94 research outputs found

    Analyse des effets de l’actionnariat salariĂ© sur la crĂ©ation de valeur financiĂšre des entreprises marocaines cotĂ©es en bourse

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    L’actionnariat salariĂ© (AS) est un mĂ©canisme d’incitation et de motivation des salariĂ©s hautement plĂ©biscitĂ© Ă  l’international en raison de ses retombĂ©es vertueuses sur la performance des entreprises et les comportements organisationnels. Notre travail propose d’étudier les effets de cette pratique sur la performance financiĂšre des entreprises marocaines afin d’apprĂ©cier l’impact de la participation des salariĂ©s sur la crĂ©ation de valeur financiĂšre. A cet effet, nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude empirique basĂ©e sur deux mĂ©thodes d’analyse en utilisant le logiciel SPSS. Notre Ă©chantillon est composĂ© de 33 entreprises ayant mĂ©diatisĂ© et rĂ©alisĂ© au moins une seule opĂ©ration d’actionnariat salariĂ© au Maroc depuis leur introduction en bourse. Les donnĂ©es financiĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© extraites des dĂ©clarations comptables de chaque entreprise pour la pĂ©riode allant de 2015 Ă  2019.  Les rĂ©sultats montrent que L’AS est faiblement pratiquĂ© par les entreprises au Maroc grĂące au listing que nous avons Ă©tabli et les tests ne permettent pas d’affirmer l’existence d’impact sur la performance des entreprises Ă©tudiĂ©es

    Employee Ownership And Employee - Shareholders Satisfaction: An Analysis Of French Companies Listed On The SBF 250

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    Our paper examines employees’ ownership as a mechanism that stimulates employee-shareholders’ efforts and encourages them to adopt positive working behavior. Nevertheless, the expected effects of employees’ ownership are not direct and need the inclusion of mediating variables. Our study proposes, then, to investigate the impact of employee ownership on organizational attitudes, analyzing, in particular, the influence of incentives. To this end, we conducted a questionnaire-based survey of employees of French companies listed on the SBF 250. Using structural equations modeling, we were able to conclude to the importance of the considered mediating variables

    Framework and Development of a Collaborative Supply Chain Model

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    One of the most critical issues of inventory management is Customer demand (intermittent demand, request for change in product, process or phase in / out). Variation in demand increases the difficulty of determining the precise amount of inventory both to avoid stockout and to satisfy the customer fill rate. The inventory control problem is getting complicated by the fact that demand is uncertain or the variation of demand is highly volatile. [1]. Many practical systems such as manufacturing and inventory systems applications are mostly used to model categorical data sequences. [2]. Results indicate that firms that focus on flexibility, quality, and delivery should develop strategic collaboration with suppliers & customers to achieve market and innovation improvement. Cost- and quality-focused firms should develop operational collaboration to achieve resource efficiency. The model allows understanding the right alignment of external suppliers and customers being pursued to for key performance development and continuous improvement insight

    Disordered LiZnVO4 with a phenacite structure

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    Single crystals of lithium zinc vanadate, LiZnVO4, were grown by the flux method. The structural type of this vanadate is characterized by a three-dimensional arrangement of tetra­hedra sharing apices in an LiZnVO4 network. This arrangement contains three different tetra­hedra, namely one [VO4] and two disordered mixed-site [Li/ZnO4] tetra­hedra. The resulting lattice gives rise to hexa­gonal channels running along the [0001] direction. Both sites in the mixed-site [Li/ZnO4] tetra­hedra are occupied by a statistical mixture of lithium and zinc with a 1:1 ratio. Therefore, LiZnVO4 appears to be the first vanadate known to crystallize with a disordered phenacite structure. Moreover, the resulting values of calculated bond valences (Li = 1.083, Zn = 2.062 and V = 5.185) tend to confirm the structural model

    The Acceptance of New Information Technologies in the Hospital Sector Development of a theoretical model

