621 research outputs found

    Exploring Possible Seasonal Trends in Mortality Rate in Relation to Age, Gender and Environmental Conditions in Kuwait: A Preliminary Analysis

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    Inherently, Kuwait a high frequency of dusty events through out the year due to its arid climate. Particulate air pollution has been linked to increased mortality due to various illnesses. For the purpose of improving health services, it is important to develop/establish an empirical basis for the possible link between mortality and air quality. In this paper, we examined mortality rates in Kuwait in relation to age, sex and dust episodes during a five-year period. Each year was divided into four seasons to detect any potential episodes in the death rate for a particular season. The results showed that the mortality rates did not correlate significantly (p  = 0.67) with the occurrence of total dust events. Contrary to the popular perception in Kuwait that illnesses and, consequently, deaths increased in recent years as a result of deteriorating air quality due to particulate matter, the collected data did not show a consistent temporal trend. While this work represents an initial effort on an important issue upon which further investigations can be elaborated upon, a more detailed data have to be collected and analyzed

    Impact of piracy on Somalia: Society, economy, and state building

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    Somali pirates have hijacked more than 270 ships and attacked over 1,100 vessels from 1995 to 2014 (IMB, 2014). Reports by the International Maritime Bureau estimate that more than 3,700 crew members have been held hostage in various parts of Somalia from 2006 to 2014. During those years, pirates have collected millions of dollars in ransom. Ironically, in the narratives surrounding the emergence of piracy in the Horn of Africa, a great deal has been written about the threats it has posed to global security and world trade (OBP, 2013). Yet missing from these accounts has been the impact of piracy on the immediate region of East Africa and particularly on Somalia. In this chapter, we examine the negative effects that piracy has inflicted on Somali society, economy, and security, and on its state-building activities.Scopu

    Scorpions of the Horn of Africa (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Part XXIII. \u3cem\u3eButhus\u3c/em\u3e (Buthidae), with description of two new species

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    New data are presented on the distribution of the genus Buthus Leach, 1815 in the Horn of Africa, mainly in Somaliland, acquired during expeditions in 2011–2019. Buthus berberensis Pocock, 1900, for which the exact locality was not known, was collected again. B. zeylensis Pocock, 1900 is restored from synonymy and elevated to species rank, based on a study of 75 recently collected specimens. Two new species, B. pococki sp. n. and B. somalilandus sp. n., are described, fully complemented with color photographs of live and preserved specimens, as well as their habitats. In addition to the analyses of external morphology we also described karyotypes of selected species. B. awashensis, B. pococki sp. n. and B. zeylensis have karyotypes with 2n=22. The karyotype of B. berberensis possesses 21 chromosomes, probably as a consequence of heterozygous fusion that is evident as a trivalent during postpachytene in this species. A key and distribution map of Buthus in the Horn of Africa (five species) are included

    Scorpions of the Horn of Africa (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Part XXXIII. Three new species of \u3ci\u3eGint\u3c/i\u3e from Ethiopia and Somaliland (Buthidae)

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    Three new species, Gint sahil sp. n. from Somaliland and Gint abshiri sp. n. and G. derbiae sp. n. from Ethiopia are described and compared with other species of the genus. Additional information is provided on the taxonomy and distribution of the genus Gint, fully complemented with color photos of specimens of the new species, as well as of their habitats. Furthermore, alongside the analyses of external morphology and hemispermatophores, we have provided description of the karyotype of G. abshiri sp. n. This species exhibits karyotype with 2n=27. Included is distribution map and a key for the genus Gint

    Scorpions of the Horn of Africa (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Part XXV. Description of \u3cem\u3ePandinurus awalei\u3c/em\u3e sp. n. and the male of \u3cem\u3ePandiborellius somalilandus\u3c/em\u3e (Kovařík, 2012), with remarks on recent synonymies (Scorpionidae: Pandininae)

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    A new species Pandinurus awalei sp. n. is described from Somaliland. The male of Pandiborellius somalilandus (Kovařík, 2012) is also described for the first time and sexual dimorphism of the species is defined. The habitus, morphology and habitats of both species are illustrated in detail with color and UV fluorescence images, including both live and preserved specimens. The species Pandinurus intermedius (Borelli, 1919) and Pandipalpus lowei (Kovařík, 2012) of Pandininae that were synonymized by Prendini & Loria (2020) are reinstated as valid species

    Insights on the origin of vitrified rocks from serravuda, acri (Italy): Rock fulgurite or anthropogenic activity?

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    In this study, twenty five partially vitrified rocks and four samples of vitrified rocks collected on the top hill called Serravuda (Acri, Calabria, Italy) are analyzed. The goal is to shed light on the origin of these enigmatic vitrified materials. The analyzed vitrified rocks are a breccia of cemented rock fragments (gneiss, granitoid, and amphibolite fragments) which extends for more than 10 m, forming a continuous mass along the northern and north-west border of the flat top hill. Surrounded by the vitrified accumulation, exposed Paleozoic granitoid substrate rocks show limited melting or heat-alteration processes. By mapping minerals embedded in the glass matrix via X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), an interpretation of source rock material, reactions, and thermometric indications to form vitrified materials on the top hill of Serravuda, Acri (Italy), is provided. The mineralogical composition of heated or partially vitrified samples is heterogeneous owing to the effects of heating events, but it mostly recalls the parent rock composition (gneiss, granitoid, and amphibolite). The presence of quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, mullite, plagioclase, hercynite, cordierite, and olivine in Serravuda partially vitrified rocks and glasses suggests that samples were subjected to pyrometamorphism and the temperature range at which the glass formed was about 1000–1100◦C in the presence of hydrous gas, burning organic material (e.g., wood), and assuming thermodynamic equilibrium. Lithologies of the heated or partially vitrified rock fragments are a mixture of parent rocks not outcropping on the top of the hill such as gneiss and amphibolite. Data suggest that Serravuda vitrified rocks are most likely the result of anthropic activities and could represent remnants of vitrified fort walls. The mineral assemblage of partially vitrified rocks and glasses suggests that the fort walls were made of slabs derived from the local metamorphic rocks with the addition of Serravuda substrate Paleozoic granitoid rocks to improve the strength and insulation of the fort walls