91 research outputs found


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    The Halal global market is promising a rapid and sustained growth (Berry 2008; Sungkar et al., 2008). In fact, only for Halal food industry, the amount of international trade has exceeded 2.1 trillion USD in 2006 (Berry 2008; Riaz and Chaudry 2004). The reasons of the prompt growing are multiple, but mainly due to (1) the rapid spread of the Islamic faithful worldwide, (2) the increasing spending power of the Islamic people. Despite the importance this market has on the global scene, few studies are available, discussing in-depth the phenomenon from the managerial and innovation management perspectives. Inspired by this opportunity, we attempt to explore in depth the innovation process leading companies from Haram to Halal products in the food industry. A multiple case study of four Italian companies has been developed in order to explore their innovation process and to understand how it has been reviewed to fit the Islamic requirements. The specific product and process solutions adopted by the companies have been analyzed as well as the related managerial and organizational implications and innovation changes implemented. In Italy, so far, only few isolated initiatives shed a first light on the Halal theme and the landscape appears very embryonic.Halal, Islam, New Product Development.

    Awareness of Residents in Small-scale Mining Communities on the Perceived Environmental Impact of Small-scale Mining: A Case of Amansie West District in Ashanti Region of Ghana.

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    This paper employed cross-sectional survey research design to examine the awareness of residents in small-scale mining communities on the perceived environmental impacts of small-scale mining, with particular emphasis on Amansie West District in Ashanti region of Ghana. Awareness is not only necessary predisposing factor for behavioural change but that knowledge can also dramatically improve attitude, misconception and consequently enhance small-scale mining practices. To achieve this objective, the investigator relies on information collected both quantitatively and qualitatively through in-depth interviews and questionnaires administration with 60 household heads sampled in stratified communities; based on common characteristics within small-scale mining communities in Amansie West District, coupled with documented data from published and unpublished articles. The study not only identify an inexplicably higher number of residents in the District engaged in small-scale mining but also realized that, 91.7 percent of the household heads sampled mentioned that the small-scale mining operations have had varied impacts on their environment, especially, their lands which are regarded as key element of physical capital in livelihood strategies for the dwellers in the (small-scale mining) communities. The residents however, showed awareness of varied degrees of potential health risks of small-scale mining activities in their respective communities. Although mitigation efforts have had limited impacts; it is expected that the policy recommendations in this paper if adopted and strictly adhere to will help reduce, if not completely ameliorate the environmental ramification of small-scale mining in Ghana. Key Words: Awareness, Environmental impact, Small-scale mining, Sustainable developmen

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    A causa dei sempre più evidenti limiti di tenuta dell'ecosistema si fanno ogni giorno più pressanti le richieste degli stakeholder (legislatore, consumatori, ecc.) che spingono le imprese verso una crescente eco-compatibilità dei propri prodotti e processi. L'ambiente è diventato quindi, a pieno titolo, un ambito molto sfidante per le imprese che, sempre più spesso, scelgono di sfruttare in modo proattivo le opportunità che questo offre piuttosto che subire passivamente le conseguenze di questo trend. Il paper vuole fornire una sintetica ma esaustiva rassegna delle migliori pratiche di gestione ambientale d'impresa e delle numerose possibilità che questo ambito, così pervasivo nelle attività d'impresa, offre. La scelta non è solo opportuna da un punto di vista etico ma anche da un punto di vista economico: non poche decisioni, che hanno un positivo impatto sull'ecosistema, hanno un positivo impatto anche sui conti dell'impresa, riducendone i costi o ampliandone i ricavi. Pensiamo solo al risparmio energetico o all'utilizzo di materiali di riciclo, da un lato, al mercato dei green consumer dall'altro. In questa trattazione ben si inserisce il caso Palm che consente di apprezzare concretamente gli impatti e i benefici che una PMI ha avuto dall'attuazione di una strategia ambientale e di svariate azioni operative.Due to the increasingly critical status of the ecosystem, stakeholders (legislator, consumers, etc..) are pressing, more and more, companies towards greater environmental friendliness of their products and processes. As consequence, the environment has become very challenging for businesses, which are increasingly choosing to exploit actively the opportunities it offers rather than passively suffer the consequences of this trend. The paper aims to provide a concise but thorough review of the best environmental management practices and the many opportunities that this area, so pervasive in business activity, offers. The choice is not only desirable from an ethical point of view but also from an economic point of view: many decisions that have a positive impact on the ecosystem, have a positive impact also on the firm's accounts, reducing costs or expanding the revenues. Just think of the energy savings or use of recycled materials , on the one hand, the green consumers market on the other. In this discussion fits well the Palm case, which allows to appreciate, more precisely, the impacts and benefits that an SME has been after the implementation of an environmental strategy and various operational measures

    Liuc papers

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    A causa dei sempre più evidenti limiti di tenuta dell'ecosistema si fanno ogni giorno più pressanti le richieste degli stakeholder (legislatore, consumatori, ecc.) che spingono le imprese verso una crescente eco-compatibilità dei propri prodotti e processi. L'ambiente è diventato quindi, a pieno titolo, un ambito molto sfidante per le imprese che, sempre più spesso, scelgono di sfruttare in modo proattivo le opportunità che questo offre piuttosto che subire passivamente le conseguenze di questo trend. Il paper vuole fornire una sintetica ma esaustiva rassegna delle migliori pratiche di gestione ambientale d'impresa e delle numerose possibilità che questo ambito, così pervasivo nelle attività d'impresa, offre. La scelta non è solo opportuna da un punto di vista etico ma anche da un punto di vista economico: non poche decisioni, che hanno un positivo impatto sull'ecosistema, hanno un positivo impatto anche sui conti dell'impresa, riducendone i costi o ampliandone i ricavi. Pensiamo solo al risparmio energetico o all'utilizzo di materiali di riciclo, da un lato, al mercato dei green consumer dall'altro. In questa trattazione ben si inserisce il caso Palm che consente di apprezzare concretamente gli impatti e i benefici che una PMI ha avuto dall'attuazione di una strategia ambientale e di svariate azioni operative.Due to the increasingly critical status of the ecosystem, stakeholders (legislator, consumers, etc..) are pressing, more and more, companies towards greater environmental friendliness of their products and processes. As consequence, the environment has become very challenging for businesses, which are increasingly choosing to exploit actively the opportunities it offers rather than passively suffer the consequences of this trend. The paper aims to provide a concise but thorough review of the best environmental management practices and the many opportunities that this area, so pervasive in business activity, offers. The choice is not only desirable from an ethical point of view but also from an economic point of view: many decisions that have a positive impact on the ecosystem, have a positive impact also on the firm's accounts, reducing costs or expanding the revenues. Just think of the energy savings or use of recycled materials , on the one hand, the green consumers market on the other. In this discussion fits well the Palm case, which allows to appreciate, more precisely, the impacts and benefits that an SME has been after the implementation of an environmental strategy and various operational measures

    Quattro sfumature di impresa

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    Innovare la formazione per formare l'innovazione

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