasi Tanaman Pisang Terinfeksi Fusarium Menggunakan Glifosat Dan Minyak Tanah

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    . Hermanto, C., Eliza, and D. Emilda. 2009. Eradication of Fusarium Infected Banana PlantUsing Glyphosate and Kerosene. Fusarium wilt disease is one of the major constraints of world banana production.Management of diseased plants becomes a critical issue in disease control. Research was aimed to gain information offusarium development from infected tissue and method to eradicate dying-infected plant. The research was conductedin Plant Protection Laboratory and Aripan Experimental Farm, Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute from July2007 to March 2008, consisting of 3 steps, namely (1) in vitro sporulation of fusarium from dying-infected tissue,(2) study of fusarium sporulation from dying-infected tissue on sterile soil, and (3) chemical eradication of fusariumwilt dying plants. The results showed that (a) cutting of dying-infected tissue stimulated conidiophore formation,sporulation, and conidial production, (b) increase of the surface of dying-infected tissue by 4.5 times resulted inincrease of conidial production until 14.83 times, (c) phytotoxic of banana plant started appearing on 3-4 days afterapplication of glyphosate herbicide, and reached total necrotic on 14-16 days, and (d) 10 ml glyphosate injectioncaused phytotoxis on leaves, petioles, pseudostem, and fruits, resulting in the best eradication method for fusariumwilt dying plant with highest severity and incidence of leaf necrosis, and pathogen mortality. The results can be usedto properly manage fusarium wilt dying-infected banana plant