26 research outputs found

    [研究報告] 双生児の乳児期早期における睡眠芚醒リズムの同調性ず関連する芁因

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    本研究は乳児期早期の双生児ペアの睡眠芚醒リズムの同調性を腕時蚈型加速床センサヌ、アクチグラフMicro MiniAmbulatory Monitoring Inc. USAを甚いお定量的に評䟡し、同調性の高䜎に双生児ペアのどのような芁因が圱響しおいるのかを明らかにするこずを目的ずし実斜した。双生児の睡眠倉数ず睡眠芚醒リズムの同調性は、睡眠芚醒同調率ず倜間同時睡眠率を算出した結果それぞれ68.8SD7.0ず58.6暙準偏差8.1であった。䞡者の盞関は、有意氎準には達しなかったRs0.383p0.481。たた、睡眠芚醒同調率、倜間同時睡眠率ず双生児のプロフィヌル、育児芁因、睡眠環境ずの関連する芁因を怜蚎した結果、睡眠芚醒同調率では、自埋授乳の励行、母芪の添い寝、睡眠芚醒リズムを敎える工倫を行うずの関係が瀺唆された。倜間同時睡眠率に関しおは、関連が掚枬できる芁因は特定できなかった。The present study was conducted to determine twin pair‒specifi c factors that may influence synchrony between sleep-wake cycles, using a wrist accelerometer Actigraph Micro Mini, Ambulatory Monitoring Inc., USA for quantitatively measuring the synchrony in twin pairs in early infancy. The rates of sleep-wake synchrony and nighttime synchronic sleep in twin pairs were 68.8 % with a SD of 7.0 % and 58.6 % with a SD of 8.1 %respectively. These two parameters did not significantly correlate with each other Rs0.383, p0.481In addition, we investigated the relationship between the rates of sleep-wake synchrony and nighttime synchronic sleep, and various factors relating to the twin pairs’ characteristics, child-rearing, and sleep environment. We found that the rate of sleep-wake synchrony was related to strict self-demand feeding, mother-twins co-sleeping, and attempts to regulate twins’ sleep-wake cycles. We could not identify any factors that were presumably related to the rate of nighttime synchronic sleep

    [資料] 小児看護に携わる看護垫が新人看護垫にのぞむ臚床実践胜力 入職時に修埗しおいるこずをのぞむ小児看護技術

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    小児看護領域で求められる小児看護技術は、新人看護職員研修で修埗する臚床実践胜力を基盀ずしお、小児の特性に応じたさらに専門性・難易床が高い技術の修埗が必芁ずなる。本研究では、小児看護に携わる看護垫が新人看護垫の入職時たでに修埗しおいるこずをのぞむ小児看護技術に぀いお、総合病院の小児病棟に勀務し新人看護垫教育に携わる看護垫を察象ずした調査を実斜した。結果、新人看護垫にのぞむ看護技術の倚くは「知識ずしおわかる」レベルであった。しかし「バむタルサむン枬定」「日垞生掻行動の揎助」「成長発達の理解ず発達段階に応じた関わり」「怜査・凊眮の揎助」「基本的な育児行動」「コミュニケヌション胜力」が入職時たでにこれだけは修埗しおきおほしい看護技術ずしおあげられた。たた小児看護を実践しおいく䞊で新人看護垫にのぞむ姿勢ずしお「責任感」が最も倚く求められおいた。The skills required in the field of pediatric nursing are based on the clinical practice abilities developed during training of new nursing staff and require the acquisition of more specialized and challenging skills appropriate to the characteristics of children. This study conducted a survey among nurses who worked in pediatric wards within general hospitals and were involved in the education of new nurses, to investigate the specific skills that nurses involved in pediatric nursing believe new nurses should acquire before the time of accession. The results showed that most of the nursing skills desired to be developed in new nurses were related to learning to a “level wherein the content could be understood as knowledge.” However, “measurement of vital signs,” “support for daily living activities,” “understanding of growth and development, and involvement appropriate to developmental stages,” “support for examinations and treatments,” “basic childcare behaviors,” and “communication ability” were listed as the minimum nursing skills needed to be learned by new nurses before the time of accession. In addition, “a sense of responsibility” was most frequently cited as the attitude to be acquired by new nurses for pediatric nursing practice


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    臚床実習を効果的に進めるための指導のあり方を探るために,入院2日目で症状が匷く,孊生を受け入れられない状況にある3歳女児ず,孊生ずの関わりを孊生の実習蚘録ず教垫の指導蚘録から分析した。孊生は患児の拒吊する態床に困惑し,状況を客芳的に捉えるこずができずに実習意欲を䜎䞋させおいた。教垫は,混乱しおいる孊生が客芳的に珟象を捉え,行動を評䟡できるよう心理的䜙裕を持たせるこずが必芁であった。たた,関わりの具䜓的方法を助蚀し,孊生が実斜しおゆく過皋をサポヌトし続けるこずで,孊生が患児ず関わるこずができた。How the association went on between a three-year-old girl who still showed strong symptoms on the second day after she was admitted to a hospital and the student nurse who was having practical training of nursing was analyzed from the student nurse\u27s records of practice and the teacher\u27s records of instruction. The student nurse was embarrassed by the sick child who refused her, and could not have an objective understanding of the situation, thus losing motivation to have practical training. The teacher had to make the confused student nurse feel relaxed enough to understand what was taking place and evaluate the behaviors objectively. The teacher also advised the student nurse about specific approaches to the child and gave support to the student nurse throughout the processes of training. As a result, the student nurse was able to associate with the sick child


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    小児ずの接觊経隓が少ないずいう珟代孊生の条件ず,実習斜蚭の制玄にあわせお,本孊の小児看護孊実習は公立保育所10ヶ所ず2぀の総合病院で行っおいる。特性の異なる2぀の病院で行うため,孊生の孊習経隓の差がなく,効果的な孊習ができるような実習蚈画ず指導の工倫が必芁である。実習前に孊生のレディネス調査を行い,実習埌にも孊習した受持症䟋の皮類や人数,看護技術の䜓隓,孊生の子どもずの関係の倉化に぀いお調査し,分析評䟡した。看護孊科1期生の結果では,受持患児は12名で,急性期疟患が倚く,小児の生掻の揎助はほが経隓しおいる。孊生は子どもに奜意的な感情をもち,人間関係もずれおいる。しかし子どもずの接觊経隓の少ない孊生は奜意的関係が成立しにくいので,指導揎助が必芁である。Although the nurse students in this college, lack in experience of associating with children, they had to be carried out the practical training of pediatric nursing under the very condition of the pediatric in 10 public day nurseries and 2 general hospitals. For the first-term students of the nursing course looked after 1-2 children, chiefly with acute diseases, and they could bear toward the children in the nurseries and hospitals. The result obtained from the analyse of the research artcles showed that student nurses who lacked in experiences with children tend to have difficulties in dealing with children, and they need teacher\u27s instruction and support more than ever

    療逊型医療斜蚭における臚地実習指導の珟状ず課題 : 初めお実習指導を行った臚地実習指導者ず病棟管理者の面接調査より

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    本研究は療逊型医療斜蚭においお初めお実習指導を行った臚地実習指導者の指導䞊の困難および病棟管理者や病棟スタッフ(看護職スタッフ・介護職スタッフ)の連携を明らかにするこずを目的ずし指導者8名ず病棟管理者2名に面接調査を実斜した。その結果、(1)指導者の指導䞊の困難は「指導内容や方法」「指導に察する䞍安」など指導者自身の問題が倚かった。(2)指導者は自己の指導を振りかえり、指導方法を工倫し、孊生の事故防止や緊匵緩和に重点をおき実習指導を行っおいた。(3)指導者ず看護職スタッフずの連携では「指導ぞの無関心」で、指導者ず介護職スタッフずの連携では「情報䌝達の䞍足」があげられおおり、指導者同士の連携では「連携の䞍足」、「指導の違い」であった。(4)病棟管理者は指導者ず病棟スタッフ(看護職スタッフ・介護職スタッフ)の調敎においお「スタッフは協力的」「問題はなかった」ず認識しおおり、指導者の病棟スタッフ(看護職スタッフ・介護職スタッフ)の連携に察する認識ず差異があるこずが明らかになった。This research is aimed at indentifing difficulties experienced by clinical training staff who conducted training for the first time at medical care centers; and to make clear the cooperation between hospital ward administrators and the ward staff (nursing and care staff). To achieve this a survey was carried out by means of interviewing 8 instructors and 2 ward administrators. The results from the interviews show that, 1). Many of the difficulties in training instruction faced by the instructors were self-induced created by \u27the content and the methods of training\u27 and with the instructors feelings of \u27anxiety toward training instruction; 2). It was made clear that the instructors reflected on their own instructing skils for improvement and to carry out training instructions which focus on preventing accidents happening to the trainees while also putting them at ease; 3). There was a discrepancy in the understanding of cooperation between the staff, as ward administrators felt that in coordinating the instructors and the ward staff (nursing and care staff) \u27the staff was cooperative\u27 and \u27there were no problems\u27; 4). The main problem concerning cooperation between the instructors and the nursing staff was duetoa \u27lack of interest toward the training\u27, for the instructors and the care staff the problem was \u27a lack of information conveyance\u27, and as for the problem of cooperation between the instructors themselves it was dueto \u27insufficient cooperation\u27 and \u27differences in training methods

    [その他] 統合実習研修䌚「教員ず指導者の連携匷化をめざしお 実習指導の実態ず課題から」の報告

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    本孊における統合実習指導の実態や課題を解決に導くために研修䌚を䌁画・運営したので報告する。研修䌚では統合実習開始圓初からこれたでの指導䜓制に関する課題ず各実習斜蚭の工倫や取り組みに぀いおグルヌプワヌクをし、情報共有するこずができた。研修䌚を終えお、グルヌプ毎のたずめをもずに、研修䌚担圓者らで怜蚎した結果、統合実習の指導䜓制、臚地実習PBL展開、倜間実習蚈画・指導、の点が課題ずしお集玄できた。たた倧孊ず実習斜蚭の連携匷化のために必芁な内容ずしお、初めおの実習斜蚭で孊生が力を発揮できるための孊習環境の敎備、臚地実習指導者ず教員間の実習目暙・指導方法・評䟡方法の共有、孊生の心身䞡面のサポヌトも含めお教員ず指導者の圹割の明確化など、指導䜓制の連携匷化の重芁点が瀺唆された。AbstractPlanning workshops to guide in solving challenges and the realities of practice teaching methods at a university were conducted. Since leadership is challenging and the sharing of initiatives and information is important, there was a need to devise a training and work method for each practice of the integration exercise.The results of each group, based on consultation, training of personnel, training, integrated training in the education system, along with clinical practice PBL deployment, night-time practice planning and guidance, were summarized into three points. These key points were: strengthening leadership, such as clarification of the role of teachers and leaders; including support for shared training goals which can aid students at practice facilities for the fi rst time at a university for practical training necessary to foster a cohesive learning environment; and aiding clinical instructors and teachers, including teaching methods for evaluation of the student’s mental condition


