603 research outputs found

    Electrical transport properties of two-dimensional hole gases in the Si/Si[subscript 1-x]Ge[subscript x] system

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    This thesis is a report of experimental investigations of hole transport properties in quantum wells formed in Si/SiGe heterostructures grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Initial work was concerned with elucidating the dominant hole scattering mechanisms, the aim being to relate this to the growth conditions and consequently produce enhanced mobility material for further study. Accordingly, low temperature resistance and Hall measurements (down to 4 K) were undertaken, in order to minimise the effect of phonon scattering. The first samples exhibited strongly localised hole states at liquid helium temperatures, but subsequently, the introduction of growth interrupts as well as the use of higher growth temperatures was shown to give rise to conduction by extended states, with a maximum 5 K mobility of nearly 4000 cm2V',s1. Interface impurities at the Si/SiGe heterojunction with a density of 2xl0n cm-2 are shown to be responsible for the typical carrier mobility of 2000 cm:V-'s'1 obtained in structures grown at 550 °C, and using a model developed by the author this density is found to be consistent with the dependence of experimental data on structural and doping parameters. Magnetotransport measurements carried out in fields up to 12 T in strength and at temperatures down to 0.3 K yielded the first observation of weak localisation and carrier-carrier interaction phenomena in this materials system. It is possible to confirm that strain lifts the light hole and heavy hole band degeneracy associated with unstrained Si. In addition, a temperature dependence of the Boltzmann conductivity is observed and attributed to the variation of screening efficiency with thermal disorder. Deviations from the expected InT dependence of the Hall coefficient in the presence of enhanced interaction phenomena might be understood in terms of a recent theory for the weak localisation correction to the Hall conductivity near the metal-insulator transition

    Novel ligands for the recovery of copper via solvent extraction

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    Trace element and isotope constraints on crustal anatexis by upwelling mantle melts in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: an example form the Isle of Rum, NW Scotland

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    Sr and Nd isotope ratios, together with lithophile trace elements, have been measured in a representative set of igneous rocks and Lewisian gneisses from the Isle of Rum in order to unravel the petrogenesis of the felsic rocks that erupted in the early stages of Palaeogene magmatism in the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP). The Rum rhyodacites appear to be the products of large amounts of melting of Lewisian amphibolite gneiss. The Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the magmas can be explained without invoking an additional granulitic crustal component. Concentrations of the trace element Cs in the rhyodacites strongly suggests that the gneiss parent rock had experienced Cs and Rb loss prior to Palaeogene times, possibly during a Caledonian event. This depletion caused heterogeneity with respect to 87Sr/86Sr in the crustal source of silicic melts. Other igneous rock types on Rum (dacites, early gabbros) are mixtures of crustalmelts and and primarymantle melts. Forward Rare Earth Element modelling shows that late stage picritic melts on Rum are close analogues for the parent melts of the Rum Layered Suite, and for the mantle melts that caused crustal anatexis of the Lewisian gneiss. These primary mantle melts have close affinities to Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts (MORB), whose trace element content varies from slightly depleted to slightly enriched. Crustal anatexis is a common process in the rift-to-drift evolution during continental break-up and the formation of Volcanic Rifted Margins systems. The ‘early felsic–later mafic’ volcanic rock associations from Rum are compared to similar associations recovered from the now-drowned seaward-dipping wedges on the shelf of SE Greenland and on the Vøring Plateau (Norwegian Sea). These three regions show geochemical differences that result from variations in the regional crustal composition and the depth at which crustal anatexis took place

    Notes on Intensities in the Spectrum O II

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    Physisorption of an electron in deep surface potentials off a dielectric surface

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    We study phonon-mediated adsorption and desorption of an electron at dielectric surfaces with deep polarization-induced surface potentials where multi-phonon transitions are responsible for electron energy relaxation. Focusing on multi-phonon processes due to the nonlinearity of the coupling between the external electron and the acoustic bulk phonon triggering the transitions between surface states, we calculate electron desorption times for graphite, MgO, CaO, (\text{Al}_2\text{O}_3), and (\text{SiO}_2) and electron sticking coefficients for (\text{Al}_2\text{O}_3), CaO, and (\text{SiO}_2). To reveal the kinetic stages of electron physisorption, we moreover study the time evolution of the image state occupancy and the energy-resolved desorption flux. Depending on the potential depth and the surface temperature we identify two generic scenarios: (i)adsorption via trapping in shallow image states followed by relaxation to the lowest image state and desorption from that state via a cascade through the second strongly bound image state in not too deep potentials and (ii)adsorption via trapping in shallow image states but followed by a relaxation bottleneck retarding the transition to the lowest image state and desorption from that state via a one step process to the continuum in deep potentials.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Growth studies on Si0.8Ge0.2 channel two-dimensional hole gases

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    We report a study of the influences of MBE conditions on the low-temperature mobilities of Si/Si0.8Ge0.2 2DHG structures. A significant dependence of 2DHG mobility on growth temperature is observed with the maximum mobility of 3640 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 5.4 K being achieved at the relatively high-growth temperature of 640 °C. This dependence is associated with a reduction in interface charge density. Studies on lower mobility samples show that Cu contamination can be reduced both by growth interruptions and by modifications to the Ge source; this reduction produces improvements in the low-temperature mobilities. We suggest that interface charge deriving from residual metal contamination is currently limiting the 4-K mobility

    Low temperature characterization of modulation doped SiGe grown on bonded silicon-on-insulator

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    Modulation doped pseudomorphic Si0.87Ge0.13 strained quantum wells were grown on bonded silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates. Comparison with similar structures grown on bulk Si(100) wafers shows that the SOI material has higher mobility at low temperatures with a maximum value of 16 810 cm 2/V s for 2.05 × 1011 cm – 2 carries at 298 mK. Effective masses obtained from the temperature dependence of Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations have a value of (0.27 ± 0.02) m0 compared to (0.23 ± 0.02) m0 for quantum wells on Si(100) while the cyclotron resonance effective masses obtained at higher magnetic fields without consideration for nonparabolicity effects have values between 0.25 and 0.29 m0. Ratios of the transport and quantum lifetimes, tau/tau q=2.13 ± 0.10, were obtained for the SOI material that are, we believe, the highest reported for any pseudomorphic SiGe modulation doped structure and demonstrates that there is less interface roughness or charge scattering in the SOI material than in metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistors or other pseudomorphic SiGe modulation doped quantum wells

    Effective mass and band nonparabolicity in remote doped Si/Si0.8Ge0.2 quantum wells

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    The effective masses in remote doped Si/Si0.8Ge0.2/Si quantum wells having sheet densities, Ns in the range 2 × 1011–1.1 × 1012 cm – 2 have been determined from the temperature dependencies of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations. The values obtained increase with magnetic field and Ns. This behavior is taken as evidence for the nonparabolicity of the valence band and accounts for the discrepancies in previously reported masses. Self-consistent band structure calculations for a triangular confinement of the carriers have also been carried out and provide confirmation of the increase in mass with Ns. Theory and experiment give extrapolated Gamma point effective masses of 0.21 and 0.20 of the free-electron mass, respectively

    Electron surface layer at the interface of a plasma and a dielectric wall

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    We study the potential and the charge distribution across the interface of a plasma and a dielectric wall. For this purpose, the charge bound to the wall is modelled as a quasi-stationary electron surface layer which satisfies Poisson's equation and minimizes the grand canonical potential of the wall-thermalized excess electrons constituting the wall charge. Based on an effective model for a graded interface taking into account the image potential and the offset of the conduction band to the potential just outside the dielectric, we specifically calculate the potential and the electron distribution for magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide and sapphire surfaces in contact with a helium discharge. Depending on the electron affinity of the surface, we find two vastly different behaviors. For negative electron affinity, electrons do not penetrate into the wall and an external surface charge is formed in the image potential, while for positive electron affinity, electrons penetrate into the wall and a space charge layer develops in the interior of the dielectric. We also investigate how the electron surface layer merges with the bulk of the dielectric.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted versio

    Linking in situ Crystallisation and Magma Replenishment via Sill Intrusion in the Rum Western Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland

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    The construction of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions has traditionally been attributed to gravity driven accumulation, involving the mechanical settling of crystals onto the magma chamber floor, at the interface between the crystal mush at the base and overlying replenishing magma, such that the layered sequence of cumulates (i.e., the crystal mush) at the floor aggrades upwards. The Rum Western Layered Intrusion (WLI) is a ~250 m sequence of layered peridotite cumulates comprising the structurally lowest portion of the Rum Layered Suite (RLS). As such, it is taken to represent the oldest sequence in the RLS and has been assumed to young upwards. The WLI hosts the largest proportion of harrisite, a cumulate composed of skeletal olivine that formed by in situ crystallisation, in the Rum layered intrusion. Harrisite layers in the WLI ubiquitously exhibit extremely irregular upward-oriented apophyses, up to several metres high and metres across, alongside laterally extensive dome-like structures; features consistent with intrusive, sill-like emplacement of harrisite. The distribution and abundance of harrisite therefore points to chaotic sill-like emplacement of the magmas that produced at least half of the WLI cumulate. This probably occurred various ambient crystal mush temperatures and punctuated intervals during cumulate formation. The harrisite layers are associated with numerous Cr-spinel seams occurring along the tops, bases, and interiors of these layers, suggesting they formed in situ alongside harrisite sills within the crystal mush. Detailed quantitative textural and mineral chemical analysis of Cr-spinel seams support a simple in situ crystallisation process for their formation. It is suggested the Cr-spinel seams form within melt channels that develop along the same hot tears that allowed the harrisite parental melts to enter the crystal mush. The chemistry and texture of Cr-spinel is controlled by the volume of through-flow of melt through the melt channel. Where melt flux through channels was high, sulphide and platinumgroup minerals are more abundant, highlighting the key economic implications of this model for the platinum-group element enrichment of chromitite horizons in layered intrusions. We also highlight the role of infiltration metasomatism at multiple levels of the WLI, where porous percolation of interstitial melt and reactive liquid flow played a key role in cumulate formation, supporting the notion of layered intrusion growth by incremental sill emplacement
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