54 research outputs found

    Yersinia pestis Endowed with Increased Cytotoxicity Is Avirulent in a Bubonic Plague Model and Induces Rapid Protection against Pneumonic Plague

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    An important virulence strategy evolved by bacterial pathogens to overcome host defenses is the modulation of host cell death. Previous observations have indicated that Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague disease, exhibits restricted capacity to induce cell death in macrophages due to ineffective translocation of the type III secretion effector YopJ, as opposed to the readily translocated YopP, the YopJ homologue of the enteropathogen Yersinia enterocolitica O∶8. This led us to suggest that reduced cytotoxic potency may allow pathogen propagation within a shielded niche, leading to increased virulence. To test the relationship between cytotoxic potential and virulence, we replaced Y. pestis YopJ with YopP. The YopP-expressing Y. pestis strain exhibited high cytotoxic activity against macrophages in vitro. Following subcutaneous infection, this strain had reduced ability to colonize internal organs, was unable to induce septicemia and exhibited at least a 107-fold reduction in virulence. Yet, upon intravenous or intranasal infection, it was still as virulent as the wild-type strain. The subcutaneous administration of the cytotoxic Y. pestis strain appears to activate a rapid and potent systemic, CTL-independent, immunoprotective response, allowing the organism to overcome simultaneous coinfection with 10,000 LD50 of virulent Y. pestis. Moreover, three days after subcutaneous administration of this strain, animals were also protected against septicemic or primary pneumonic plague. Our findings indicate that an inverse relationship exists between the cytotoxic potential of Y. pestis and its virulence following subcutaneous infection. This appears to be associated with the ability of the engineered cytotoxic Y. pestis strain to induce very rapid, effective and long-lasting protection against bubonic and pneumonic plague. These observations have novel implications for the development of vaccines/therapies against Y. pestis and shed new light on the virulence strategies of Y. pestis in nature

    The NlpD Lipoprotein Is a Novel Yersinia pestis Virulence Factor Essential for the Development of Plague

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    Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague. Previously we have isolated an attenuated Y. pestis transposon insertion mutant in which the pcm gene was disrupted. In the present study, we investigated the expression and the role of pcm locus genes in Y. pestis pathogenesis using a set of isogenic surE, pcm, nlpD and rpoS mutants of the fully virulent Kimberley53 strain. We show that in Y. pestis, nlpD expression is controlled from elements residing within the upstream genes surE and pcm. The NlpD lipoprotein is the only factor encoded from the pcm locus that is essential for Y. pestis virulence. A chromosomal deletion of the nlpD gene sequence resulted in a drastic reduction in virulence to an LD50 of at least 107 cfu for subcutaneous and airway routes of infection. The mutant was unable to colonize mouse organs following infection. The filamented morphology of the nlpD mutant indicates that NlpD is involved in cell separation; however, deletion of nlpD did not affect in vitro growth rate. Trans-complementation experiments with the Y. pestis nlpD gene restored virulence and all other phenotypic defects. Finally, we demonstrated that subcutaneous administration of the nlpD mutant could protect animals against bubonic and primary pneumonic plague. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Y. pestis NlpD is a novel virulence factor essential for the development of bubonic and pneumonic plague. Further, the nlpD mutant is superior to the EV76 prototype live vaccine strain in immunogenicity and in conferring effective protective immunity. Thus it could serve as a basis for a very potent live vaccine against bubonic and pneumonic plague

    Discordance in the Effects of Yersinia pestis on the Dendritic Cell Functions Manifested by Induction of Maturation and Paralysis of Migration

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    The encounter between invading microorganisms and dendritic cells (DC) triggers a series of events which include uptake and degradation of the microorganism, induction of a maturation process, and enhancement of DC migration to the draining lymph nodes. Various pathogens have developed strategies to counteract these events as a measure to evade the host defense. In the present study we found that interaction of the Yersinia pestis EV76 strain with DC has no effect on cell viability and is characterized by compliance with effective maturation, which is manifested by surface display of major histocompatibility complex class II, of costimulatory markers, and of the chemokine receptor CCR7. This is in contrast to maturation inhibition and cell death induction exerted by the related species Yersinia enterocolitica WA O:8. Y. pestis interactions with DC were found, however, to impair functions related to cytoskeleton rearrangement. DC pulsed with Y. pestis failed to adhere to solid surfaces and to migrate toward the chemokine CCL19 in an in vitro transmembrane assay. Both effects were dependent on the presence of the pCD1 virulence plasmid and on a bacterial growth shift to 37°C prior to infection. Moreover, while instillation of a pCD1-cured Y. pestis strain into mouse airways triggered effective transport of alveolar DC to the mediastinal lymph node, instillation of Y. pestis harboring the plasmid failed to do so. Taken together, these results suggest that virulence plasmid-dependent impairment of DC migration is the major mechanism utilized by Y. pestis to subvert DC function