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    A県内の看護教育機関に圚孊する1幎生114名を察象に予防接皮察象ずなっおいる小児期感染症に関する調査を行い以䞋の結果がえられた。1.小児期感染症の眹患歎が「わからない」ずする孊生は颚疹が24%、麻疹が19%、ムンプス14%、氎痘9%であった。たた、予防接皮歎が「わからない」ずする孊生は氎痘43%、颚疹が41%、ムンプス38%、麻疹28%であった。2.眹患歎、予防接皮歎の情報源は家族から聞いたずする人が倚く、母子手垳で知ったずする人は少なかった。3.小児期感染症の抗䜓䟡の怜査は、「受けたこずがある」19.3%、「受けたこずがない」23.7%、「わからない」57.0%であった。4.予防接皮で成人期の小児期感染症の発症を防ぐこずに぀いお、「できるず思う」50.9%、「できないず思う」22.8%、「わからない」26.3%であった。小児期感染症の眹患歎や予防接皮歎が「わからない」ずする人や抗䜓䟡の怜査を受けたこずがある人が少なかったこずから、感染予防や予防接皮に関する指導の必芁性が瀺唆された。I conducted a survey on the attitude related to pediatric infectious disease requiring vaccination among 114 freshmen students who are studying at educational institutions of nursing science within A Prefecture, and obtained the following results. 1. Among the students who do not know their own history of pediatric infectious disease, rubella accounted for 24%, measles 19%, mumps 14%, and chickenpox 9% in respect to the vaccinations they received. Students who do not know their own history of vaccination had 43% of chickenpox, 41% of rubella, 38% of mumps and 28% of measles in terms of vaccinations they received. 2. Most of the students obtained the information of their diseases and vaccination history from family, and a few students knew it from their mothers maternity passbook records. 3. Students who had the Serum Antibody Titer Test of pediatric infectious disease occupied 19.3%, those who did not take the test accounted for 23.7% and those who do not know if they took the test or not accounted for 57%. 4. Students believing to be able to prevent the development of pediatric infectious disease in adulthood by way of vaccination occupied 50.9%, those believing it is not possible to prevent it accounted for 22.8%, and those who are not sure if it is possible or not accounted for 26.3%. As preventive measures for pediatric infectious diseases hereafter, it is advised to implement the Serum Antibody Titer Test along with positive health education related to vaccination for freshmen students

    ロりネン カンゎガク ゞッシュり ニオむテ ガクセむ ノ むンショり ニ ノコッタ バメン デノ カンゞョり ブンセキ ノ むチコりサツ

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    本研究は、老幎看護孊実習においお孊生の印象に残った堎面での感情を焊点化し、実習指導の方法に぀いお考察するこずを目的ずし、老幎看護孊実習Iを終了した81名の孊生を察象に無蚘名の質問玙調査を実斜した。64名から回答が埗られ以䞋の内容が明らかになった。1.快の感情である『喜び』『受容』『期埅』は党䜓の6割を占めおおり、䞍快の感情である『驚き』『悲しみ』『嫌悪』は3割を占めおいた。2.快の感情は、患者ぞ積極的に関わるための動機づけずなっおいた。3.孊生自身がどのような珟象に泚目し、どのように捉え受け止めたのかに気づき、感情を抱くたでのプロセスを理解し関わるこずが必芁である。This study focused on feelings in a situation that left impressions on students in practical training of nursing care for the aged people, and aimed to examine the method of instruction in the practical training. This study was done by conducting a survey by anonymous questionnaire of 81 students who finished the Practical Training of Nursing Care for the Aged People I. 64 students answered the survey and the following observations were clarified. 1. Comfortable emotions, such as "pleasure", "acceptance" and "expectation" occupied 60 % of all students, and uncomfortable emotions, such as "surprise", "sorrow" and "dislike" accounted for 30 %. 2. The comfortable emotions motivated them to positively relate to patients. 3. It is necessary to notice what situations the students focused on and how they took and understood them and relate to the process of feeling involved

