1,053 research outputs found

    Goals of Antitrust: Other Than Competition and Efficiency, What Else Counts

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    Law and Economics: Is there a Higher Law?

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    In the Beginning: The Creation of the Economic Expert in Antitrust

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    Today one cannot imagine antitrust litigation without the use of economic experts. Defendants and plaintiffs alike pay handsomely for their reports and testimony. However, the use of economists as expert witnesses did not begin until the iconic case of United States v. United States Steel, when two prominent economists, Francis Walker and Jeremiah Jenks, testified on behalf of the Department of Justice and United States Steel. Drawing on the original trial transcript, this paper assesses their role in the litigation. While their level of theoretical sophistication and empirical analysis falls short of today’s standards, the testimony of Walker and Jenks featured some of the same elements of expert testimony that continue today and analysis that was a precursor to the Chicago School’s perspective on competition

    The New International Economics Applied: Japanese Televisions and U.S. Consumers

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    Are Lawyers \u27Wonderfully Made\u27?

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    The New International Economics Applied: Japanese Televisions and U.S. Consumers

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    Om de stembus. Verkiezingsaffiches 1918-1998

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    Om de stembus verschijnt ter gelegenheid van de gelijknamige expositie over de verkiezingscampagnes in de twintigste eeuw, die van februari tot juni 2002 te zien is in achtereenvolgens het Universiteitsmuseum van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) en het gebouw van de Tweede Kamer. Deze tentoonstelling is georganiseerd door de Tentoonstellingsdienst van de Tweede Kamer, het Universiteitsmuseum en het eveneens tot de RUG behorende Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen (DNPP). Het bijbehorende boek geeft in woord en beeld een indruk van een kleine eeuw strijd om de kiezersgunst. Na de invoering van het stelsel van evenredige vertegenwoordiging en het algemeen kiesrecht in 1917 hebben er 22 maal verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer plaatsgevonden (de 23ste staat voor 15 mei 2002 op de agenda). Van die verkiezingen wordt hier een overzicht gegeven aan de hand van de daarbij gebruikte affiches.

    Human resources for control of tuberculosis and HIV-associated tuberculosis.

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    The global targets for tuberculosis (TB) control were postponed from 2000 to 2005, but on current evidence a further postponement may be necessary. Of the constraints preventing these targets being met, the primary one appears to be the lack of adequately trained and qualified staff. This paper outlines: 1) the human resources and skills for global TB and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) TB control, including the human resources for implementing the DOTS strategy, the additional human resources for implementing joint HIV-TB control strategies and what is known about human resource gaps at global level; 2) the attempts to quantify human resource gaps by focusing on a small country in sub-Saharan Africa, Malawi; and 3) the main constraints to human resources and their possible solutions, under six main headings: human resource planning; production of human resources; distribution of the work-force; motivation and staff retention; quality of existing staff; and the effect of HIV/AIDS. We recommend an urgent shift in thinking about the human resource paradigm, and exhort international policy makers and the donor community to make a concerted effort to bridge the current gaps by investing for real change

    Christianity and Antitrust

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    The purpose of this chapter is to consider whether the Christian faith has a nexus with the institution of antitrust. It turns out it doesn’t – and it does. For example, Christianity cannot explain why the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index is superior to the four-firm concentration ratio as a measure of industry concentration. Economics can. On the other hand, economics cannot explain why the per se rule against price-fixing is morally appropriate. The Bible can
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