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    oai:ojs.africanscientificjournal.com:article/1The introduction of new information technologies in the hospital sector is validated as a tool forimproving the quality of care. In Morocco, the awareness of adoption of these new technologies isgrowing significantly, but these innovations are not always accepted by end-users who are healthprofessionals, this mitigates their success and limits their impacts. In this context, we seek, on thebasis of a literature review, to propose a theoretical model of the acceptance of new informationtechnologies in the hospital sector in Morocco – in the case of CHU-. To this end, we adopt a modelbased approach to the unified theory of technology acceptance and use (UTAUT) to build ourresearch model. RĂ©sumĂ©L’introduction des nouvelles technologies de l’information dans le secteur hospitalier est validĂ©ecomme un outil participant Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des soins. Au Maroc, la conscience d’adoptionde ces nouvelles technologies est en croissance significative, or ces innovations ne sont pas toujoursacceptĂ©es par les usagers finaux qui sont les professionnels de la santĂ©, ceci mitige leurs succĂšs et limiteleurs impacts. Dans ce cadre, nous cherchons, sur la base d’une revue de la littĂ©rature, Ă  proposer unmodĂšle thĂ©orique de l’acceptation des nouvelles technologies de l’information dans le secteurhospitalier au Maroc–cas des CHU-. A cette fin, nous adoptons une approche basĂ©e sur le modĂšle dela thĂ©orie unifiĂ©e de l’acceptation et de l’utilisation des technologies (l’UTAUT) pour construire notremodĂšle de recherche

    Electrical Transport Properties Of Iodine Oxide Phosphate Glasses Issued From The NaI-Li2O-WO3-P2O5 System

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    This work concerns the investigation of ion transport behaviour of NaI containing lithium tungsten phosphate glasses in order to understand better the role of NaI in the ionic cation transport. Glasses obtained in the system 0.5[x(2NaI)-(1-x)Li2O]-0.5[0.25(WO3)2-0.75P2O5] were investigated. The glass samples have been characterised using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis, density and impedance spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction and thermal studies have confirmed that these glasses can be formed in the range x = 0 to 1. The mixed alkali glasses have shown higher activation energies and lower conductivities compared to single alkali doped glasses and this has been attributed to a mixed alkali effect.This work concerns the investigation of ion transport behaviour of NaI containing lithium tungsten phosphate glasses in order to understand better the role of NaI in the ionic cation transport. Glasses obtained in the system 0.5[x(2NaI)-(1-x)Li2O]-0.5[0.25(WO3)2-0.75P2O5] were investigated. The glass samples have been characterised using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis, density and impedance spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction and thermal studies have confirmed that these glasses can be formed in the range x = 0 to 1. The mixed alkali glasses have shown higher activation energies and lower conductivities compared to single alkali doped glasses and this has been attributed to a mixed alkali effect

    Review of water energy food nexus in Africa : Morocco and South Africa as case studies

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    Abstract: The population of African continent is significantly increasing which has given rise to societal, economic and environmental changes. This will generate an increase in demand for food, water and energy. Thus, strategies for sustainable management of natural resources need to be adopted urgently in order to match the future needs and to ensure sustainable development on the continent. The Water Energy Food (WEF) nexus is one the avenues for studying the current and future interactions and interdependencies of the WEF sectors under different scenarios and challenges in the effort towards establishing sustainable use of natural resources. Policies around the nexus approach are few or absent at the continental and country levels. This paper is a first review on the adoption of the Nexus in two model African countries, Morocco and South Africa. The review compares the water, energy and food sectors and the related national policies, plans and frameworks. The data related to the WEF Nexus revealed key difficulties of availability in both countries. A comparative analysis of the situation in both countries demonstrated differences in policies relating to the WEF Nexus across the sectors: water, energy, and agriculture. Additionally, the paper explores the relevance of technology-assisted frameworks for the WEF nexus and also analyzed risks to agriculture and food security in the context of the reviewed countries
