3 research outputs found

    Additional file 6: of Virus-triggered exacerbation in allergic asthmatic children: neutrophilic airway inflammation and alteration of virus sensors characterize a subgroup of patients

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    Concentrations of cytokines in asthmatic patients prone to re-infection at steady state. Cytokines concentrations were measured during exacerbation or at steady state in plasma, sputum fluids and supernatants of MNC stimulated with Poly(I:C), Gardiquimod, lipopoly(I:C) or not (Medium). Patients only infected during the exacerbation (V + V-) were compared to those infected during both periods (V + V+). Results are expressed as pg/ml (median with interquartile range [IQR]). ND: not detectable, NE: Not evaluated. *:p < 0.05 significantly different from V- patients. (PDF 435 kb