252 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKKabupaten Minahasa Selatan merupakan daerah yang direncanakan untuk pengembangan agropolitan. Ternak sapi sebagai ternak andalan dikembangkan dengan cara digembalakan di bawah pohon kelapa. Permasalahannya seberapa besar alokasi tenaga kerja dan pendapatan kelapa-usaha ternak sapi di kecamatan Tenga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis alokasi tenaga kerja dan pendapatan kelapa usaha ternak sapi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan untuk pengolahan kopra yang dialokasi oleh tenaga keluarga adalah 480 jam. Sedangkan penggunaan tenaga kerja luar keluarga (sewa) adalah untuk kegiatan pengolahan kopra yaitu 1.440 jam lebih besar dari jam kerja untuk keluarga. Tenaga kerja yang digunakan untuk usaha ternak sapi adalah tenaga kerja keluarga dengan alokasinya untuk kegiatan pindahkan sapi, mencari rumput, memberi makan, minum dan memandikan sapi. Alokasi jam yang terbesar untuk pindahkan sapi. Pendapatan dari penjualan kopra tergantung dari harga kopra. Harga kopra yang dijual di tempat petani lebih rendah dibanding dijual di perusahaan minyak goreng. Rata-rata pendapatan ternak sapi sebesar Rp 1.621.854,06 per tahun per responden. Pendapatan ini diperoleh tanpa perhitungan tenaga kerja keluarga. Saran penelitian ini adalah perlu intervensi dari pemerintah untuk pengembangan ternak sapi karena dengan penjualan ternak sapi sejumlah 1,42 ekor dalam setahun sangat merugikan petani.Kata Kunci : Pendapatan, kelapa, ternak sapiABSTRACTINCOME ANALYSIS OF COCONUT-CATTLE FARMER’S IN AGROPOLITAN AREA SUBDISTRICT TENGA SOUTH MINAHASA REGENCY. South Minahasa district is an area planned for agropolitan development. Cattle as a main ruminant livestock was developed by grazing method under coconut plantation. The problems are how big the allocation of labor and the income of coconut-cattle farming in the district of Tenga. The purpose of this study was to analyze the allocation of labor and income of coconut-cattle farming. The result showed that the activities for the processing of copra allocated by the family labor were 480 hours. While the use of hired labor (rent) for copra processing activity were 1,440 hours greater than work allocation time for the family. Family labors used for the cattle farming were including to move the cattle for grazing and drinking, to collect grass, to feed and to cleanse animals. The largest time allocation by household family was move cattle for grazing and drinking. Income of the copra earned by haousehold family was depend on the price of copra. Price of copra earned by households at their location was lower than the price accepted at the cooking oil company. The average income of cattle household farmers was Rp 1,621,854.06 per year per respondent. This income was obtained without including family labor. It was suggested in this study that the government policy was crucial for cattle development due to low sale of cattle per year with the average of 1.42 head. This case inflicted a loss upon the household farmers.Keywords: income, coconut-cattle farmer

    Produksi dan keuntungan usaha ternak puyuh sebagai pendapatan alternatif

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    PRODUCTION AND PROFIT OF QUAIL FARMING AS AN ALTERNATIVE INCOME. The demand for livestock products every year had increased, so it needs to be balanced with its availability. Local poultry including quail can be developed to support self-sufficiency in providing food sources of animal protein. Quail had the prospect of being developed considering the city of Manado as a foreign tourist destination and its population tends to increase. Youth of Ulil Albab Mosque as a group that had introduced the quail farming business. The problem was the extent to which the success of the quail livestock business introduced by the Youth Group of Ulil Albab Mosque. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the production and profit of quail farming as source of alternative income. The research method was survey method, the sample was determined purposively. The data collected were primary and secondary data. Respondents were youth group of the Ulil Albab Mosque on the Unsrat Campus determined by purposive sampling of 4 people. The data analysis was descriptive. The success of quail business depends on the characteristics of the group members. The business was developed as many as 200 heads with egg production increasing every day. Egg marketing was through online. Quail egg consumers were housewives. Purchases of eggs were made for consumption by family members. In conclusion, egg production of quail business of the Ulil Albab Mosque Youth group increased and the profits obtained were positive with R/C value of 1.38 Suggestion, it is necessary to expand the business so that the maximum consumption of quail eggs can be increased


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    PRODUCTION  ANALYSIS  OF FOOD  CROP WASTE PRODUCT AS CATTLE FEED IN NORTH BOLAANGMONGONDOW REGENCY. Cattle can be used as the main economical source giving added value in farm of the farmers to support their family needs in North Bolaang Mongondow regency. Farmers utilized food crop waste product for cattle feed maintenance. The problem was that the food crop waste product potential was unknown to support cattle development in the farm of the farmers. The objective of this study was to analyze food crop waste product potential. Materials in this study were involving food crop area, type of food crop waste product, and cattle. Research method was applied by survey method involving primer and secondary data. Data were analyzed by proximate analysis conducted by Research Institution and Industrial Standardization, Manado and descriptive analysis. Agricultural waste product was local feedstuff as crude fiber source that can be used for cattle feed. The potential feedstuff was calculated on the basis of feedstuff production multiplied by crop cultivation area size and expressed in dry matter (DM). The highest potential of DM was the wet rice paddy straw, followed by dry rice paddy straw, corn straw, sweet potato leaves, cassava leaves, green bean straw, and peanut straw. This study concluded that dry matter productions of wet rice paddy straw, corn straw and peanut straw were highly produced in Sanggkub district. Dry matter productions of dry rice paddy straw, cassava leaves, and sweet potato leaves were highly produced in East Bolaang Itang district, while dry matter production of green bean straw was highly produced in West Bolaang Itang district. Based on this research it can be suggested to introduce the technology related to the preservation of food crop waste product in North Bolaang Mongondow regency.   Keywords: Waste product, food crop, cattle, North Bolaang Mongondow regency