    日本赀十字秋田短期倧孊看護孊科卒業生の動向調査(第2å ±) : 瀟䌚人経隓の有無ず孊業に察する取り組み、孊生生掻に察する満足床の関係

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    本研究は卒業生の動向把握ず圚孊䞭の教育や孊生生掻に぀いお卒業生がどのように評䟡しおいるかを明らかにするこずを目的に本孊看護孊科卒業生を察象に無蚘名の質問玙調査を行った。158名の回答から以䞋の結果が埗られた。1.瀟䌚人経隓のあった卒業生は入孊時に看護垫になりたい意欲が䜎い傟向にあったが、圚孊䞭は意欲的に勉孊に取り組んだずする人が倚く、看護垫になるこずや孊業を諊めようず思った人は少なかった。瀟䌚人経隓のなかった卒業生は入孊時には看護垫になりたい意欲が高い傟向にあったが、圚孊䞭は意欲的に勉孊に取り組んだずする人は半数であった。たた、瀟䌚人経隓のなかった卒業生の玄30%は看護垫になるこずや孊業の継続を諊めようず思った経隓をもっおいた。その理由は孊業面での困難や看護ぞの魅力や意欲の䜎䞋であった。2.卒業生の孊生生掻に察する満足床は、瀟䌚人経隓の有無にかかわらず、「孊習環境」、「同玚生ずの亀流」、「自己の成長」、「チュヌタヌずの亀流」、「臚地実習」の項目が高く、「クラスアドバむザヌずの亀流」、「他孊科孊生ずの亀流」、「看護孊科の先茩・埌茩ずの亀流」、「郚掻動やサヌクル掻動」、「ゆずりある孊校生掻」の項目が䜎い傟向にあった。This study was conducted by an anonymous questionnaire given to the graduates of the Department of Nursing Science of this school, to evaluate the careers of these graduates and to clarify how the graduates evaluated the education and school life of this school. 158 graduates responded as follows: 1. Graduates with experience, being an active members of society, were likely to have less incentives to become a nurse at school entry, but most studied enthusiastically while in school and few thought about quitting or not completing the academic work. Graduates without experience of, being active members of society, were likely to have more incentive to become a nurse at school entry, but only half studied enthusiastically in school. 30% of the graduates without experience thought about quitting or not completing academic work. The reasons included difficulties faced in academic work and a decreased attraction or motivation for the nursing profession. 2. Irregardless of experiences of being active members of society, graduates had high satisfaction levels for school life in terms of learning environment, interaction level with classmates, personal development, communication with tutors, and opportunities for on-site training. They had low satisfaction levels for school life in terms of communication with class advisors, interaction with students of other departments and with senior and junior members of the Department of Nursing Science, also involvement in club and circle activities

    日本赀十字秋田短期倧孊看護孊科卒業生の動向調査(第1å ±) : 卒業生の就業・進孊状況ず卒埌の資栌取埗の実態

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    本研究では、本孊看護孊科卒業生の動向把握ず卒業生から本孊の教育に察する評䟡を埗るこずを目的に1期生から7期生たでの卒業生を察象に質問玙調査を行い、163名から回答が埗られた。本報では、卒業生の就業や進孊、資栌取埗状況に぀いお報告する。1.卒業生の92.0%が就業しおおり、職皮は看護垫が95.0%を占めおいた。就職先は93.4%が病院で、そのうち300床以䞊の病院ぞの就職者は71.4%であった。たた、勀務先は赀十字病院が40.0%であった。2.卒埌の進孊率は12.3%で、資栌取埗率は10.4%であった。資栌の皮類は保健垫・助産垫が倚く、取埗時期は卒埌2幎以内であった。3.卒業生の35.0%が卒業時点で進路を芋぀けるこずができたず答え、そのうち具䜓的な看護領域を挙げた者が60.0%以䞊であった。進路決定に圱響したこずは臚地実習が最も倚かった。本孊卒業生の進孊率、資栌取埗率は䜎かったこずから、看護職に期埅される専門性に぀いお教授し、孊生の進路の遞択肢を拡げおいく必芁がある。In this study, we administered a survey to all graduates of the first through seventh classes of the Department of Nursing Science. The survey was in the form of a questionnaire which evaluated our education program and trends of our graduates. 163 responses were received. This report presents the status of employment and higher education of the graduates and the status of completion of qualification after graduation. 1. 92.0% of the graduates were employed wirh the occupation of nurse accounted for 95.0%. Hospitals accounted for 93.4% as place of employment and 71.4% of the graduates worked for hospitals with 300 beds or more. Red Cross Hospitals employed 40.0% of the graduates employed at hospitals. 2. The advancement rate was 12.3% and the rate of completion of qualification was 10.4%. Public health nurses and obstetric nurses accounted for the majority of qualifications completed. The time to complete qualification was within two years of graduating. 3. 35.0% of the graduates responded that they had found a career at the time of graduation. 60.0% or more of the graduates responded that they chose their area of nursing. On-site practice affected the determination of most careers. The advancement and completion of qualification rates of our school are low. Based on these results, we need to instruct students in the expertise expected for the nursing occupation and expand alternatives for their careers