[その他] 統合実習研修会「教員と指導者の連携強化をめざして -実習指導の実態と課題から-」の報告


本学における統合実習指導の実態や課題を解決に導くために研修会を企画・運営したので報告する。研修会では統合実習開始当初からこれまでの指導体制に関する課題と各実習施設の工夫や取り組みについてグループワークをし、情報共有することができた。研修会を終えて、グループ毎のまとめをもとに、研修会担当者らで検討した結果、統合実習の指導体制、臨地実習PBL展開、夜間実習計画・指導、の3点が課題として集約できた。また大学と実習施設の連携強化のために必要な内容として、初めての実習施設で学生が力を発揮できるための学習環境の整備、臨地実習指導者と教員間の実習目標・指導方法・評価方法の共有、学生の心身両面のサポートも含めて教員と指導者の役割の明確化など、指導体制の連携強化の重要点が示唆された。Abstract:Planning workshops to guide in solving challenges and the realities of practice teaching methods at a university were conducted. Since leadership is challenging and the sharing of initiatives and information is important, there was a need to devise a training and work method for each practice of the integration exercise.The results of each group, based on consultation, training of personnel, training, integrated training in the education system, along with clinical practice PBL deployment, night-time practice planning and guidance, were summarized into three points. These key points were: strengthening leadership, such as clarification of the role of teachers and leaders; including support for shared training goals which can aid students at practice facilities for the fi rst time at a university for practical training necessary to foster a cohesive learning environment; and aiding clinical instructors and teachers, including teaching methods for evaluation of the student’s mental condition

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