20 research outputs found

    Sales Administration System Design Materials And Clothes On PT. Indotex Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0

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    PT. INDOTEX is a private company engaged in the textile industry which previouslyproduced material to make a T-Shirt, extends product garment (apparel).Sales system is an essential part of a company because it will determine the successof high and low sales gains. For the successful achievement of predetermined salestargets it needs a reliable supporter of sales administration.Finished goods sales administration system that is currently running between one partis not integrated with other parts. In addition there are several problems in dataprocessing, which does not comply with the hope and less assist management intaking decisions and the slow service. The author, trying to design a support systemadministration and apparel sales materials that can help solve the problems thatoccurred in the old system

    Development Puzzle Game Applications Using Visual Basic Programming Language 6.0

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    Game (game) Puzzle is a type of game that has kind of pieces with complex shapes, so long as players try to match the pictures, players must match the form of connection. Starting from the type of puzzle pieces totaling keeping teens, making a total of tens and even hundreds of copies. Display images vary Puzzle to add charm. For example one image display Akane Kanazawa Japanese artist, there are also display images Grand_Canyon famous waterfalls such, and the spider superhero is Spiderman. Make a game program (game) Puzzle can also add appeal creativity of children, besides that also children can recognize and learn the computer

    Presentation Of Ornamental Fish And Visualization Various Maintenance

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    The development of increasingly sophisticated computer that is very helpful in data processing still using manual systems. This is often a problem associated with the accuracy of the data which resulted in delays in data processing. Valuable information is the information quickly and accurately. Then needed a computerized application as a supporter. Visualization applications and maintenance of ornamental fish varieties in order to simplify the display data and images that objective

    Public Transport System Administration S.01 Deposits in Light Receipts Using Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Languages

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    To assist owners of public transport vehicles in performing bookkeeping up to date aswell as processing revenue and deposit money in a computerized, inspire writers tocreate a Visual Basic-based Administration System, so that subsequent data obtainedcan be processed as quickly as possible and easy to be revised in case of input errorsor mistakes calculating profits.The purpose of writing in making this system in order to familiarize the public in theuse of everyday on living computer, especially the public transport vehicle owners sothey would not hesitate in the use of computers in administrative process of moneyremittance receipts

    Information System in Raw Material Supply PT Tuntex Using Visual Basic 6.0.

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    PT. Tuntex is a company engaged in the textile, in the process of production of PT. Tuntex uses three types of raw materials Wool, Foy (FULL ORIENTED yare) and Poy (Pree ORIENTEDYARE) three types of these materials have a variety of types which will be combined with each type of different raw materials becoming a cloth with the flexible nature of berpariasi. The type of yarn that will be used is Foy, because of the string can not be pulled or wrinkle that can produce a strong fabric. Meanwhile, Poy yarn types can be processed into a flexible material and soft no heat easily, therefore the two types of raw materials can be incorporated in the processing will produce the best quality fabrics

    Application of Calculating Electricity USAge Umah Linear Trend Staircase with Least Square Method Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    One way to analyze the electricity consumption of households are using thecalculation method in statistical science, namely Trend Linear Least Square Method.With this linear trend can be calculated trend value of electricity consumption foreach household. The formula used is:Where: Y t = Total electricity consumption (in KWH)a = Constantb = coefficientt = t YearsThe value of a (constant) and b (coefficient) was first found by calculating the valueof t I (annual coding), the value of Y i (the use of electricity in KWH), t i2, and t i Y ivalue. After that specify the number of t i, Y i, t i2, and t i Y i. Then determine thevalues of a and b. Then the equation of linear trend can be determined based on thevalue of a and b of this. Finally the values of the trend of electricity consumptionevery month can be obtained by using the linear trend equations.Based on the trend, it is concluded fluctuations in electricity consumption of eachhousehold, whether increased or decreased each month in the period 2001-2003.Information about the fluctuations in electricity consumption of each household isvery beneficial for the PLN. PLN parties can know where households are alreadyefficient and inefficient use of electricity. With so can know which households alsoreflects the principle of saving in electricity consumption

    Applications How to Overcome the Problem Skin and Beauty Through Traditional Treatment Using Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Languages

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    Many problems experienced by the public, especially the problem of disease and more particularly the problem of skin diseases. The problem is needed an expert / expert in that field. Time, money, and laziness of society to call the experts in overcoming these problems. Therefore the author made an application of traditional medicine, and the more specific issues related to skin problems because the skin is a light matter that the public / people are reluctant to seek expert skin. Applications that used to use Visual Basic 6.0, the reason being generated capacity is not too large, and shaped the visual because it is easier user