5 research outputs found

    The human immune response to respiratory syncytial virus infection

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important etiological agent of respiratory infections, particularly in children. Much information regarding the immune response to RSV comes from animal models and in vitro studies. Here, we provide a comprehensive description of the human immune response to RSV infection, based on a systematic literature review of research on infected humans. There is an initial strong neutrophil response to RSV infection in humans, which is positively correlated with disease severity and mediated by interleukin-8 (IL-8). Dendritic cells migrate to the lungs as the primary antigen-presenting cell. An initial systemic T-cell lymphopenia is followed by a pulmonary CD8(+) T-cell response, mediating viral clearance. Humoral immunity to reinfection is incomplete, but RSV IgG and IgA are protective. B-cell-stimulating factors derived from airway epithelium play a major role in protective antibody generation. Gamma interferon (IFN-γ) has a strongly protective role, and a Th2-biased response may be deleterious. Other cytokines (particularly IL-17A), chemokines (particularly CCL-5 and CCL-3), and local innate immune factors (including cathelicidins and IFN-λ) contribute to pathogenesis. In summary, neutrophilic inflammation is incriminated as a harmful response, whereas CD8(+) T cells and IFN-γ have protective roles. These may represent important therapeutic targets to modulate the immunopathogenesis of RSV infection

    Airway response to respiratory syncytial virus has incidental antibacterial effects.

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    RSV infection is typically associated with secondary bacterial infection. We hypothesise that the local airway immune response to RSV has incidental antibacterial effects. Using coordinated proteomics and metagenomics analysis we simultaneously analysed the microbiota and proteomes of the upper airway and determined direct antibacterial activity in airway secretions of RSV-infected children. Here, we report that the airway abundance of Streptococcus was higher in samples collected at the time of RSV infection compared with samples collected one month later. RSV infection is associated with neutrophil influx into the airway and degranulation and is marked by overexpression of proteins with known antibacterial activity including BPI, EPX, MPO and AZU1. Airway secretions of children infected with RSV, have significantly greater antibacterial activity compared to RSV-negative controls. This RSV-associated, neutrophil-mediated antibacterial response in the airway appears to act as a regulatory mechanism that modulates bacterial growth in the airways of RSV-infected children