    Analisis pendapatan peternak sapi di Desa Saleo Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besar pendapatan peternak sapi dan pengaruh variabel-variabel (jumlah kepemilikan ternak, biaya pakan, biaya tenaga kerja dan pengalaman beternak) terhadap pendapatan peternak sapi di Desa Saleo Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Saleo dengan waktu penelitian selama satu bulan yaitu dari bulan Januari – Februari 2021. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara pada responden peternak sapi dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang telah disiapkan. Penentuan sampel adalah purposive sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, atas dasar pertimbangan bahwa petani peternak memiliki minimal 2 ekor ternak sapi dan minimal sudah 3 tahun beternak. Jumlah pendapatan petani peternak sapi di Desa Saleo Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara rata-rata dalam setahun sebesar Rp. 23.573.167. Secara simultan variabel jumlah ternak sapi, variabel biaya pakan, variabel biaya tenaga kerja serta variabel pengalaman beternak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan peternak sapi sedangkan secara parsial variabel biaya pakan dan pengalaman beternak tidak nyata berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan.Â

    Ensiling Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Browse/Maize Forage Mixtures

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    The practice of growing fodder tree and shrubs is being advocated for and adopted in smallholder dairy production systems. In Uganda, Calliandra calothyrsus, Gliricidia sepium, and Leucaena leucocephala have been identified and recommended as the most suitable species (Sabiiti, 2001). However tree foliage contains toxic compounds (Lowry, 1990), which may be alleviated by ensiling. The objective of the experiment was to study the ensiling characteristics of browse/ maize forage mixtures and their nutritive value when fed to lactating dairy cows

    Consumer\u27s Characteristics of Yogurt in Manado, North Sulawesi - Indonesia

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    The objective of this study was to analyze consumer\u27s characteristics of yogurt as one of fermented dairy product, consumers satisfaction and factors influencing consumers purchase decision on yogurt in Manado city. The primary data were collected using structured questionnaire from a total sample of 400 consumers in Manado City. Samples were selected using the accidental sampling method with schedule (using alternating date/ day and place, respectively). Collecting data were done from July to September 2015. The result indicated that most consumers were teenagers, female students, and single persons. Consumers of yogurt in Manado City are were categorized quite satisfied with yogurt product. The product availability had to be considered by producer in order to increase consumer satisfaction. Partially, factors that significantly influencing consumer\u27s purchase decision in Manado were preservative content, product availability, variant flavor, product volume and additional nutritive value


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    FACTORS AFFECTING MAN LABOR ALLOCATION ON HOUSEHOLDS RECEIVING CATTLE CAPITAL INVESTMENT AID IN WEST KAWANGKOAN DISTRICT OF MINAHASA REGENCY. Study was conducted to analyze factors affecting man labor allocation on households receiving cattle capital investment aid in west kawangkoan district of minahasa regency. Study was done by survey method involving 30 samples of household farmers during September to November 2018. The specific model was applied with the household economic model in form of simultaneous regression system. Involving man labor at household was significantly affected by labor cost, amount of involving woman labor at household, amount of capital aid allocation for cattle farm, amount of cattle sold, and amount of household income. Household farmers positively gave response by doing allocation of man labor for cattle farm at household in the increasing occurrence of labor cost, capital aid and household income.Keywords : Household, capital aid, labo


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    ABSTRACT CONTRIBUTION OF CATTLE AS THE TRANSPORTATION INSTRUMENT OF FARMERS ON COCONUT PLANTATION AT JAILOLO DISTRICT, WEST HALMAHERA REGENCY. Total of cattle at Jailolo district in year of 2013 were 3,410 heads and bred traditionally by household farmers. Cattle at Jailolo district were used by household farmer as transportation instrument around plantation areas. The problem was that cattle contribution on farmer income as transportation instrument had not been evaluated. The objective of this study was to evaluate cattle contribution on farmer income as transportation instrument in coconut plantation. Research was done using survey method. Data were found from household farmers and found from related offices. Samples of villages were taken using purposive sampling. Household farmers were defined using simple random sampling involving 30 samples. Results showed that cattle as transportation instrument contributed work time period of 1,284 hours per period of plantation including coconut, banana and nutmeg production. Transportation instrument involving cattle contributed household income of Rp. 23,095,000 or 8,21 percents of the total household income per production period of coconut plantation.  Key words: Transportation instrument, Cattle, Household farmers, Income contribution, Jailolo district, West Halmahera Regency.
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