12 research outputs found


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    The objective of the present study is to investigate approaches to dietary education at nursery schools by elucidating the actual dietary life of nursery school children and the dietary awareness of their parents. A questionnaire survey was conducted on a total of 1,049 parents of 4-year-old children attending public nursery schools in Ward S of Tokyo. Ninety seven point two percent of the responses were valid and the following results were obtained:1 A total of 97.4% of children ate breakfast every day, while 2.6% sometimes skipped it. Reasons for skipping it were lack of appetite(55.6%)and lack of time(27.8%).2 Regarding the people children ate breakfast with, the most common response was the mother(81.8%), and while few responded that their children ate alone(2.8%), 10.2% indicated that their children ate with other children only. Eating with other children only was associated with a low level of enjoyment, and the frequency of greetings before and after eating was also lower compared to when children ate with adults.3 As for the contents of breakfast, while 97.2% regularly ate a carbohydrate rich staple food, only 63.9% and 38.1% of children respectively ate a protein rich main dish such as fish or meat, and a side dish such as vegetables or seaweed every day. Breakfast contents were classified into five patterns, and the most common pattern was "Pattern 2: Staple food + one main or side dish"(33.9%), followed by the ideal combination of "Pattern 1: Staple food + main dish + side dish"(32.1%), and "Staple food only"(30.8%). Although few children skipped breakfast, these findings indicate the need to improve breakfast contents.4 "Pattern 1: Staple food + main dish + side dish" was more common among children who ate with adults compared to those who ate with other children only, children of parents who liked cooking compared to those of parents who disliked cooking, and among children who did not dislike any vegetables and children whose parents checked the lunch menu of their children\u27s nursery school every day.5 Intake of restaurant food, pre-cooked food, boxed meals, and convenience store food for breakfast was no more than once weekly. Intake of frozen food was slightly more frequent. These findings suggest that factors that positively affect breakfast intake among nursery school children include eating with adults overcoming any dislike of vegetables with the help of adults, and the parents coming to like cooking and developing a greater awareness regarding their children\u27s diet

    栄養士校外実習の学習効果に関する検討 : 食物科学科における「総合演習」のあり方

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    The Department of Food Science and Nutrition at Showa Women\u27s Junior College provides Practical Food Service Administration, a two-unit compulsory lesson, for would-be dietitians to acquire knowledge and skills to step up to practical stages, and also provides compulsory "Integrated Studies of Practical Exercises" to enhance the effectiveness of, the Practical Food Service Administration. In "Integrated Studies of Practical Exercises, " the mental attitude toward practical exercise and necessary knowledge and skills are taught, and post-mortem meetings are held. To incorporate more effective educational content into this course, we submitted questionnaires to 133 second-year students in 2005. This report examines the effectiveness of learning in the Practical Exercise of Food Service Administration for would-be dietitians and discusses the ideal way of implementing "Integrated Studies of Practical Exercises." The survey included areas of anxiety before participating in the exercise, subjects that should have been taught, the effectiveness of Integrated Studies of Practical Exercise, the degree of understanding the exercise, and future courses. All questionnaires were completed and returned. Students participating in the exercise felt anxiety about their ability. Clinical Nutrition Exercise, Cookery, Science and Practice, and Administration of Feeding Service and Practicum were among the top subjects listed as desirable prerequisites. After taking Practical Food Service Administration, 97.7% of students understood the role of, dietitians. Most students (93.9%) rated "Integrated Studies of Practical Exercises" as "useful, " thus confirming its effectiveness. Of the students, 48.8% desired to become dietitians. The importance of positive actions and acquisition of knowledge and skills was recognized, and further careful guidance in appropriate facilities for exercise was indicated as desirable