2 research outputs found

    Hospital based study of malaria parasites in Awka Metropolis, Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria

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    A hospital based study of malaria parasite was carried out in three hospitals namely: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital, Eldorado Multi-Specialist Hospital and Nnamdi Azikiwe University Medical Center in Awka Metropolis in Anambra State, Nigeria between the months of June and July 2021. 144 patients were examined to detect the presence of malaria parasite using field stain and RDT methods. The result from the study showed a total of 60.42 % prevalence of malaria parasite from the studied locations. The female had the highest prevalence of 67.47 % and 21 – 30 years aged patients recorded the highest prevalence of 72.41 %. Malaria intensity among patients showed that 60.92 % had mild infection while 36.78 % had moderate and 1.15 % had heavy infection although it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Prevalence in relation to hospitals showed that Nnamdi Azikiwe University Medical Centre had the highest infection rate of 68.75 % while Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital had the least prevalence of 53.66 %. Malaria prevalence at 60.42 % among patients attending hospitals in Awka Metropolis was alarming especially when compared with World Health Organization pre-elimination phase prevalence of 5.00 %. Following the high prevalence of malaria infection, more effort is needed in the control of malaria through public enlightenment, prompt diagnosis, and use of insecticides treated bed nets and repellants towards achieving malaria elimination in Awka Metropolis, Awka South Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria

    Community perception and utilization of Moringa oleifera in Ohaukwu Local Government Area, Ebonyi State, Southeastern Nigeria

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    Moringa oleifera is one of nature’s amazing plants that is nutritionally and medicinally beneficial to man. This study was aimed at determining the people’s knowledge, utilization and distribution of Moringa in Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Three towns were selected from the LGA, 450 respondents participated in the study. House visits were used to reach the people. Interviewer administered and structured questionnaires were used to gather information from the participants. Distribution of M. oleifera plants was estimated by counting the plant stands in the compounds visited. Utilization of M. oleifera was subdivided into nutrition, agriculture, medicine and cultural uses. The knowledge of M. oleifera by the people varied among the sexes. More females 108(65.06 %) than the males 58(34.94 %) had knowledge of M. oleifera plant. Knowledge of the plant decreased with increased educational status. It varied with different occupational groups being highest among farmers and least among the drivers. M. oleifera were found growing luxuriantly in the three clans but sparsely distributed due to felled Moringa trees. The plant population ranged from 7 to 11 stands in the study communities. Uses of M. oleifera include: human nutrition, animal shed, fodder and in treating various ailments. Ailments commonly treated with M. oleifera include; toothache, constipation, catarrh, sore throat, helminthiasis and rheumatism. Following the dearth in knowledge of the plant among youths and its sparse distribution, there is need for planting of M. oleifera in the community for better knowledge and utilization by the people