63 research outputs found

    Cell-Free DNA Analysis of Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor Mutations in Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients by Droplet Digital PCR

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    Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis may provide a non-invasive diagnostic approach for lung adenocarcinoma patients. Recently, droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) has been developed as a highly sensitive detection method for a low mutant allele percentage. The ddPCR detection limit for epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations was evaluated using cell lines, NCI-H1975 for EGFR L858R point mutation and PC-9 for EGFR E746-A750del. Subsequently, detection of EGFR mutations by ddPCR was performed in tumor DNA (tDNA) and cfDNA samples of 19 lung adenocarcinoma patients whose tumor biopsies were already evaluated for EGFR mutations by clamp PCR (13 of L858R, 3 of E746-750del, and 3 of EGFR negative). In 12 cases, immunohistochemical analysis was performed to quantify the number of EGFR L858R-positive cells rate. EGFR point mutation or deletion were detected in 16 tumor DNA samples. In the measurable cfDNA samples, the rate of detection by ddPCR in cfDNA was 61.5% (8/13) for L858R and 100% (3/3) for E746-A750del. A relative correlation was found between the allele fraction (AF) of tDNA and the number of EGFR L858R-positive cells rate. No correlation was found between the AF of tDNA and AF of cfDNA. In our study, cfDNA mutation detection was not associated with clinicopathological features, but cases with high AF of cfDNA did have metastatic lesions. Our study shows that ddPCR enables cfDNA analysis for EGFR L858R and E746-A750del, with a high detection rate. Therefore, cfDNA analysis using ddPCR may complement to tumor biopsy and is beneficial for precision medicine in lung adenocarcinoma patients

    トクシマシ イシカイ ノ COPD タイサク

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    In the national project Health Japan 21 (2nd edition) put forward in April 2013, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a targeted lifestyle-related disease, in addition to cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes, and concluded that the establishment of COPD management systems is an important issue to maintain Japanese people’s healthy lives, as the number of deaths from this disease is likely to rapidly increase in the future. In Tokushima Prefecture, the mortality rate associated with COPD has been stably high over the past years ; the nation’ s highest in 2010 and third highest in 2011. In some regions of the western area, particularly mountainous regions, and southern area of the prefecture, the standardized mortality rate among males is double the national mean, highlighting the necessity of rapidly taking countermeasures. Under such circumstances, the Tokushima City Medical Association regarded COPD management as a priority item when developing annual projects this year, and organized the COPD Management and Smoking Cessation Promotion Committee in May. The medical association also presented a tentative plan to conduct association-led individualized COPD assessment at its own expense to the local government of Tokushima, with a view to materializing COPD assessment projects to clarify, evaluate, and analyze the actual situation, including surveys on citizens’ recognition of COPD and those conducted by family doctors to examine the statuses of their patients, involving the local government in the future. During deliberations to examine the feasibility of this plan, the local government proposed a new COPD assessment plan based on the conventional mass pulmonary cancer examination system, in order to deal with those at a high risk of COPD ; following some revisions, the new plan was adopted. The plan consisted of the following steps : > Targeting those meeting the 3 diagnostic criteria specified in the pulmonary cancer interview sheet for COPD assessment : 1) age of 60 or over ; 2) previous smoking habit ; 3) presence of at least one of the subjective COPD symptoms (chronic coughing, sputum, and shortness of breath during activity). > Providing these patients with a free-consultation coupon to undergo assessment in a registered primary medical examination institution. > Conducting airway obstruction evaluation in primary medical examination institutions using the mass COPD screening interview sheet (COPD-PSTM) and spirometry. > Conducting insurance-covered medical examinations, such as the respiratory function test, chest XP, and CT scans, in secondary medical examination institutions (chest physicians) to establish a definite diagnosis. > Reporting the results of these examinations to family doctors. > If treatment is necessary, developing initial pharmacotherapy plans as part of the standardized treatment of COPD for approximately 3 months, which are implemented by family doctors. In consideration of the rapidly aging Japanese population, the number of potential COPD patients aged 40 and over is expected to reach nearly 7 million soon. In order to deal with such a large number of COPD patients, it is primary care physicians’ duty to provide early diagnosis and treatment, and local medical associations are charged with promoting spirometry through their activities as part of COPD assessment projects, aiming to establish cooperative systems to manage the disease between primary care physicians providing treatment during the stable period and chest physicians providing it during the exacerbation period. As future perspectives, spirometry-promoting seminars to be held in clinical environments are being considered ; participation in these seminars will be a requirement for registered primary COPD examination institutions, and those who have completed such programs will be Tokushima City Medical Association-certified COPD specialists (tentative name). It is expected that these approaches to carry out the nation’s first COPD assessment projects will improve clinical environments in communities, such as support for smoking cessation, medical professionals’ knowledge of COPD, and the standardization of diagnosis and treatment

    DNA Methylation Dynamics in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells over Time