    Development of an Improved Selective Agar Medium for Isolation of Yersinia pestis

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    Existing media designed for selective isolation of clinically important members of the genus Yersinia were found to be unsatisfactory for the growth and isolation of Yersinia pestis. We report the development of a new selective agar medium (termed BIN) that supports the growth of Y. pestis. The development of the formulation of this medium was based on a fluorescence screening system designed for monitoring bacterial growth on semisolid media, using a green fluorescent protein-expressing strain. High-throughput combinatorial experiments can be conducted for the quantitative evaluation of the effect of different medium components on growth. Generation of fluorescence plots in this system, using microplates, allowed the quantitative evaluation of the growth rate of Y. pestis EV76 cultures in different agar compositions. The final BIN formulation is based on brain heart infusion agar, to which the selective agents irgasan, cholate salts, crystal violet, and nystatin were introduced. It was found that BIN agar is more efficient in supporting colony formation and recovery of Y. pestis than are the conventional semisolid media MacConkey agar and Yersinia-selective agar (cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin agar). The advantage of BIN over other media has been also demonstrated in recovering virulent Y. pestis from the mixed bacterial populations found in decaying carcasses of infected mice. The BIN medium is suggested as a selective medium for isolation and recovery of Y. pestis from various backgrounds

    Characterization of Yersinia pestis Phage Lytic Activity in Human Whole Blood for the Selection of Efficient Therapeutic Phages

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    The global increase in multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogenic bacteria has led to growing interest in bacteriophage (“phage”) therapy. Therapeutic phages are usually selected based on their ability to infect and lyse target bacteria, using in vitro assays. In these assays, phage infection is determined using target bacteria grown in standard commercial rich media, while evaluation of the actual therapeutic activity requires the presence of human blood. In the present work, we characterized the ability of two different Yersinia pestis lytic phages (ϕA1122 and PST) to infect and kill a luminescent Y. pestis EV76 strain suspended in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI)-rich medium or in human whole blood, simulating the host environment. We found that the ability of the phages to infect and lyse blood-suspended Y. pestis was not correlated with their ability to infect and lyse BHI-suspended bacteria. While the two different phages exhibited efficient infective capacity in a BHI-suspended culture, only the PST phage showed efficient lysis ability against blood-suspended bacteria. Therefore, we recommend that for personalized phage therapy, selection of phage(s) for efficient treatment of patients suffering from MDR bacterial infections should include prior testing of the candidate phage(s) for their lysis ability in the presence of human blood

    Improved production of monoclonal antibodies against the LcrV antigen of Yersinia pestis using FACS-aided hybridoma selection

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     For about four decades, hybridoma technologies have been the “work horse” of monoclonal antibody production. These techniques proved to be robust and reliable, albeit laborious. Over the years, several major improvements have been introduced into the field, but yet, antibody production still requires many hours of labor and considerable resources. In this work, we present a leap forward in the advancement of hybridoma-based monoclonal antibody production, which saves labor and time and increases yield, by combining hybridoma technology, fluorescent particles and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). By taking advantage of the hybridomas’ cell-surface associated antibodies, we can differentiate between antigen-specific and non-specific cells, based on their ability to bind the particles. The speed and efficiency of antibody discovery, and subsequent cell cloning, are of high importance in the field of infectious diseases. Therefore, as a model system, we chose the protein LcrV, a major virulence factor of the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis, an important re-emerging pathogen and a possible bioterror agent

    Effective Protective Immunity to Yersinia pestis Infection Conferred by DNA Vaccine Coding for Derivatives of the F1 Capsular Antigen

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    Three plasmids expressing derivatives of the Yersinia pestis capsular F1 antigen were evaluated for their potential as DNA vaccines. These included plasmids expressing the full-length F1, F1 devoid of its putative signal peptide (deF1), and F1 fused to the signal-bearing E3 polypeptide of Semliki Forest virus (E3/F1). Expression of these derivatives in transfected HEK293 cells revealed that deF1 is expressed in the cytosol, E3/F1 is targeted to the secretory cisternae, and the nonmodified F1 is rapidly eliminated from the cell. Intramuscular vaccination of mice with these plasmids revealed that the vector expressing deF1 was the most effective in eliciting anti-F1 antibodies. This response was not limited to specific mouse strains or to the mode of DNA administration, though gene gun-mediated vaccination was by far more effective than intramuscular needle injection. Vaccination of mice with deF1 DNA conferred protection against subcutaneous infection with the virulent Y. pestis Kimberley53 strain, even at challenge amounts as high as 4,000 50% lethal doses. Antibodies appear to play a major role in mediating this protection, as demonstrated by passive transfer of anti-deF1 DNA antiserum. Taken together, these observations indicate that a tailored genetic vaccine based on a bacterial protein can be used to confer protection against plague in mice without resorting to regimens involving the use of purified proteins