46 research outputs found


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    This study examined the relationship between debt ratio and financial performance of selected Nigerian quoted. This research work also examined whether asset turnover is related firm financial performance as well as whether asset tangibility is related firm financial performance. Data for the period of five years (2011-2015), sourced from the annual reports of the quoted companies was used in carrying out the analysis. The variable used werey debt ratio , assets turnover, assets tangibility, and financial performance (i.e. profitability) is proxied by return on assets.STATA software was engaged in performing the correlation and regression analysis. The study detected that from the regression analysis that debt ratio and financial performance are positively and significantly related. The result also revealed that asset turnover and financial performance are negaitively and but not significantly related whlie assets tangibility and financial performance are positively and significantly related

    A Bibliometric Study of Accounting Information Systems Research from 1975-2017

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    Accounting Information Systems automates accounting information. In prior literature, there is no consensus as to research areas to be included or excluded from AIS researches, coupled with the relatively scarce literature on AIS. The objective of this paper was to quantitatively analyze the volume and impact of AIS literature. Research documents retrieved from the Scopus database were based on defined search terms relating to Accounting Information System (AIS). A bibliometric approach was employed to quantitatively analyze the volume and impact of 727 publications in the AIS research domain, this study focussed on determining the yearly distribution, national contributions, authorship patterns, leading prolific authors, productive institutions, publication outlets, documents types, key issues, citation trends of AIS research publication from 1975-2017. Key findings in this work indicated that there was no steady growth in volume of AIS research publication, Malaysia was the only developing country that featured as one of the top 10 national contributors to AIS research with China and Indonesia being the only emerging economies, also only 159 authors contribute to the 727 publications on AIS research, double authored publications had the highest number of publication as against others, only 5 of the top 10 outlets of AIS research were core accounting outlets, asides the obvious keywords of ‘accounting information system’, ‘information system’ keywords such as Internal Controls, Auditing, Regulatory Compliance, Management Control were the most dominant. While AIS adoption is becoming the mainstream in most developed countries, more investments in ICTs deployment and education will enable developing countries to reap the benefits of these innovations. Key words: Accounting information system, AIS, bibliometrics, scientometrics, citation analysi

    The Impact of Ethical Tax Behaviour on Tax Compliance of Tax Authority and Corporate Taxpayers of listed Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria

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    The development of tax payment decision-making models (Sociological, Economical and Psychological) has focused on economic and behavioural factors affecting tax compliance. The issue of tax evasion, which remains an ethical problem for companies, has been a general concern in developed and developing countries alike. The main problem of this study is low tax collection on the part of relevant tax authority, couple with non-tax compliance behaviour of the corporate taxpayers in Nigeria. This study examined the effect of tax fairness of tax authority on tax compliance behaviour of taxpayers in the Nigerian manufacturing sector. This study adopted a survey research method, and 400 copies of the questionnaire were administered to the selected listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria and relevant tax authority staff (FIRS). Theory of Planned Behaviour underpinned this study and Correlation analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Regression analysis were also employed. The study found that there is a significant level of tax compliance among the listed manufacturing company in Nigeria. The study also shows that the tax authority’s perception of fairness of -2.769 (0.006) has a significant impact on corporate taxpayer’s compliance behaviour. Based on the above findings, the study recommends that taxpayers need to file accurate tax returns, transparency in total income declaration and minimize the risk of breaching of tax laws within the entity, while tax authority should apply tax laws consistently without bias (fairness), also adhere strictly to moral and ethical code of conduct. Keywords: Taxes, Ethics, Tax Authority, Manufacturing, Nigeri

    Impact of tax fairness and tax knowledge on tax compliance behavior of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria

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    Abstract Tax compliance is a major contemporary debate surrounding corporate taxation in the business world. The tax avoidance issue, which remains an ethical problem for companies, has been a general concern in developed and developing countries alike. The main problem of this study is a non-tax compliance behavior of the corporate organization taxpayers in Nigeria. This study examined the influence of tax fairness on the tax compliance behavior of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The paper adopted a survey research method, and four hundred (400) copies of the questionnaire were administered to the selected manufacturing companies of both consumer and industrial goods sectors. The Laffer Curve Theory underpinned this study and Correlation Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Multiple Regression Analysis were also employed. The study found that there is a significant level of tax compliance among the listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study also shows that the corporate taxpayer’s perception of fairness of –2.765 (0.006) has a significant impact on corporate taxpayers’ willingness to pay taxes and tax knowledge of 4.601 (0.000) significantly influenced tax compliance. Based on tax knowledge, the study recommends that tax authorities must improve the knowledge of taxpayers and tax collection agents through programs, initiatives, and training on tax awareness

