30 research outputs found

    Association of radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia: An update using the CoULD registry

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    BACKGROUND: Deficiency of the radial aspect of the forearm and hand is the most common congenital longitudinal deficiency of the upper limb. Radial longitudinal deficiency is associated with several named syndromes. The purpose of the present study was to explore patterns of radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia in syndromes and to examine the severity of these differences across various syndromes. METHODS: Data were collected from the Congenital Upper Limb Differences (CoULD) registry. Congenital differences are classified in the registry with use of the Oberg-Manske-Tonkin (OMT) classification system. Diagnosis of a syndrome by a physician as noted in the CoULD registry was recorded. Thumb deficiency and radial deficiency were classified according to the modified versions of the Blauth criteria and the Bayne and Klug criteria, respectively. RESULTS: We identified 259 patients with 383 affected limbs with radial deficiency. Eighty-three of these patients had a diagnosed syndrome. The severity of radial deficiency was correlated with the severity of thumb deficiency. The Kendall tau coefficient indicated significant correlation between radial severity and thumb severity (tau = 0.49 [95% confidence interval = 0.40 to 0.57]; p \u3c 0.05). Subjects with a syndrome were twice as likely to have bilateral deficiency and 2.5 times more likely to have both radial and thumb deficiency compared with subjects without a syndrome. Subjects with VACTERL syndrome (vertebral defects, anal atresia, cardiac anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb defects) had patterns of thumb and radial deficiency similar to the general cohort, whereas subjects with Holt-Oram syndrome, TAR (thrombocytopenia absent radius) syndrome, and Fanconi anemia demonstrated varied presentations of thumb and radial deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The present study investigated the characteristics of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency and thumb hypoplasia. Our results support the findings of previous research correlating the severity of radial deficiency with the severity of thumb deficiency. Furthermore, we identified characteristic features of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency and associated syndromes

    Identification and measurement of molecular markers of the endometriosis in peripheral blood

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    Purpose: to quantify the mRNA levels of MMP-3, MMP-9, VEGF and Survivin in peripheral blood and the serum levels of CA-125, Ca19-9 in women with and without endometriosis and to investigate the performance of these markers to differentiate between deep and ovarian endometriosis. Methods: a case controls study enrolled a series of 60 patients. Twenty controls have been matched with 20 cases of ovarian and 20 cases of deep endometriosis. Univariable and multivariable performance of serum CA125 and CA19-9, mRNA for Survivin, MMP9, MMP3 and VEGF genes have been evaluated by means of ROC curves and logistic regression respectively. Results: No difference in markers concentration were detected between ovarian and deep endometriosis. In comparison with controls serum CA19 and CA125 yielded the better sensitivity followed by mRNA for Survivin gene (81.5%, 51.9% and 7.5% at 10% false positive rate respectively). Multivariable estimated odds of endometriosis yielded a sensitivity of 87% at the same false positive rate. Conclusions: A combination of serum and molecular markers could allow a better diagnosis of endometriosis

    Role of Genetic Factors in the Pathogenesis of Radial Deficiencies in Humans

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    Radial deficiencies (RDs), defined as under/abnormal development or absence of any of the structures of the forearm, radial carpal bones and thumb, occur with a live birth incidence ranging from 1 out of 30,000 to 1 out 6,000 newborns and represent about one third/one fourth of all the congenital upper limb anomalies. About half of radial disorders have a mendelian cause and pattern of inheritance, whereas the remaining half appears sporadic with no known gene involved. In sporadic forms certain anomalies, such as thumb or radial hypoplasia, may occur either alone or in association with systemic conditions, like vertebral abnormalities or renal defects. All the cases with a mendelian inheritance are syndromic forms, which include cardiac defects (in Holt-Oram syndrome), bone marrow failure (in Fanconi anemia), platelet deficiency (in thrombocytopenia-absent-radius syndrome), ocular motility impairment (in Okihiro syndrome). The genetics of radial deficiencies is complex, characterized by genetic heterogeneity and high inter- and intra-familial clinical variability: this review will analyze the etiopathogenesis and the genotype/phenotype correlations of the main radial deficiency disorders in humans

    Pre- and post-natal growth in two sisters with 3-M syndrome

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    3-M syndrome (OMIM #273750) is a rare autosomal recessive growth disorder characterized by severe pre- and post-natal growth restriction, associated with minor skeletal abnormalities and dysmorphisms. Although the 3-M syndrome is well known as a primordial dwarfism, descriptions of the prenatal growth are missing. We report a family with variable phenotypic features of 3-M syndrome and we describe the prenatal and postnatal growth pattern of two affected sisters with a novel homozygous CUL7 mutation (c.3173-1G>C), showing a pre- and post-natal growth deficiency and a normal cranial circumference

    Post-operative use of oral contraceptive pills for prevention of anatomical relapse or symptom-recurrence after conservative surgery for endometriosis

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    BACKGROUND: Endometriosis recurrence after conservative surgery is not infrequent. Variable regimens of hormonal therapy have been proposed as adjuvant post-operative measures for prophylaxis against recurrence. Among these, the combined oral contraceptive pills (OCP), represents a valuable option in terms of safety and tolerability for long-term use. The objective of this review is to evaluate the effect of post-operative use of OCP in preventing symptom recurrence, and/or anatomical relapse of endometriosis. METHODS: A systematic search of Medline identified seven studies evaluating post-operative OCP treatment on prevention of endometriosis recurrence. RESULTS: A reduction in anatomical relapse rate was observed when oral contraceptive therapy was administered for more than 1 year after conservative surgery. Post-operative use of OCP was associated with a reduction in frequency and intensity of dysmenorrhoea recurrence. No association was found between OCP therapy and dyspareunia prevention, although the effect of OCP on chronic pelvic pain was conflicting. CONCLUSION: Long-term OCP therapy can be a reliable adjuvant post-operative measure to prevent or reduce frequency/severity of recurrent dysmenorrhoea and anatomical relapse of endometriosis. Since both continuous and cyclic OCP administration regimens seem to have comparable effects, the choice of regimen can be modulated according to patient preferences. The protective effect seems to be related to the duration of treatment

    A three-generation family with terminal microdeletion involving 5p15.33-32 due to a whole-arm 5;15 chromosomal translocation with a steady phenotype of atypical cri du chat syndrome

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    Cri du chat syndrome is characterized by cat-like cry, facial dysmorphisms, microcephaly, speech delay, intellectual disability and slow growth rate, which are present with variable frequency. The typical cri du chat syndrome, due to 5p15.2 deletion, includes severe intellectual disability, facial dysmorphisms, neonatal hypotonia and pre- and post-natal growth retardation, whereas more distal deletions in 5p15.3 lead to cat-like cry and speech delay and produce the clinical picture of the atypical cri du chat syndrome, with minimal or absent intellectual impairment. In this article we report a three-generation family with an unbalanced whole arm translocation between chromosome 5 and 15 and a microdeletion of 5.5Mb involving 5p15.33-32. By reporting the smallest terminal deletion of 5p15.3 described so far and by reviewing the literature we discuss the genotype/phenotype correlations of the distal region of the cri du chat syndrome. The previously described critical region for the speech delay may be narrowed down and microcephaly, growth retardation and dysmorphic facial features can be included in the phenotypic expression of the atypical cri du chat syndrome due to 5p15.3 deletions. \ua9 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS