28 research outputs found

    Identification and Characterization of Cancer Stem Cells from Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines

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    Background/Aims: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) ranks sixth worldwide for tumor-related mortality. A subpopulation of tumor cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs), has the ability to support cancer growth. Therefore, profiling CSC-enriched populations could be a reliable tool to study cancer biology. Methods: We performed phenotypic characterization of 7 HNSCC cell lines and evaluated the presence of CSCs. CSCs from Hep-2 cell line and HNSCC primary cultures were enriched through sphere formation and sphere-forming cells have been characterized both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we investigated the expression levels of Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT), an enzyme overexpressed in several malignancies. Results: CSC markers were markedly expressed in Hep-2 cell line, which was found to be highly tumorigenic. CSC-enriched populations displayed increased expression of CSC markers and a strong capability to form tumors in vivo. We also found an overexpression of CSC markers in tumor formed by CSC-enriched populations. Interestingly, NNMT levels were significantly higher in CSC-enriched populations compared with parental cells. Conclusion: Our study provides an useful procedure for CSC identification and enrichment in HNSCC. Moreover, results obtained seem to suggest that CSCs may represent a promising target for an anticancer therapy

    Cardiomyocyte protein O-GlcNAcylation is regulated by GFAT1 not GFAT2.

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    In response to cardiac injury, increased activity of the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway (HBP) is linked with cytoprotective as well as adverse effects depending on the type and duration of injury. Glutamine-fructose amidotransferase (GFAT; gene name gfpt) is the rate-limiting enzyme that controls flux through HBP. Two protein isoforms exist in the heart called GFAT1 and GFAT2. There are conflicting data on the relative importance of GFAT1 and GFAT2 during stress-induced HBP responses in the heart. Using neonatal rat cardiac cell preparations, targeted knockdown of GFPT1 and GFPT2 were performed and HBP activity measured. Immunostaining with specific GFAT1 and GFAT2 antibodies was undertaken in neonatal rat cardiac preparations and murine cardiac tissues to characterise cell-specific expression. Publicly available human heart single cell sequencing data was interrogated to determine cell-type expression. Western blots for GFAT isoform protein expression were performed in human cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). GFPT1 but not GFPT2 knockdown resulted in a loss of stress-induced protein O-GlcNAcylation in neonatal cardiac cell preparations indicating reduced HBP activity. In rodent cells and tissue, immunostaining for GFAT1 identified expression in both cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts whereas immunostaining for GFAT2 was only identified in fibroblasts. Further corroboration of findings in human heart cells identified an enrichment of GFPT2 gene expression in cardiac fibroblasts but not ventricular myocytes whereas GFPT1 was expressed in both myocytes and fibroblasts. In human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, only GFAT1 protein was expressed with an absence of GFAT2. In conclusion, these results indicate that GFAT1 is the primary cardiomyocyte isoform and GFAT2 is only present in cardiac fibroblasts. Cell-specific isoform expression may have differing effects on cell function and should be considered when studying HBP and GFAT functions in the heart

    Geomorphology of the Castel de' Britti area (Northern Apennines, Italy): an example of teaching geomorphological mapping in a traditional and practical way

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    International audienceTeaching how to map the geomorphology of an area cannot be performed in a satisfying manner only in the lecture room, but requires practical exercises both in the laboratory and in the field. A preliminary study of existing geological maps, geomorphological legends and symbols used in Italy and of the landslide inventory preceded a detailed four-day-long field mapping campaign carried out by students in the framework of their MSc course on ‘Geomorphological Mapping’ at Bologna University. The Geomorphological Map at 1:5000 produced by some of these students is presented in this paper.The study area is located in the northern Apennines, a few kilometres East of Bologna, along the Idice Valley (N-Italy). Lithologies are mainly composed of clayey and marly sequences ranging in age from Cretaceous to Plio-Pleistocene, sands and sandstones of Pleistocene age, and Messinian gypsum, these last being the most resistant rocks.Besides the greater scale used in this map, allowing for a more detailed representation of the mapped features, this map also shows the recent evolution of landslides in this actively mass wasting area