9 research outputs found

    Active Magnetoelectric Motion Sensing: Examining Performance Metrics with an Experimental Setup

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    Magnetoelectric (ME) sensors with a form factor of a few millimeters offer a comparatively low magnetic noise density of a few pT/Hz−−−√ in a narrow frequency band near the first bending mode. While a high resonance frequency (kHz range) and limited bandwidth present a challenge to biomagnetic measurements, they can potentially be exploited in indirect sensing of non-magnetic quantities, where artificial magnetic sources are applicable. In this paper, we present the novel concept of an active magnetic motion sensing system optimized for ME sensors. Based on the signal chain, we investigated and quantified key drivers of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is closely related to sensor noise and bandwidth. These considerations were demonstrated by corresponding measurements in a simplified one-dimensional motion setup. Accordingly, we introduced a customized filter structure that enables a flexible bandwidth selection as well as a frequency-based separation of multiple artificial sources. Both design goals target the prospective application of ME sensors in medical movement analysis, where a multitude of distributed sensors and sources might be applied

    MEMS magnetic field source for frequency conversion approaches for ME sensors

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    Some magnetoelectric sensors require predefined external magnetic fields to satisfy optimal operation depending on their resonance frequency. While coils commonly generate this external magnetic field, a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) resonator integrated with permanent magnets could be a possible replacement. In this proof-of-concept study, the interaction of a MEMS resonator and the ME sensor is investigated and compared with the standard approach to achieve the best possible sensor operation in terms of sensitivity. The achievable sensor sensitivity was evaluated experimentally by generating the magnetic excitation signal by a coil or a small-sized MEMS resonator. Moreover, the possibility of using both approaches simultaneously was also analysed. The MEMS resonator operated with 20 Vpp at 1.377 kHz has achieved a sensor sensitivity of 221.21 mV/T. This sensitivity is comparable with the standard approach, where only a coil for sensor excitation is used. The enhanced sensitivity of 277.0 mV/T could be identified by generating the excitation signal simultaneously by a coil and the MEMS resonator in parallel. In conclusion, these MEMS resonator methods can potentially increase the sensitivity of the ME sensor even further. The unequal excitation frequency of the MEMS resonator and the resonance frequency of the ME sensor currently limit the performance. Furthermore, the MEMS resonator as a coil replacement also enables the complete sensor system to be scaled down. Therefore, optimizations to match both frequencies even better are under investigation

    Signal Modeling and Simulation of Temporal Dispersion and Conduction Block in Motor Nerves

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    Objective: Electroneurography is a well-established diagnostic test for supporting the diagnosis of disorders of myelinated peripheral nerves. Neurophysiological quantities are automatically calculated and are used to determine the pathology of the nerve (axonal damage) or its sheath (myelin damage). Specific differential diagnostic criteria are derived from time-domain normative data, which result primarily from a computer simulation in the early 1990s based on animal data, namely rats. However, the rat signals studied differ significantly from those of humans because of anatomical differences. Methods: We present a model-based simulation of nerve conduction in healthy and pathological motor nerves. In contrast to earlier simulations, the present model is based on motor unit action potentials extracted from real human measurements facilitating the generation of realistic signals, starting from a conduction velocity distribution. In addition to the modeling of healthy nerves, we model a hereditary peripheral nerve disease as well as an acute and a chronic inflammatory demyelinating condition. Results: Quantitative signal differences based on standard variables in the time-domain are presented. The findings for the demyelinating conditions demonstrate amplitude reductions of 71% and 65% between the distal and proximal responses, which result from an increase in the variance of the nerve fiber conduction velocities. Conclusion: The simulation results closely match those of empirical measurements, indicating that the signal model captures relevant pathological mechanisms. An amplitude reduction of more than 50% in demyelinating conditions is in accordance with routine measurements and shows that temporal dispersion is quite well-modeled compared to previous simulation models. Significance: The simulation outcomes can serve as the basis for an improved pathophysiological understanding of peripheral nerve disorders and should aid neurophysiologists to refine their diagnostic armamentarium resulting in a more precise differential diagnosis

    Magnetic Measurement of Electrically Evoked Muscle Responses With Optically Pumped Magnetometers

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    Objective: Electroneurography has been an essential method for assessing peripheral nerve disorders for decades. During this procedure, a nerve is briefly electrically excited, and nerve conduction properties are identified by indirect means from the behavior of the innervated muscle. The magnetic field of the resulting muscle response can also be recorded by novel, uncooled magnetometers, which have become very attractive for different medical applications over recent years. These highly sensitive magnetometers are called optically pumped magnetometers. Methods: We performed unaveraged and averaged magnetic signal detection of electrically evoked muscle responses using optically pumped magnetometers. We then discussed the suitability of this procedure for clinical applications in the context of diagnostic value and in direct comparison with the current electrical gold standard. Results: The magnetic detection of muscle responses is possible using optically pumped magnetometers. Our magnetic results (averaged and unaveraged) closely match those from electrical measurements. Conclusion: Optically pumped magnetometers provide an alternative, contactless technology for electrode-based motor studies, but they are currently not ready for routine clinical use. This costly technology requires additional earth magnetic shielding because this is a prerequisite for proper operation. Currently, there are no diagnostic advantages over electrical measurements. Additionally, the required measurement setup and procedure are much more complicated. Significance: In contrast to already published proof-of-principle studies for magnetomyography, we report in detail the results of the magnetic measurements of electrically evoked muscle responses in a shielded environment by applying supramaximal stimulation and finally validate our findings with electroneurography data as a reference

