93 research outputs found

    Solvent effects in permeation assessed in vivo by skin surface biopsy

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    BACKGROUND: Transdermal drug delivery has become an important means of drug administration. It presents numerous advantages but it is still limited by the small number of drugs with a suitable profile. The use of solvents that affect the skin barrier function is one of the classic strategies of penetration enhancement. Some of these solvents have well characterised actions on the stratum corneum, but the majority are still selected using empirical criteria. The objective of this work was to conduct a systematic study on the ability to affect skin permeation of solvents commonly used in transdermal formulations. An innovative methodology in this area was employed, consisting of the combination of skin surface biopsy with colorimetry. METHODS: The study compared in vivo differences in the permeation of a hydrophilic (methylene blue) and a lipophilic (Sudan III) dye, after treatment of the skin with different vehicles. Consecutive skin surface biopsies of each site were taken and the cumulative amounts of the dyes in the stripped stratum corneum were measured by reflectance colourimetry. RESULTS: Results indicate that the amount of methylene blue present in the stratum corneum varied significantly with different skin pre-treatments. Some solvents provided a 1.5 fold penetration enhancement but others decreased by almost half the permeation of the dye. The permeation of Sudan III was less significantly affected by solvent pre-treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This study has only superficially explored the potential of the combination of skin surface biopsy and colourimetry, but the encouraging results obtained confirm that the methodology can be extended to the study of more complex formulations

    The identification of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans in archaeological human bones and teeth

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    Bone tissue is mineralized dense connective tissue consisting mainly of a mineral component (hydroxyapatite) and an organic matrix comprised of collagens, non-collagenous proteins and proteoglycans (PGs). Extracellular matrix proteins and PGs bind tightly to hydroxyapatite which would protect these molecules from the destructive effects of temperature and chemical agents after death. DNA and proteins have been successfully extracted from archaeological skeletons from which valuable information has been obtained; however, to date neither PGs nor glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains have been studied in archaeological skeletons. PGs and GAGs play a major role in bone morphogenesis, homeostasis and degenerative bone disease. The ability to isolate and characterize PG and GAG content from archaeological skeletons would unveil valuable paleontological information. We therefore optimized methods for the extraction of both PGs and GAGs from archaeological human skeleto ns. PGs and GAGs were successfully extracted from both archaeological human bones and teeth, and characterized by their electrophoretic mobility in agarose gel, degradation by specific enzymes and HPLC. The GAG populations isolated were chondroitin sulfate (CS) and hyaluronic acid (HA). In addition, a CSPG was detected. The localization of CS, HA, three small leucine rich PGs (biglycan, decorin and fibromodulin) and glypican was analyzed in archaeological human bone slices. Staining patterns were different for juvenile and adult bones, whilst adolescent bones had a similar staining pattern to adult bones. The finding that significant quantities of PGs and GAGs persist in archaeological bones and teeth opens novel venues for the field of Paleontology

    Empirical Evaluation of Bone Extraction Protocols

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    The application of high-resolution analytical techniques to characterize ancient bone proteins requires clean, efficient extraction to obtain high quality data. Here, we evaluated many different protocols from the literature on ostrich cortical bone and moa cortical bone to evaluate their yield and relative purity using the identification of antibody-antigen complexes on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gel electrophoresis. Moa bone provided an ancient comparison for the effectiveness of bone extraction protocols tested on ostrich bone. For the immunological part of this study, we focused on collagen I, osteocalcin, and hemoglobin because collagen and osteocalcin are the most abundant proteins in the mineralized extracellular matrix and hemoglobin is common in the vasculature. Most of these procedures demineralize the bone first, and then the remaining organics are chemically extracted. We found that the use of hydrochloric acid, rather than ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, for demineralization resulted in the cleanest extractions because the acid was easily removed. In contrast, the use of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid resulted in smearing upon electrophoretic separation, possibly indicating these samples were not as pure. The denaturing agents sodium dodecyl sulfate, urea, and guanidine HCl have been used extensively for the solubilization of proteins in non-biomineralized tissue, but only the latter has been used on bone. We show that all three denaturing agents are effective for extracting bone proteins. One additional method tested uses ammonium bicarbonate as a solubilizing buffer that is more appropriate for post-extraction analyses (e.g., proteomics) by removing the need for desalting. We found that both guanidine HCl and ammonium bicarbonate were effective for extracting many bone proteins, resulting in similar electrophoretic patterns. With the increasing use of proteomics, a new generation of scientists are now interested in the study of proteins from not only extant bone but also from ancient bone

    Degradation of glycosaminoglycans by reactive oxygen species derived from stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes

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    The effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated by in vitro stimulation of isolated PMN upon the main GAG components of mineralised and non-mineralised connective tissues was investigated. PMN were isolated from whole blood and the production of the ROS superoxide (O.−2) and hydroxyl radicals () was stimulated by the addition of phorbol myristyl acetate (PMA) and PMA / FeCl3–EDTA chelate respectively and their production assessed over a 24 h period. The glycosaminoglycans (GAG), hyaluronan, chondroitin 4-sulphate and dermatan sulphate, were exposed to the ROS fluxes, incubated at 37°C for 1 h and 24 h. GAG fragmentation was examined by gel exclusion chromatography and modification to hexuronic acid and hexosamine residues determined. Stimulation of PMN with PMA resulted in a burst of O.−2 production for 1 h, which was sustained at a reduced level for 24 h. Fragmentation of GAG was observed for all GAG examined. Modification to the GAG was evident, with hyaluronan being more susceptible to loss of GAG residues than sulphated GAG. Modification of sugar residues increased with the incubation time and loss of the hexuronic acid residues was greater than loss of hexosamine residues. Addition of FeCl3–EDTA chelate, which led to the generation of and was sustained over the 24 h period, demonstrated similar trends of GAG modification although increased degradation and loss of hexosamine and hexuronic acid were observed. GAG chains are constituents of PGs and their modification is likely to affect the function of these macromolecules and be of importance in considering the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, including periodontal diseases

    Hyaluronan and its Potential Role in Periodontal Healing

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    Hyaluronan is a natural tissue component, which plays a vital role in the functioning of extracellular matrices, including those of the periodontium. This molecule is also important in relation to the mechanisms associated with inflammation and wound healing. The application of exogenous hyaluronan and hyaluronan-based biomaterials has been successful in manipulating and accelerating the wound healing process in a number of medical disciplines, as evident in ophthalmology, dermatology and rheumatology. It is conceivable that hyaluronan administration to periodontal sites could achieve comparable beneficial effects in periodontal healing and surgery, hence aiding treatment of periodontal disease
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