12 research outputs found

    A missing concept? A short postulation about the need for human understanding and an often only implicitly given, fundamental aspect of modeling efforts

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    In almost all fundamental modeling or description approaches, especially those meant for the domain of (business) process, there is one description aspect often missing that is core to human understanding of the world: the aspect of active entity or the concept of the subject and its strict differentiation from passive entities (objects). This work postulates that this simple idea is of great importance when approaching any description/modeling, be it made by humans as input/instruction for information systems or AI engines, or be it generated by such a system to explain its inner workings to humans to enable better understanding and therefore acceptance. Therefore, it is proposed that any formal or informal modeling approach should consider these aspects in order to better facilitate human understanding of models and avoid humans working around the lack of expressiveness or try to erroneous interpret non-given information

    Executing Strategic Product Planning - A Subject-Oriented Analysis and New Referential Process Model for IT-Tool Support and Agile Execution of Strategic Product Planning

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    The origin of this research was the failed attempt or rather the impossibility of creating a working and effective information system to support the processes of Strategic Product Planning, based on existing process descriptions for that domain. This work explores the origins of the according problems. As is discovered, the problems do not originate in error containing models or simple programming failures. Rather, as is explored, the origin of the encountered problems lies in fundament

    What Benefits Can Subject-Oriented Process Modeling Bring to the Design of Big Data Applications?

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    Big data applications usually entail the development of complex IT-systems that collect, combine, analyze, communicate and use large amounts of data from different sources. The interactions between system components can be difficult to understand and describe, due to their large number, heterogeneity, and concurrency (e.g. continuous and discrete processes, or different technologies, may interact). In addition, system changes may occur as a result of new requirements or constraints during the lifecycle of any data processing system. In the system design process, multiple stakeholders need to collaborate and align their individual views of the system, e.g. sensor specialists, hardware designers, IT integrators, operational departments, etc. This alone can be a challenge because different domain experts often have different concerns and use different terminologies and abstraction concepts. Only few of these experts have a system design or modeling background, which can make the elicitation and capture of system knowledge difficult and error-prone. Our research is concerned with the subject-oriented approach to process modeling (S-BPM) (Fleischmann et al. 2012). We argue that it can address the various design challenges arising from the high complexity of big data systems. It has four foundational characteristics that distinguish it from other approaches (Kannengiesser 2017), Figure 1: 1. notational simplicity, 2. widely-shared, intuitive semantics, 3. encapsulation and 4. seamless integration

    Propädeutikum Java : ein Buch zum Selbststudium

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    Propädeutikum Java ist ein Einführungskurs in die Programmiersprache Java für Schüler und Abiturienten, die sich auf das Studium vorbereiten möchten. Die Autoren - erfahrene Dozenten, Übungsleiter und Tutoren am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - ermöglichen Anfängern den Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt der Programmierung anhand einer Vielzahl einfacher und einprägsamer Beispiele, die den Einstieg in die Programmierung mit Java im Selbststudium ermöglichen

    Propädeutikum Java : ein Buch zum Selbststudium

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    Propädeutikum Java ist ein Einführungskurs in die Programmiersprache Java für Schüler und Abiturienten, die sich auf das Studium vorbereiten möchten. Die Autoren - erfahrene Dozenten, Übungsleiter und Tutoren am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - ermöglichen Anfängern den Einstieg in die faszinierende Welt der Programmierung anhand einer Vielzahl einfacher und einprägsamer Beispiele, die den Einstieg in die Programmierung mit Java im Selbststudium ermöglichen

    Behavior-Centered Digital-Twin Design for Dynamic Cyber-Physical System Development

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    Digital Twins are digital models of Cyber-Physical Systems to enable not only continuous monitoring but also active functional improvement of networked services, physical products, machines and devices. This capacity is of utmost importance when recognizing and exploring business opportunities in terms of organizational and technology innovations, as well as enriching the scope of system-relevant applications. Before being operated in their target ecosystems, such as smart cities, Cyber-Physical Systems can be validated and be run as Digital Twin through executable behavior models. The development of these models captures both, the horizontal, and the vertical integration of CPS components, thus allowing to consider specific system qualities, such as pollution effects of traffic. This article investigates methodological and technological aspects of developing and operating Digital Twins along system transformation processes. We consider integration depth and breadth, connectivity, organizational intelligence, validation, and implementation variability in the context of human-centered modeling and development. The approach enriches the understanding of digital twins towards digital representation of Cyber-Physical Systems allowing for dynamic allocation of physical and digital parts according to operational conditions. An exemplary case study in traffic management demonstrates the feasibility and practicability of the communication-centered approach

    Modelability of Agile Development Projects - An Assessment of the Opportunities and Limitations of BPMN and S-BPM

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    Modelability of processes is a recognized and important characteristic of any modeling language. Nevertheless, it is not always purposeful or easy to create process models for every kind of workflow. This article discusses the opportunities and limitations of modeling agile development projects with SCRUM as an example. For this purpose, a BPMN and an S-BPM model for SCRUM are presented. The discussion along recognized rules for good process models shows that both notations provide possible and accurate insights into the process of SCRUM on the one hand. On the other hand, the models raise questions of necessity, added value, and relevance in practice. Practitioners can use the developed models to technically implement agile project management, while researchers benefit from a discourse on opportunities and limitations of modeling agility