55 research outputs found

    Recent Development in Antioxidant of Milk and Its Products

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    Free radicals are produced in humans through natural metabolism or the external environment, such as diet. These free radicals are neutralized by the antioxidant system, whereas enzymes, for example, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase, play an important role in preventing excessive free radicals. Food antioxidants give a good hand in enhancing the human antioxidant system; high consumption of a diet rich in natural antioxidants protects against the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Milk and its products are popular for a wide range of consumers. Milk contains casein, whey protein, lactoferrin, milk lipid and phospholipids, vitamins, and microelements, for example, selenium (Se), which have antioxidant properties. Furthermore, probiotication of milk either sweet or fermented could enhance the antioxidant capacity of milk. This chapter focuses on presenting recent review data on milk components with antioxidant activity and their health benefits, probiotics as antioxidant agents, and methods for enhancing the antioxidant capacity of dairy products. The key aim of this chapter is to focus on major strategies for enhancing the antioxidant capacity of milk and its products

    Biophysical investigation into the antibacterial action of modelin-5-NH2

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    Modelin-5-CONH2 (M5-NH2) is a synthetic antimicrobial peptide, which was found to show potent activity against Bacillus subtilis (Minimum lethal concentration = 8.47 ”M) and to bind strongly to membranes of the organism (Kd = 10.44 ”M). The peptide adopted high levels of amphiphilic α-helical structure in the presence of these membranes (> 50 %), which led to high levels of insertion (Δπ ≄ 8.0 mN m-1). M5-NH2 showed high affinity for anionic lipid (Kd = 7.46 ”M) and zwitterionic lipid (Kd = 14.7 ”M), which drove insertion into membranes formed from these lipids (Δπ = 11.5 and 3.5 mN m-1, respectively). Neutron diffraction studies showed that M5-NH2 inserted into B. subtilis membranes with its N-terminal residue, L16, located 5.5 Å from the membrane centre, in the acyl chain region of these membranes, and promoted a reduction in membrane thickness of circa 1.8 Å or 5 % of membrane width. Insertion into B. subtilis membranes by the peptide also promoted other effects associated with membrane thinning, including increases in membrane surface area (Cs-1 decreases) and fluidity (ΔGmix > 0 to ΔGmix 55%), and it is speculated that the antibacterial action of the peptide may involve the toroidal pore, carpet or tilted-type mechanism of membrane permeabilization

    Enhancement of Labneh Quality by Laser-Induced Modulation of Lactocaseibacillus casei NRRL B-1922

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    Labneh is positioned in the top ranking of the bestselling dairy products all over the world due to its health benefits and delicious taste. Labneh production depends mainly on probiotic bacteria in the fermentation of milk. Probiotic bacteria have many health benefits, which are driven by their selective bioactive metabolites that quantitively affect the fermentation products. The current investigation aimed to study the implementation of photobiomodulation through the irradiation of Lacticaseibacillus casei NRRL-B-1922 by a He–Ne laser (630 nm) with different laser doses (3, 6 & 12 J/cm2) prior to milk fermentation. This procedure sought to improve the probiotic bacteria’s activities while enhancing the labneh’s characteristics and consequently produce a more favorable labneh product with better marketing qualities. The photobiostimulated bacterial starter was found to induce increased titratable acidity with the moisture reduction of the labneh product under cold storage conditions for 20 days. The effect was most prominent when using a 12 J/cm2 laser dose. The flavor-aiding components, mainly diacetyl and acetaldehyde compounds, and sensory scores were increased in the labneh produced by irradiated L. casei when compared to the non-radiated probiotic culture after storing the products under cold conditions for 20 consecutive days. Moreover, the antioxidant and proteolytic activities of labneh produced by treated L. casei (12 J/cm2 laser dose) after cold storage were significantly elevated by 41 and 14%, respectively. In conclusion, we can report significantly improved selected characteristics in the final products after the employment of photobiomodulation process, the potential application of this concept on the industrial scale, and its implications on lengthening the product shelf life with improved qualities

    Ethanol production by selected intestinal microorganisms and lactic acid bacteria growing under different nutritional conditions