    Foreign directors, indigenous directors and dividend payout structure in Nigerian deposit money banks

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    This paper aims to examine the influence foreign and indigenous directors have on determining firms’ dividend payout structure. The population for this study is the fifteen deposit money banks listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Using a random sampling technique, a sample of 14 deposit money banks for the 2010 to 2017 period was taken. The total observations used for the work was 112. The study adopted a panel data methodology, which was estimated with a random-effect model. It was observed that a significant relationship exists between foreign directors and the dependent variable (dividend payout structure). The dividend payout structure by dividend per share of sampled firms was measured. This study will improve analysts and investors’ understanding of dividend policy by giving them insights in identifying the main determinants of dividend policy. For policy makers, this study reinforces the fact that good corporate governance is important to develop financial markets and improve the firm value

    Macroeconomic Reforms and Labour Market Performance: Evidence from Nigeria

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    The Nigerian government has introduced various macroeconomic reforms, policies and programmes that are not consistent and have not yielded the desired result, given the high unemployment rate. This study investigates macroeconomic reforms on labour market performance in pre and postreform eras using statistical analysis and Vector Error Correction Model. The findings show that using the ‘comparison of the mean employment ratio analysis’ between the pre-reform era and post-reform, the macroeconomic reforms targeting key variables have not promoted employment. More so, evidence from the long-run employment equation indicates that employment has a negative relationship with output in the long-run. However, the study shows joint long and short-run causality using employment as a dependent variable. Also, the forecast error shock from government expenditure affects output more than any other variable, with minimal employment effect. Mismanagement of resource is mainly an indicator of a fundamental weakness in policies and institutions. Therefore, to improve the situation, the study suggests that among others, strengthening fiscal capacities and institutions to ensure the restructuring of property rights and to ensure political stability regarding economic reforms.

    Impact of Exchange Rate on the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria

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    Various studies have been conducted on the impact of exchange rates on the performance of the manufacturing sector and how it influences growth in different climes of the world. These studies have examined; drawing out the relationship between exchange rate and macroeconomic performance, with respect to manufacturing output and its related variables. This study examined the impact of exchange rates on the performance of the Nigerian manufacturing sector using the independent variables of exchange rates, inflation rates, capacity utilization rate, the manufacturing sector’s foreign direct investments, and imports over a period of 25 years (1990-2014). Unit Root test, Johansen co-integration test, Granger causality test and Error Correction Model were used to test for stationarity, long-run relationship, causal relationship, and the short and long run equilibrium relationship respectively. The empirical results of the study shows that a devaluation of the Naira has a negative impact on the performance of the Nigerian manufacturing sector as it was found that exchange rates has a negative significant relationship, long run relationship and causal relationship with the performance of the sector. It was also ascertained from the results that inflation rates(INF), and capacity utilization rates(CUR) have a positive significant relationship with the performance of the sector, while exchange rates, imports(IMP) and manufacturing foreign direct investment(MFDI) have a negative significant relationship with the performance of the Nigerian manufacturing sector. The results of the analysis showed that the independent variables have a significant relationship with the R2 at 64.5%

    Electricity Supply and Business Performance in a Nigerian Private University

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    There has been a consistent argument in the literature as regards the impact of electricity consumption on economic growth with most studies focused on developed economies. However, little is known on impact of electricity consumption on business performance in a university system. This study examines the short-run and long-run impact of electricity supply on business performance in a Nigerian private university. The study adopted Engle and Granger approach to co-integration. The result reveals that in the long run, a negative relationship exist between electricity supply and turnover. However, cost of sales and wages have positive relationship with turnover. In the short-run, electricity supply has negative relationship with business performance. In addition, the cost of sales is not statistically significance with turnover. The findings of the study are in line with the principle of labour marginal productivity both in the short and long-run. Therefore, the study recommended need to consider alternative source of power supply most especially in the long-run in order to maximize the aggregate benefit on the business performanc

    Data for: Board Meeting Frequency and Firm Performance: Examining the Nexus in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks

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    This the summary of the data set used for the manuscript tilted: Board Meeting Frequency and Firm Performance: Examining the Nexus in Nigerian Deposit Money BanksTHIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV