49 research outputs found

    Inducing Transport in a Dissipation-Free Lattice with Super Bloch Oscillations

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    Particles in a perfect lattice potential perform Bloch oscillations when subject to a constant force, leading to localization and preventing conductivity. For a weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of Cs atoms, we observe giant center-of-mass oscillations in position space with a displacement across hundreds of lattice sites when we add a periodic modulation to the force near the Bloch frequency. We study the dependence of these "super" Bloch oscillations on lattice depth, modulation amplitude, and modulation frequency and show that they provide a means to induce linear transport in a dissipation-free lattice. Surprisingly, we find that, for an interacting quantum system, super Bloch oscillations strongly suppress the appearance of dynamical instabilities and, for our parameters, increase the phase-coherence time by more than a factor of hundred.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Preparation and spectroscopy of a metastable Mott insulator state with attractive interactions

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    We prepare and study a metastable attractive Mott insulator state formed with bosonic atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattice. Starting from a Mott insulator with Cs atoms at weak repulsive interactions, we use a magnetic Feshbach resonance to tune the interactions to large attractive values and produce a metastable state pinned by attractive interactions with a lifetime on the order of 10 seconds. We probe the (de-)excitation spectrum via lattice modulation spectroscopy, measuring the interaction dependence of two- and three-body bound state energies. As a result of increased on-site three-body loss we observe resonance broadening and suppression of tunneling processes that produce three-body occupation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Confinement-Induced Resonances in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems

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    We report on the observation of confinement-induced resonances in strongly interacting quantum-gas systems with tunable interactions for one- and two-dimensional geometry. Atom-atom scattering is substantially modified when the s-wave scattering length approaches the length scale associated with the tight transversal confinement, leading to characteristic loss and heating signatures. Upon introducing an anisotropy for the transversal confinement we observe a splitting of the confinement-induced resonance. With increasing anisotropy additional resonances appear. In the limit of a two-dimensional system we find that one resonance persists.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves

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    We demonstrate the temporal Talbot effect for trapped matter waves using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. We investigate the phase evolution of an array of essentially non-interacting matter waves and observe matter-wave collapse and revival in the form of a Talbot interference pattern. By using long expansion times, we image momentum space with sub-recoil resolution, allowing us to observe fractional Talbot fringes up to tenth order

    Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling

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    Arbitrary light potentials have proven to be a valuable and versatile tool in many quantum information and quantum simulation experiments with ultracold atoms. Using a phase-modulating spatial light modulator (SLM), we generate arbitrary light potentials holographically with measured efficiencies between 15%−40% and an accuracy of below 2% root-mean-squared error. Key to the high accuracy is the modelling of pixel crosstalk of the SLM on a sub-pixel scale which is relevant especially for large light potentials. We employ conjugate gradient minimisation to calculate the SLM phase pattern for a given target light potential after measuring the intensity and wavefront at the SLM. Further, we use camera feedback to reduce experimental errors, we remove optical vortices and investigate the difference between the angular spectrum method and the Fourier transform to simulate the propagation of light. Using a combination of all these techniques, we achieved more accurate and efficient light potentials compared to previous studies, and generated a series of potentials relevant for cold atom experiments

    Note : a simple laser shutter with protective shielding for beam powers up to 1 W

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    We present the design of an inexpensive and reliable mechanical laser shutter and its electronic driver. A camera diaphragm shutter unit with several sets of blades is utilized to provide fast blocking of laser light and protective shielding of the shutter mechanism up to a laser beam power of 1 W. The driver unit is based on an Arduino microcontroller with a motor-shield. Our objective was to strongly reduce construction effort and expenditure by limiting ourselves to a small number of modular parts, which are readily available. We measured opening and closing durations of less than 800 µs, and a timing jitter of less than 25 µs for the fastest set of blades. No degradation of the shutter performance was observed over 5·10^4 cycles

    Interference of interacting matter waves

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    The phenomenon of matter-wave interference lies at the heart of quantum physics. It has been observed in various contexts in the limit of non-interacting particles as a single-particle effect. Here we observe and control matter-wave interference whose evolution is driven by interparticle interactions. In a multi-path matter-wave interferometer, the macroscopic many-body wave function of an interacting atomic Bose-Einstein condensate develops a regular interference pattern, allowing us to detect and directly visualize the effect of interaction-induced phase shifts. We demonstrate control over the phase evolution by inhibiting interaction-induced dephasing and by refocusing a dephased macroscopic matter wave in a spin-echo-type experiment. Our results show that interactions in a many-body system lead to a surprisingly coherent evolution, possibly enabling narrow-band and high-brightness matter-wave interferometers based on atom lasers

    Deeply bound ultracold molecules in an optical lattice

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    We demonstrate efficient transfer of ultracold molecules into a deeply bound rovibrational level of the singlet ground state potential in the presence of an optical lattice. The overall molecule creation efficiency is 25%, and the transfer efficiency to the rovibrational level vertical bar v = 73, J = 2 > is above 80%. We find that the molecules in vertical bar v = 73, J = 2 > are trapped in the optical lattice, and that the lifetime in the lattice is limited by optical excitation by the lattice light. The molecule trapping time for a lattice depth of 15 atomic recoil energies is about 20 ms. We determine the trapping frequency by the lattice phase and amplitude modulation technique. It will now be possible to transfer the molecules to the rovibrational ground state vertical bar v = 0, J = 0 > in the presence of the optical lattice

    Three-body correlation functions and recombination rates for bosons in three and one dimensions

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    We investigate local three-body correlations for bosonic particles in three and one dimensions as a function of the interaction strength. The three-body correlation function g(3) is determined by measuring the three-body recombination rate in an ultracold gas of Cs atoms. In three dimensions, we measure the dependence of g(3) on the gas parameter in a BEC, finding good agreement with the theoretical prediction accounting for beyond-mean-field effects. In one dimension, we observe a reduction of g(3) by several orders of magnitude upon increasing interactions from the weakly interacting BEC to the strongly interacting Tonks-Girardeau regime, in good agreement with predictions from the Lieb-Liniger model for all strengths of interaction.Comment: 5 figure

    Precision molecular spectroscopy for ground state transfer of molecular quantum gases

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    One possibility for the creation of ultracold, high-phase-space-density quantum gases of molecules in the rovibrational ground state relies on first associating weakly-bound molecules from quantum-degenerate atomic gases on a Feshbach resonance and then transfering the molecules via several steps of coherent two-photon stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) into the rovibronic ground state. Here, in ultracold samples of Cs_2 Feshbach molecules produced out of ultracold samples of Cs atoms, we observe several optical transitions to deeply bound rovibrational levels of the excited 0_u^+ molecular potentials with high resolution. At least one of these transitions, although rather weak, allows efficient STIRAP transfer into the deeply bound vibrational level |v=73> of the singlet X ^1Sigma_g^+ ground state potential, as recently demonstrated. From this level, the rovibrational ground state level |v=0, J=0> can be reached with one more transfer step. In total, our results show that coherent ground state transfer for Cs_2 is possible using a maximum of two successive two-photon processes or one single four-photon STIRAP process.Comment: 6 figures, 1 tabl