18 research outputs found

    Parental and endosymbiont effects on sex determination in haplodiploid wasps:Who is in control?

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    Although there are only two sexes, the genetic mechanisms that determine male or female development are bewilderingly diverse throughout the animal kingdom. This applies also to insects who determine their sex by a cascade of genes that ultimately set the switch into a male or female mode. This thesis presents novel insight into the sex determination cascade of four parasitoid wasp species. These species belong to a group of insects that do not have sex chromosomes. Instead, males develop from unfertilized haploid eggs, and females from fertilized diploid eggs. In the sequenced genomes of all four species the sex determination genes were identified and compared, showing that the four sex determination cascades have even more variation that originally assumed. Sex determination in fertilized eggs is initiated by an interaction between gene products that the mother wasps put into their eggs and gene products that are derived from the father’s genome in the embryo. However, in some species, females are infected with a bacterium that manipulates their reproduction. Such females produce only daughters from unfertilized eggs. To understand this phenomenon, the expression of the sex determination gene products were determined in infected and uninfected females and their embryos. This showed for the first time that the bacteria changes the maternal supply of gene products in such a way that their eggs do not require a paternal genome anymore for female development. Hence, the bacteria have taken control over the sex determination of their wasp host

    A chimeric gene paternally instructs female sex determination in the haplodiploid wasp <i>Nasonia</i>

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    Various primary signals direct insect sex determination. In hymenopteran insects, the presence of a paternal genome is needed to initiate female development. When absent, uniparental haploid males develop. We molecularly and functionally identified the instructor sex-determination gene, wasp overruler of masculinization (wom), of the haplodiploid wasp Nasonia vitripennis This gene contains a P53-like domain coding region and arose by gene duplication and genomic rearrangements. Maternal silencing of wom results in male development of haploid embryos. Upon fertilization, early zygotic transcription from the paternal wom allele is initiated, followed by a timely zygotic expression of transformer (tra), leading to female development. Wom is an instructor gene with a parent-of-origin effect in sex determination

    Absence of complementary sex determination in two <i>Leptopilina</i> species (Figitidae, Hymenoptera) and a reconsideration of its incompatibility with endosymbiont-induced thelytoky

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    Complementary sex determination (CSD) is a widespread sex determination mechanism in haplodiploid Hymenoptera. Under CSD, sex is determined by the allelic state of one or multiple CSD loci. Heterozygosity at one or more loci leads to female development, whereas hemizygosity of haploid eggs and homozygosity of diploid eggs results in male development. Sexual (arrhenotokous) reproduction normally yields haploid male and diploid female offspring. Under asexual reproduction (thelytoky), diploidized unfertilized eggs develop into females. Thelytoky is often induced by bacterial endosymbionts that achieve egg diploidization by gamete duplication. As gamete duplication leads to complete homozygosity, endosymbiont-induced thelytokous reproduction is presumed to be incompatible with CSD, which relies on heterozygosity for female development. Previously, we excluded CSD in four Asobara (Braconidae) species and proposed a two-step mechanism for Wolbachia-induced thelytoky in Asobara japonica. Here, we conclusively reject CSD in two cynipid wasp species, Leptopilina heterotoma and Leptopilina clavipes. We further show that thelytoky in L. clavipes depends on Wolbachia titer but that diploidization and feminization steps cannot be separated, unlike in A. japonica. We discuss what these results reveal about the sex determination mechanism of L. clavipes and the presumed incompatibility between CSD and endosymbiont-induced thelytoky in the Hymenoptera

    Comments regarding ‘Plasma Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9: A Possible Diagnostic Marker of Successful Endovascular Aneurysm Repair’

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    In insect sex determination a primary signal starts the genetic sex determination cascade that, in most insect orders, is subsequently transduced down the cascade by a transformer (tra) ortholog. Only a female-specifically spliced tra mRNA yields a functional TRA-protein that forms a complex with TRA2, encoded by a transformer-2 (tra2) ortholog, to act as a sex specific splicing regulator of the downstream transcription factors doublesex (dsx) and fruitless (fru). Here, we identify the tra2 ortholog of the haplodiploid parasitoid wasp N. vitripennis (Nv-tra2) and confirm its function in N. vitripennis sex determination. Knock down of Nv-tra2 by parental RNA interference (pRNAi) results in complete sex reversal of diploid offspring from female to male, indicating the requirement of Nv-tra2 for female sex determination. As Nv-tra2 pRNAi leads to frequent lethality in early developmental stages, maternal provision of Nv-tra2 transcripts is apparently also required for another, non-sex determining function during embryogenesis. In addition, lethality following Nv-tra2 pRNAi appears more pronounced in diploid than in haploid offspring. This diploid lethal effect was also observed following Nv-tra pRNAi, which served as a positive control in our experiments. As diploid embryos from fertilized eggs have a paternal chromosome set in addition to the maternal one, this suggests that either the presence of this paternal chromosome set or the dosage effect resulting from the diploid state is incompatible with the induced male development in N. vitripennis caused by either Nv-tra2 or Nv-tra pRNAi. The role of Nv-tra2 in activating the female sex determination pathway yields more insight into the sex determination mechanism of Nasonia.</p

    Large grazers modify effects of aboveground–belowground interactions on small-scale plant community composition

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    Aboveground and belowground organisms influence plant community composition by local interactions, and their scale of impact may vary from millimeters belowground to kilometers aboveground. However, it still poorly understood how large grazers that select their forage on large spatial scales interact with small-scale aboveground–belowground interactions on plant community heterogeneity. Here, we investigate how cattle (Bos taurus) modify the effects of interactions between yellow meadow ants (Lasius flavus) and European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) on the formation of small-scale heterogeneity in vegetation composition. In the absence of cattle, hares selectively foraged on ant mounds, while under combined grazing by hares and cattle, vertebrate grazing pressure was similar on and off mounds. Ant mounds that were grazed by only hares had a different plant community composition compared to their surroundings: the cover of the grazing-intolerant grass Elytrigia atherica was reduced on ant mounds, whereas the relative cover of the more grazing-tolerant and palatable grass Festuca rubra was enhanced. Combined grazing by hares and cattle, resulted in homogenization of plant community composition on and off ant mounds, with high overall cover of F. rubra. We conclude that hares can respond to local ant–soil–vegetation interactions, because they are small, selective herbivores that make their foraging decisions on a local scale. This results in small-scale plant patches on mounds of yellow meadow ants. In the presence of cattle, which are less selective aboveground herbivores, local plant community patterns triggered by small-scale aboveground–belowground interactions can disappear. Therefore, cattle modify the consequences of aboveground–belowground interactions for small-scale plant community composition

    Variation in sex determination mechanisms may constrain parthenogenesis-induction by endosymbionts in haplodiploid systems

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    Endosymbionts are maternally transmitted, and therefore benefit from maximizing female offspring numbers. Parthenogenesis-induction (PI) is the most effective type of manipulation for transmission, but has solely been detected in haplodiploid species, whereas cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is detected frequently across the arthropod phylum, including haplodiploids. This puzzling observation led us to hypothesize that the molecular sex-determination mechanism of the haplodiploid host may be a constraining factor in the ability of endosymbionts to induce parthenogenesis. Recent insights indicate that PI-endosymbionts may be able to directly manipulate sex-determination genes to induce the necessary steps required for PI in haplodiploids. However, sex-determination cascades vary extensively, so PI-induction would require a specialized and host-dependent tool set. Contrastingly, CI-related genes target conserved cell-cycle mechanisms, are located on mobile elements, and spread easily. Finally, endosymbiont-manipulations may have a strong impact on the effectiveness of haplodiploid biocontrol agents, but can also be used to enhance their efficacy

    Polymorphism in Developmental Mode and Its Effect on Population Genetic Structure of a Spionid Polychaete, Pygospio elegans

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    Population genetic structure of sedentary marine species is expected to be shaped mainly by the dispersal ability of their larvae. Long-lived planktonic larvae can connect populations through migration and gene flow, whereas species with nondispersive benthic or direct-developing larvae are expected to have genetically differentiated populations. Poecilogonous species producing different larval types are ideal when studying the effect of developmental mode on population genetic structure and connectivity. In the spionid polychaete Pygospio elegans, different larval types have been observed between, and sometimes also within, populations. We used microsatellite markers to study population structure of European P. elegans from the Baltic Sea (BS) and North Sea (NS). We found that populations with planktonic larvae had higher genetic diversity than did populations with benthic larvae. However, this pattern may not be related to developmental mode, since in P. elegans, developmental mode may be associated with geography. Benthic larvae were more commonly seen in the brackish BS and planktonic larvae were predominant in the NS, although both larval types also are found from both areas. Significant isolation-by-distance (IBD) was found overall and within regions. Most of the pair-wise F-ST comparisons among populations were significant, although some geographically close populations with planktonic larvae were found to be genetically similar. However, these results, together with the pattern of IBD, autocorrelation within populations, as well as high estimated local recruitment, suggest that dispersal is limited in populations with planktonic larvae as well as in those with benthic larvae. The decrease in salinity between the NS and BS causes a barrier to gene flow in many marine species. In P. elegans, low, but significant, differentiation was detected between the NS and BS (3.34% in AMOVA), but no clear transition zone was observed, indicating that larvae are not hampered by the change in salinity

    Supplementary Material for: Phylogenetic Distribution and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Sex Determination Genes doublesex and transformer in Insects

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    Sex determination in insects is characterized by a gene cascade that is conserved at the bottom but contains diverse primary signals at the top. The bottom master switch gene doublesex is found in all insects. Its upstream regulator transformer is present in the orders Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera, but has thus far not been found in Lepidoptera and in the basal lineages of Diptera. transformer is presumed to be ancestral to the holometabolous insects based on its shared domains and conserved features of autoregulation and sex-specific splicing. We interpret that its absence in basal lineages of Diptera and its order-specific conserved domains indicate multiple independent losses or recruitments into the sex determination cascade. Duplications of transformer are found in derived families within the Hymenoptera, characterized by their complementary sex determination mechanism. As duplications are not found in any other insect order, they appear linked to the haplodiploid reproduction of the Hymenoptera. Further phylogenetic analyses combined with functional studies are needed to understand the evolutionary history of the transformer gene among insects

    A role for sexual conflict in the evolution of reproductive traits in Nasonia wasps?

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    Sexual conflict theory predicts that female and male reproductive traits coevolve resulting in disruption of reproductive behaviour upon mating of individuals from diverged populations. We used interfertile species of haplodiploid Nasonia wasps to compare re-mating frequency, longevity, oviposition rate and sperm use of conspecifically and heterospecifically mated females. Females that first mated with a heterospecific male re-mated more often a second time, indicating that conspecific males reduce female receptivity more. Mating did not affect female lifespan. Lifetime production of sons and daughters was significantly reduced in heterospecifically mated females. Dissection of females confirmed that heterospecific sperm survives equally well as conspecific sperm during storage in the spermatheca. Differences in daily fecundity and age at which females become sperm depleted could in part be explained by species differences in ovariole numbers. We conclude that sexual conflict may play a role in the evolution of female mating rate, fecundity and sex allocation in Nasonia.