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    To gain some specific insight into the roles microorganisms might play in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), some intestinal and lactic acid bacteria and one yeast (Anaerostipes caccae, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Bifidobacterium longum, Enterococcus fecalis, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Weissella confusa, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were characterized by high performance liquid chromatography for production of ethanol when grown on different carbohydrates: hexoses (glucose and fructose), pentoses (arabinose and ribose), disaccharides (lactose and lactulose), and inulin. Highest amounts of ethanol were produced by S. cerevisiae, L. fermentum and W. confusa on glucose and by S. cerevisiae and W. confusa on fructose. Due to mannitol-dehydrogenase expressed in L. fermentum, ethanol production on fructose was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced. Pyruvate and citrate, two potential electron acceptors for regeneration of NAD+/NADP+, drastically reduced ethanol production with acetate produced instead in L. fermentum grown on glucose and W. confusa grown on glucose and fructose, respectively. In fecal slurries prepared from feces of four overweight volunteers, ethanol was found to be produced upon addition of fructose. Addition of A. caccae, L. acidophilus, L. fermentum, as well as citrate and pyruvate, respectively, abolished ethanol production. However, addition of W. confusa resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) increased production of ethanol. These results indicate that microorganisms like W. confusa, a hetero-fermentative, mannitol-dehydrogenase negative lactic acid bacterium, may promote NAFLD through ethanol produced from sugar fermentation, while other intestinal bacteria and homo- and hetero-fermentative but mannitol-dehydrogenase positive lactic acid bacteria may not promote NAFLD. Also, our studies indicate that dietary factors interfering with gastrointestinal microbiota and microbial metabolism may be important in preventing or promoting NAFLD

    Fermented milk supplemented with water-soluble curcumin ameliorates survival rate, selected biochemical parameters and fecal microbiota of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma-bearing mice

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    Abstract This study assessed the impact of fermented cow and soy milk supplemented with curcumin on enhancement the health status of female Swiss mice under Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) condition. Both types of milk were fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum EMCC 1027. Ninety-five grams of basal diet mixed with five grams of either fermented cow or soy milk supplemented with curcumin. Induction of Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice synergized by intraperitoneal injection with 1 × 106 Ehrlich ascites tumor cells after one week of the adaptation period. Our results showed that levels of survival rate were increased to 117% in mice that were fed fermented cow and soy milk while supplementation of fermented soy milk with curcumin improved the survival rate to 150%. The concentration of glutathione and superoxide dismutase in Ehrlich tumor-bearing was increased after feeding with both types of fermented milk. Fermented soy milk supplemented with curcumin showed the highest reduction levels of plasma tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin-6. The relative gene expression TNF-α was also significantly (P < 0.05) down-regulated in mice that were fed fermented soy milk with curcumin. The viable count of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in feces samples was increased when mice fed both types of fermented milk. Dietary feeding with fermented cow or soy milk supplemented with curcumin has an ameliorative impact on the survival rate, antioxidant capacity, inflammation, fecal microbiota in EAC mouse model. Further research is still needed to investigate the molecular mechanisms in this tumor

    Bacillus As Potential Probiotics: Status, Concerns, and Future Perspectives

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    Spore-forming bacilli are being explored for the production and preservation of food for many centuries. The inherent ability of production of large number of secretory proteins, enzymes, antimicrobial compounds, vitamins, and carotenoids specifies the importance of bacilli in food chain. Additionally, Bacillus spp. are gaining interest in human health related functional food research coupled with their enhanced tolerance and survivability under hostile environment of gastrointestinal tract. Besides, bacilli are more stable during processing and storage of food and pharmaceutical preparations, making them more suitable candidate for health promoting formulations. Further, Bacillus strains also possess biotherapeutic potential which is connected with their ability to interact with the internal milieu of the host by producing variety of antimicrobial peptides and small extracellular effector molecules. Nonetheless, with proposed scientific evidences, commercial probiotic supplements, and functional foods comprising of Bacillus spp. had not gained much credential in general population, since the debate over probiotic vs pathogen tag of Bacillus in the research and production terrains is confusing consumers. Hence, it’s important to clearly understand the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of selective beneficial Bacillus spp. and their substantiation with those having GRAS status, to reach a consensus over the same. This review highlights the probiotic candidature of spore forming Bacillus spp. and presents an overview of the proposed health benefits, including application in food and pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, the growing need to evaluate the safety of individual Bacillus strains as well as species on a case by case basis and necessity of more profound analysis for the selection and identification of Bacillus probiotic candidates are also taken into consideration

    The Prospective Beneficial Effects of Red Laser Exposure on Lactocaseibacillus casei Fermentation of Skim Milk

