132 research outputs found

    Global solution of non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic programs

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    International audienceThe class of mixed-integer quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQP) consists of minimizing a quadratic function under quadratic constraints where the variables could be integer or continuous. On a previous paper we introduced a method called MIQCR for solving QC-QPs with the following restriction : all quadratic sub-functions of purely continuous variables are already convex. In this paper, we propose an extension of MIQCR which applies to any QCQP. Let (P) be a QCQP. Our approach to solve (P) is first to build an equivalent mixed-integer quadratic problem (P *). This equivalent problem (P *) has a quadratic convex objective function, linear constraints, and additional variables y that are meant to satisfy the additional quadratic constraints y = xx T , where x are the initial variables of problem (P). We then propose to solve (P *) by a branch-and-bound algorithm based on the relaxation of the additional quadratic constraints and of the integrality constraints. This type of branching is known as spatial branch-and-bound. Computational experiences are carried out on a total of 325 instances. The results show that the solution time of most of the considered instances is improved by our method in comparison with the recent implementation of QuadProgBB, and with the solvers Cplex, Couenne, Scip, BARON and GloMIQO

    Using a conic bundle method to accelerate both phases of a quadratic convex reformulation

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    We present algorithm MIQCR-CB that is an advancement of method MIQCR~(Billionnet, Elloumi and Lambert, 2012). MIQCR is a method for solving mixed-integer quadratic programs and works in two phases: the first phase determines an equivalent quadratic formulation with a convex objective function by solving a semidefinite problem (SDP)(SDP), and, in the second phase, the equivalent formulation is solved by a standard solver. As the reformulation relies on the solution of a large-scale semidefinite program, it is not tractable by existing semidefinite solvers, already for medium sized problems. To surmount this difficulty, we present in MIQCR-CB a subgradient algorithm within a Lagrangian duality framework for solving (SDP)(SDP) that substantially speeds up the first phase. Moreover, this algorithm leads to a reformulated problem of smaller size than the one obtained by the original MIQCR method which results in a shorter time for solving the second phase. We present extensive computational results to show the efficiency of our algorithm

    Solving unconstrained 0-1 polynomial programs through quadratic convex reformulation

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    We propose a solution approach for the problem (P) of minimizing an unconstrained binary polynomial optimization problem. We call this method PQCR (Polynomial Quadratic Convex Reformulation). The resolution is based on a 3-phase method. The first phase consists in reformulating (P) into a quadratic program (QP). For this, we recursively reduce the degree of (P) to two, by use of the standard substitution of the product of two variables by a new one. We then obtain a linearly constrained binary program. In the second phase, we rewrite the quadratic objective function into an equivalent and parametrized quadratic function using the equality x 2 i = x i and new valid quadratic equalities. Then, we focus on finding the best parameters to get a quadratic convex program which continuous relaxation's optimal value is maximized. For this, we build a semidefinite relaxation (SDP) of (QP). Then, we prove that the standard linearization inequalities, used for the quadratization step, are redundant in (SDP) in presence of the new quadratic equalities. Next, we deduce our optimal parameters from the dual optimal solution of (SDP). The third phase consists in solving (QP *), the optimal reformulated problem, with a standard solver. In particular, at each node of the branch-and-bound, the solver computes the optimal value of a continuous quadratic convex program. We present computational results on instances of the image restoration problem and of the low autocorrelation binary sequence problem. We compare PQCR with other convexification methods, and with the general solver Baron 17.4.1 [39]. We observe that most of the considered instances can be solved with our approach combined with the use of Cplex [24]

    Solving a general mixed-integer quadratic problem through convex reformulation : a computational study

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    International audienceLet (QP) be a mixed integer quadratic program that consists of minimizing a qua-dratic function subject to linear constraints. In this paper, we present a convex reformulation of (QP), i.e. we reformulate (QP) into an equivalent program, with a convex objective function. Such a reformulation can be solved by a standard solver that uses a branch and bound algorithm. This reformulation, that we call MIQCR (Mixed Integer Quadratic Convex Reformulation), is the best one within a convex reformulation scheme, from the continuous relaxation point of view. It is based on the solution of an SDP relaxation of (QP). Computational experiences were carried out with instances of (QP) with one equality constraint. The results show that most of the considered instances, with up to 60 variables, can be solved within 1 hour of CPU time by a standard solver

    Semidefinite programming relaxations through quadratic reformulation for box-constrained polynomial optimization problems

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce new semidefinite programming relaxations to box-constrained polynomial optimization programs (P). For this, we first reformu-late (P) into a quadratic program. More precisely, we recursively reduce the degree of (P) to two by substituting the product of two variables by a new one. We obtain a quadratically constrained quadratic program. We build a first immediate SDP relaxation in the dimension of the total number of variables. We then strengthen the SDP relaxation by use of valid constraints that follow from the quadratization. We finally show the tightness of our relaxations through several experiments on box polynomial instances

    Models and Algorithms for the Product Pricing with Single-Minded Customers Requesting Bundles

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    International audienceWe analyze a product pricing problem with single-minded customers, each interested in buying a bundle of products. The objective is to maximize the total revenue and we assume that supply is unlimited for all products. We contribute to a missing piece of literature by giving some mathematical formulations for this single-minded bundle pricing problem. We first present a mixed-integer nonlinear program with bilinear terms in the objective function and the constraints. By applying classical linearization techniques, we obtain two different mixed-integer linear programs. We then study the polyhedral structure of the linear formulations and obtain valid inequalities based on an RLT-like framework. We develop a Benders decomposition to project strong cuts from the tightest model onto the lighter models. We conclude this work with extensive numerical experiments to assess the quality of the mixed-integer linear formulations, as well as the performance of the cutting plane algorithms and the impact of the preprocessing on computation times

    Quadratization and convexification in polynomial binary optimization

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    In this paper, we discuss several reformulations and solution approaches for the problem of minimizing a polynomial in binary variables UBPP. We review and integrate different literature streams to describe a methodology consisting of three distinct phases, together with several possible variants for each phase. The first phase determines a recursive decomposition of each monomial of interest into pairs of submonomials, down to the initial variables. The decomposition gives rise to a so-called quadratization scheme. The second phase builds a quadratic reformulation of UBPP from a given quadratization scheme, by associating a new auxiliary variable with each submonomial that appears in the scheme. A quadratic reformulation of UBPP is obtained by enforcing relations between the auxiliary variables and the monomials that they represent, either through linear constraints or through penalty terms in the objective function. The resulting quadratic problem QBP is non-convex in general and is still difficult to solve. At this stage we introduce the third phase of the resolution process, which consists in convexifying QBP. We consider different types of convexification methods, including complete linearization or quadratic convex reformulations. Theoretical properties of the different phases are recalled from the literature or are further clarified. Finally, we present some experimental results to illustrate the discussion

    Tutoriel : Reformulation Quadratique Convexe pour l'optimisation Quadratique discrète : résultats de base et extensions récentes

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    International audienceNous considérons le problème (QP) de la minimisation d'une fonction quadratique sous des contraintes linéaires ou quadratiques. Les variables sont entières et bornées. Ce problème très général permet de modéliser de nombreux problèmes classiques en Optimisation Combinatoire et constitue une première généralisation de la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers.   Une différence majeure entre (QP) et les programmes linéaires en nombres entiers réside dans le fait que, en général, sa relaxation continue fournit un problème lui aussi NP-difficile. Pour contourner cette difficulté, la reformulation quadratique convexe transforme (QP) en un problème (QP') équivalent mais dont la relaxation continue est un problème convexe. Afin de calculer une solution optimale de (QP), on peut alors résoudre (QP') par un algorithme d'énumération implicite basé sur l'optimisation continue convexe.   Nous faisons un tour d'horizon de développements récents de cette approche. Nous montrons en particulier comment les relaxations semi-définies positives permettent de construire les problèmes équivalents (QP') les plus intéressants. Dans le cas des variables binaires, nous donnons une vision des linéarisations classiques comme un cas particulier de reformulation quadratique convexe.   Enfin, nous illustrons la généralité et l'efficacité expérimentale de la résolution exacte par reformulation quadratique convexe sur différents problèmes d'Optimisation Combinatoire.   Références A. Billionnet et S. Elloumi. Using a Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Solver for the Unconstrained Quadratic 0-1 Problem . Mathematical Programming, 109(1): 55-68, 2007.   A. Billionnet, S. Elloumi et M.-C. Plateau. Improving standard solvers convex reformulation for constrained quadratic 0-1 programs: the QCR method. Discrete Applied Math, vol. 157(6), 2009, pp. 1185-1197.   A. Billionnet, S. Elloumi et A. Lambert. Extending the QCR method to general mixed-integer programs. Mathematical Programming, vol. 131(1), 2012, pp.381-401</p

    Quadratic Convex Reformulation for discrete quadratic optimization : Basic results and recent extensions

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    We consider problem (QP) of minimizing a quadratic function subject to linear or quadratic constraints. Variables are integer and bounded. This very general problem can model many classical problems in Combinatorial Optimization.A major difference between (QP) and integer linear programs lies in the fact that, in general, its continuous relaxation is an NP-hard optimization problem. To overcome this difficulty, the Convex Quadratic Reformulation approach transforms (QP) into a problem (QP'), equivalent to (QP), but whose continuous relaxation is a convex problem. To compute a global optimal solution to (QP) it becomes possible to solve (QP') by an implicit enumeration algorithm based on continuous convex optimization.We make an overview of recent developments in this approach. We show in particular how positive semidefinite relaxations can be used to build the most interesting equivalent problems (QP'). In the case of binary variables, we give a vision of classical linearization as a special case of Convex Quadratic Reformulation.Finally, we illustrate the generality and the computational efficiency of the Quadratic Convex Reformulation approach for several combinatorial optimization problems
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