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    Epigenetic reprogramming is a critical event in the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Here, we determined the DNA methylation profiles of 22 human iPSC lines derived from five different cell types (human endometrium, placental artery endothelium, amnion, fetal lung fibroblast, and menstrual blood cell) and five human embryonic stem cell (ESC) lines, and we followed the aberrant methylation sites in iPSCs for up to 42 weeks. The iPSCs exhibited distinct epigenetic differences from ESCs, which were caused by aberrant methylation at early passages. Multiple appearances and then disappearances of random aberrant methylation were detected throughout iPSC reprogramming. Continuous passaging of the iPSCs diminished the differences between iPSCs and ESCs, implying that iPSCs lose the characteristics inherited from the parent cells and adapt to very closely resemble ESCs over time. Human iPSCs were gradually reprogrammed through the “convergence” of aberrant hyper-methylation events that continuously appeared in a de novo manner. This iPS reprogramming consisted of stochastic de novo methylation and selection/fixation of methylation in an environment suitable for ESCs. Taken together, random methylation and convergence are driving forces for long-term reprogramming of iPSCs to ESCs

    Biological mechanism and clinical effect of protein-bound polysaccharide K (KRESTIN®): review of development and future perspectives

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    The mechanism of action of protein-bound polysaccharide K (PSK; KRESTIN®) involves the following actions: (1) recovery from immunosuppression induced by humoral factors such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-β or as a result of surgery and chemotherapy; (2) activation of antitumor immune responses including maturation of dendritic cells, correction of Th1/Th2 imbalance, and promotion of interleukin-15 production by monocytes; and (3) enhancement of the antitumor effect of chemotherapy by induction of apoptosis and inhibition of metastasis through direct actions on tumor cells. The clinical effectiveness of PSK has been demonstrated for various cancers. In patients with gastric or colorectal cancer, combined use of PSK with postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy prolongs survival, and this effect has been confirmed in multiple meta-analyses. For small-cell lung carcinoma, PSK in conjunction with chemotherapy prolongs the remission period. In addition, PSK has been shown to be effective against various other cancers, reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy, and improve quality of life. Future studies should examine the effects of PSK under different host immune conditions and tumor properties, elucidate the mechanism of action exhibited in each situation, and identify biomarkers

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」の評価 : 修了者およびその上司への調査から

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    京都府立医科大学医学部看護学科京都府立医科大学附属病院看護部京都府立医科大学看護実践キャリア開発センター京都府立医科大学附属病院地域医療推進部School of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Nursing, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineKyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Career Development Center for NursingPromotion Division of Regional Medicine, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 本研究の目的は、「緩和ケア実践看護師養成コース(以下Aコース)」「在宅緩和ケア推進看護師養成コース(以下Bコース)」を受講した修了者とその上司への調査からプログラム評価および看護実践への活用状況を指標にしてプログラムを評価することである。【方法】平成27~31年度の間に京都府立医科大学看護実践キャリア開発センターが開催する「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」のAコースまたはBコースを受講した修了者25名のうち、調査時点で受講時と同じ施設・病院で就労を継続している21名(Aコース14名、Bコース7名)、とその上司21名(Aコース14名、Bコース7名)を研究対象者とした。修了生の施設・病院に質問紙を郵送し、令和3年7月~8月に無記名の自記式質問紙調査を行った。調査項目は、基本属性、カリキュラムについて、教育目標について、受講内容の適切性について、学習内容の臨床での活用について、とした。なお所属する大学の医学倫理審査委員会の承認を得て実施した(ERB-E-444)。【結果】回答者は、Aコース修了者9名、Aコース上司7名、Bコース修了者5名、Bコース上司3名であった。受講した修了者の評価においては、プログラムの内容についてAコースの8割以上が、Bコースの全員が(とても・まあまあ)適切としている。自己能力の発揮状況について、Aコースは4~6割、Bコースについては4~8割ができているとしている。 上司からの評価では、両コースとも受講した講義・演習・実習が7割程度現在の看護実践に役立っていると答えた。期待される能力については両コースとも8割以上が現在の看護活動に活きていると答えた。【結論】平成27年度から開始された「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」に対して、受講した修了者とその上司に,研修が有用であったかを問うたところ、受講した修了者はプログラムの内容が看護の実践で活かされていると実感していることが明らかとなった。さらに、上司は、受講した修了者が研修を踏まえた看護実践ができていると評価していることが明らかになった。修了者、上司の評価からプログラムの効果を評価することができた

    Systematic Review of the Current Status of Human Sarcoma Cell Lines

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    Sarcomas are rare mesenchymal malignant tumors with unique biological and clinical features. Given their diversity, heterogeneity, complexity, and rarity, the clinical management of sarcomas is quite challenging. Cell lines have been used as indispensable tools for both basic research and pre-clinical studies. However, empirically, sarcoma cell lines are not readily available. To understand the present status of sarcoma cell lines and identify their current challenges, we systematically reviewed reports on sarcoma cell lines. We searched the cell line database, Cellosaurus, and categorized the sarcoma cell lines according to the WHO classification. We identified the number and availability of sarcoma cell lines with a specific histology. We found 844 sarcoma cell lines in the Cellosaurus database, and 819 of them were named according to the WHO classification. Among the 819 cell lines, 36 multiple and nine single cell lines are available for histology. No cell lines were reported for 133 of the histological subtypes. Among the 844 cell lines, 148 are currently available in public cell banks, with 692 already published. We conclude that there needs to be a larger number of cell lines, with various histological subtypes, to better benefit sarcoma research