2 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Neurodevelopmental outcomes among 2- to 3-year-old children in Bangladesh with elevated blood lead and exposure to arsenic and manganese in drinking water

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    Multivariate model between As, Mn, and Pb and BSID-III scores at 20–40 months. Table S3. Multivariate model between As, Mn, and Pb and BSID-III scores at 20–40 months. Table S4. Multivariate model between As, Mn, and Pb and Bayley z-scores at 20–40 months. Table S5. Multivariate model between As and Mn (early pregnancy) and Pb exposures and Bayley z-scores at 20–40 months. Table S6. Multivariate model between As, Mn (1 month post-partum) and Pb and Bayley z-scores at 20–40 months. (DOCX 25 kb