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    Probiotic lactic acid bacteria are crucial producers of fermented dairy products that are popular functional foods in many countries. The health benefits of probiotic bacteria are mainly attributed to their effective bioactive metabolites. The quality of fermented milk is mainly dependent on the bacterial strain used in the fermentation process. In this study, an innovative technique is used in order to enhance the activities of the probiotic bacteria, quality of fermented milk, and consequently the whole fermentation process. Red laser dosages, at the wavelength of 632.7 nm, were applied to the type strain Lacticaseibacillus casei NRRL-B-1922 before the fermentation of skim milk. The results revealed that the scavenging of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) radical and total antioxidant capacity were significantly increased from 21% in untreated control to 56% after bacterial laser irradiation of 12 J/cm2 dosage for 40 min. The antioxidant activity was found to be increased as the red laser dosage increased in a dose-response relationship. Additionally, the lactose fermentation in skim milk medium of 43.22 mg/mL initial concentration into organic acids was enhanced after L. casei irradiation and recorded 23.15 mg/mL compared to control group 28.35 mg/mL without bacterial pre-treatment. These results are correlated with increase of the &beta;-Galactosidase activity, where the L. casei that has been exposed to 40 min of red laser exhibited the higher activity of a 0.37 unit/mL relative to the control 0.25 unit/mL. The assessment of this fermented milk after L. casei laser exposure for 10, 20, and 40 min indicates multiple biological effects, including assimilation of cholesterol as well as proteolytic and antibacterial activity. Our data on the exposure of L. casei to laser beam suggest promising application of red laser in the fermentation process of skim milk

    Value-Added Utilization of Citrus Peels in Improving Functional Properties and Probiotic Viability of Acidophilus-bifidus-thermophilus (ABT)-Type Synbiotic Yoghurt during Cold Storage

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    Citrus peel, a fruit-processing waste, is a substantial source of naturally occurring health-promoting compounds, including polyphenols, and has great potential as a dietary supplement for enhancing the functional properties of food. The present work aimed to investigate the effects of sour orange (SO), sweet orange (SWO), and lemon (LO) peels on the typical physiochemical, antioxidant, antibacterial, and probiotic properties of synbiotic yoghurt fermented by acidophilus-bifidus-thermophilus (ABT)-type cultures during cold storage (0&ndash;28 days). High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) analysis showed that the total phenolic content in the SO peel were more than 2-fold higher than that in the SWO and LO peel. The predominant phenolic compounds were myricetin (2.10 mg/g dry weight) and o-coumaric acid (1.13 mg/g) in SO peel, benzoic acid (0.81 mg/g) and naringin (0.72 mg/g) in SWO peel, and benzoic acid (0.76 mg/g) and quercetin (0.36 mg/g) in LO peel. Only 0.5% (w/w) of citrus peel addition did not reduce the overall acceptance of ABT synbiotic yoghurt but led to increased acidity and decreased moisture during cold storage (14 and 28 days). Additionally, compared to control samples without citrus peel addition, supplementation with citrus peels improved the antioxidant property of the ABT synbiotic yoghurt. ABT milks with SO and SWO peel addition had significantly stronger DPPH radical scavenging activities than that with LO peel addition (p &lt; 0.05). Antibacterial analysis of ABT synbiotic yoghurt with citrus peel addition showed that the diameters of inhibition zones against S. aureus, B. subtilis, and E. coli increased by 0.6&ndash;1.9 mm relative to the control groups, suggesting the enhancement of antibacterial activities by citrus peels. The viabilities of probiotic starter cultures (L. acidophilus, S. thermophilus, and Bifidobacterial sp.) were also enhanced by the incorporation of citrus peels in synbiotic yoghurt during cold storage. Hence, our results suggest that citrus peels, especially SO and SWO peels, could be recommended as a promising multifunctional additive for the development of probiotic and synbiotic yoghurt with enhanced antioxidant and antibacterial properties, as well as probiotic viability

    Fortification of Acidophilus-bifidus-thermophilus (ABT) Fermented Milk with Heat-Treated Industrial Yeast Enhances Its Selected Properties

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    The improvement of milk dairy products’ quality and nutritional value during shelf-life storage is the ultimate goal of many studies worldwide. Therefore, in the present study, prospective beneficial effects of adding two different industrial yeasts, Kluyveromyces lactis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae pretreated by heating at 85 °C for 10 min to be inactivated, before fermentation on some properties of ABT fermented milk were evaluated. The results of this study showed that the addition of 3% and 5% (w/v) heat-treated yeasts to the milk enhanced the growth of starter culture, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacteria, and Streptococcus thermophilus, during the fermentation period as well as its viability after 20 days of cold storage at 5 ± 1 °C. Furthermore, levels of lactic and acetic acids were significantly increased from 120.45 ± 0.65 and 457.80 ± 0.70 ”g/mL in the control without heat-treated yeast to 145.67 ± 0.77 and 488.32 ± 0.33 ”g/mL with 5% supplementation of Sacch. cerevisiae respectively. Moreover, the addition of heat-treated yeasts to ABT fermented milk enhanced the antioxidant capacity by increasing the efficiency of free radical scavenging as well as the proteolytic activity. Taken together, these results suggest promising application of non-viable industrial yeasts as nutrients in the fermentation process of ABT milk to enhance the growth and viability of ABT starter cultures before and after a 20-day cold storage period by improving the fermented milk level of organic acids, antioxidant capacity, and proteolytic activities