    PCB Coil Enables In Situ Calibration of Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems

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    Accurate calibration is key for any reliable sensor system. Magnetoelectric (ME) sensors, in particular, are influenced in their operating point by external parameters such as the Earth’s magnetic field or the ambient temperature. In this paper, we introduce a new planar coil design for the generation of a magnetic test field within the plane of the ME sensor. Furthermore, we implemented a method for measuring the sensor behaviour using a short-term magnetic noise signal. The combination of the printed circuit board (PCB) coil and the accelerated sensor characterization method allows the sensor system to be calibrated at the measurement site (in situ) without the need for laboratory equipment. We can show that the presented method for calibration achieves high-quality results in 10 seconds for a sensor affected by external interference fields

    A Concept for Myocardial Current Density Estimation with Magnetoelectric Sensors

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    In this paper we present a novel noninvasive approach to estimate current densities in the heart from magnetocardiography. The proposed algorithm uses nested optimization to model current densities in equally-sized voxels of myocardial tissue. First-order Thiran all-pass filters are used to describe the propagation between voxels.We demonstrate feasibility of the algorithm for a noise-free single-layer simulation. However, challenges remain, such as addressing measurement noise and optimizing propagation velocity. Overall, this approach has the potential to complement or replace invasive catheter-based electrophysiological studies for localization of arrhythmogenic tissue

    Study of Chopping Magnetic Flux Modulation on Surface Acoustic Wave Magnetic Sensor

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    Some methods of magnetic flux modulation are used to overcome flicker phase noise, low-frequency acoustical distortions, and movement artifacts. This work proposes employing a chopping flux modulation technique controlling a high permeability toroid together with a surface acoustic wave sensor inside. In this primary proof-of-concept study, an external magnetic field is generated to estimate quantitative signal parameters and the effect of the toroid shielding factor. Finally, the limitations of this approach should be identified and how low-frequency magnetic signals are influenced. The achievable sensitivity was empirically evaluated, and a quantitative signal quality value was calculated by estimating the signal power spectrum and noise power spectrum. Thus, the study compares the signal-plus-noise to noise ratio with and without magnetic flux modulation of a reproducible excitation magnetic signal generated by a solenoid coil. The experimental results show that the noise floor of this magnetic sensor system is improved. However, the signal-plus-noise to noise ratio without the modulation is 17 dB, and with the modulation, this parameter becomes 13 dB for a given mono-frequency signal of 20 μT . In perspective, this method exhibits disadvantages in reducing the sensitivity because, with the toroid inside, the calibration factor of the solenoid is not the same anymore, and the shielding factor reduces the field strength of the alternative-current field. Furthermore, the results show that the chopping flux modulation technique requires exploring how to compensate for the losses and setup issues that affect the magnetic field to define how suitable it is for surface acoustic waves magnetic sensors

    Quantitative Evaluation for Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems in Biomagnetic Diagnostics

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    Dedicated research is currently being conducted on novel thin film magnetoelectric (ME) sensor concepts for medical applications. These concepts enable a contactless magnetic signal acquisition in the presence of large interference fields such as the magnetic field of the Earth and are operational at room temperature. As more and more different ME sensor concepts are accessible to medical applications, the need for comparative quality metrics significantly arises. For a medical application, both the specification of the sensor itself and the specification of the readout scheme must be considered. Therefore, from a medical user’s perspective, a system consideration is better suited to specific quantitative measures that consider the sensor readout scheme as well. The corresponding sensor system evaluation should be performed in reproducible measurement conditions (e.g., magnetically, electrically and acoustically shielded environment). Within this contribution, an ME sensor system evaluation scheme will be described and discussed. The quantitative measures will be determined exemplarily for two ME sensors: a resonant ME sensor and an electrically modulated ME sensor. In addition, an application-related signal evaluation scheme will be introduced and exemplified for cardiovascular application. The utilized prototype signal is based on a magnetocardiogram (MCG), which was recorded with a superconducting quantum-interference device. As a potential figure of merit for a quantitative signal assessment, an application specific capacity (ASC) is introduced. In conclusion, this contribution highlights metrics for the quantitative characterization of ME sensor systems and their resulting output signals in biomagnetism. Finally, different ASC values and signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) could be clearly presented for the resonant ME sensor (SNR: −90 dB, ASC: 9.8×10−7 dB Hz) and also the electrically modulated ME sensor (SNR: −11 dB, ASC: 23 dB Hz), showing that the electrically modulated ME sensor is better suited for a possible MCG application under ideal conditions. The presented approach is transferable to other magnetic sensors and applications

    Designing and Validating Magnetic Motion Sensing Approaches with a Real-time Simulation Pipeline

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    Magnetic motion sensing enables non-contact tracking of relative position and orientation in 3D space. With recent advances in sensor and actuator devices, applications in human movement analysis seem feasible. However, establishing a setup from scratch in terms of hardware and software is challenging. Therefore, we introduce a comprehensive simulation pipeline based on a digital twin concept that enables the design and validation of new approaches based on kinematics, magnetics, and digital real-time signal processing. We also elaborate on related applications