27,388 research outputs found

    High angular resolution observation of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the massive z=0.83 cluster ClJ0152-1357

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    X-ray observations of galaxy clusters at high redshift (z>0.5) indicate that they are more morphologically complex and less virialized than those at low-redshift. We present the first subarcmin resolution at 18 GHz observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect for ClJ0152-1357 using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. ClJ0152-1357 is a massive cluster at redshift z=0.83 and has a complex structure including several merging subclumps which have been studied at optical, X-ray, and radio wavelengths. Our high-resolution observations indicate a clear displacement of the maximum SZ effect from the peak of X-ray emission for the most massive sub-clump. This result shows that the cluster gas within the cluster substructures is not virialised in ClJ0152-1357 and we suggest that it is still recovering from a recent merger event. A similar offset of the SZ effect has been recently seen in the `bullet cluster' by Malu et al. This non-equilibrium situation implies that high resolution observations are necessary to investigate galaxy cluster evolution, and to extract cosmological constraints from a comparison of the SZ effect and X-ray signals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Cell-free prediction of protein expression costs for growing cells

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    Translating heterologous proteins places significant burden on host cells, consuming expression resources leading to slower cell growth and productivity. Yet predicting the cost of protein production for any given gene is a major challenge, as multiple processes and factors combine to determine translation efficiency. To enable prediction of the cost of gene expression in bacteria, we describe here a standard cell-free lysate assay that provides a relative measure of resource consumption when a protein coding sequence is expressed. These lysate measurements can then be used with a computational model of translation to predict the in vivo burden placed on growing E. coli cells for a variety of proteins of different functions and lengths. Using this approach, we can predict the burden of expressing multigene operons of different designs and differentiate between the fraction of burden related to gene expression compared to action of a metabolic pathway

    The dynamics of liquid slugs forced by a syringe pump

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    Microfluidic processes for chemical synthesis have become popular in recent years. The small scale of the chemical reactions promise greater control over reaction conditions and more timely creation of products. The small scale of microfluidics poses its own set of problems, however. At the microscale, the dominant fluid forces are viscous resistance and surface tension. The effects of viscosity and scale reduce the Reynolds number and make mixing difficult. Much work has been done to control mixing at the microscale. This problem is concerned with a different microfluidic problem: delivering reactants to the site of reaction. A common setup is to attach syringes full of reactant to a reaction chamber by narrow hydrophobic tubing. Using a stepper motor, a controlled dose of liquid may be injected into the tube. The hydrophobosity causes the dose to curve outward on the sides, becoming a "slug" of reactant with air in front and behind. The syringe at the rear is then switched for one full of air, and air pressure is used to drive the slug to the reaction site. If too much pressure is applied, the slug will arrive with a significant back pressure that will be relieved through bubbling in the reaction site. This causes the formation of a foam and is highly undesirable. We present a simple model based on Boyle’s law for the motion of a slug through a tube. We then extend this model for trains of slugs separated by air bubbles. Last, we consider the case of a flooded reaction site, where the forward air bubble must be pushed through the flooding liquid. In conclusion, we have determined the dynamics of a single slug moving towards an empty reaction chamber giving the final equilibrium position of the slug. A phase-plane analysis then determined a condition on the size of the slug needed to ensure that it comes to rest without oscillating about the equilibrium position. The effect of a flooded reaction chamber was then considered. In this case it is impossible to avoid bubbling due to the design of the device. We found that it is possible, however, to reduce the bubbling by minimising the back pressure behind the slug. Finally, the dynamics of multiple slugs with or without a flooded reaction chamber has been investigated

    Cosmological Models in Two Spacetime Dimensions

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    Various physical properties of cosmological models in (1+1) dimensions are investigated. We demonstrate how a hot big bang and a hot big crunch can arise in some models. In particular, we examine why particle horizons do not occur in matter and radiation models. We also discuss under what circumstances exponential inflation and matter/radiation decoupling can happen. Finally, without assuming any particular equation of state, we show that physical singularities can occur in both untilted and tilted universe models if certain assumptions are satisfied, similar to the (3+1)-dimensional cases.Comment: 22 pgs., 2 figs. (available on request) (revised version contains `paper.tex' macro file which was omitted in earlier version

    Time-Dependent Vacuum Energy Induced by D-Particle Recoil

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    We consider cosmology in the framework of a `material reference system' of D particles, including the effects of quantum recoil induced by closed-string probe particles. We find a time-dependent contribution to the cosmological vacuum energy, which relaxes to zero as 1/t2\sim 1/ t^2 for large times tt. If this energy density is dominant, the Universe expands with a scale factor R(t)t2R(t) \sim t^2. We show that this possibility is compatible with recent observational constraints from high-redshift supernovae, and may also respect other phenomenological bounds on time variation in the vacuum energy imposed by early cosmology.Comment: 14 pages LATEX, no figure

    Update on the Direct Detection of Supersymmetric Dark Matter

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    We compare updated predictions for the elastic scattering of supersymmetric neutralino dark matter with the improved experimental upper limit recently published by CDMS II. We take into account the possibility that the \pi-nucleon \Sigma term may be somewhat larger than was previously considered plausible, as may be supported by the masses of exotic baryons reported recently. We also incorporate the new central value of m_t, which affects indirectly constraints on the supersymmetric parameter space, for example via calculations of the relic density. Even if a large value of \Sigma is assumed, the CDMS II data currently exclude only small parts of the parameter space in the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) with universal soft supersymmetry-breaking Higgs, squark and slepton masses. None of the previously-proposed CMSSM benchmark scenarios is excluded for any value of \Sigma, and the CDMS II data do not impinge on the domains of the CMSSM parameter space favoured at the 90 % confidence level in a recent likelihood analysis. However, some models with non-universal Higgs, squark and slepton masses and neutralino masses \lappeq 700 GeV are excluded by the CDMS II data.Comment: 25 pages, 28 eps figure

    Electroweak Precision Data and Gravitino Dark Matter

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    Electroweak precision measurements can provide indirect information about the possible scale of supersymmetry already at the present level of accuracy. We review present day sensitivities of precision data in mSUGRA-type models with the gravitino as the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). The chi^2 fit is based on M_W, sin^2 theta_eff, (g-2)_mu, BR(b -> s gamma) and the lightest MSSM Higgs boson mass, M_h. We find indications for relatively light soft supersymmetry-breaking masses, offering good prospects for the LHC and the ILC, and in some cases also for the Tevatron.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at the LCWS06 March 2006, Bangalore, India. References adde

    The Processing of Verb-Argument Constructions is Sensitive to Form, Function, Frequency, Contingency, and Prototypicality.

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139741/1/CognitiveLinguisticsUMichOffprint.pd

    Moderate deviations for random field Curie-Weiss models

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    The random field Curie-Weiss model is derived from the classical Curie-Weiss model by replacing the deterministic global magnetic field by random local magnetic fields. This opens up a new and interestingly rich phase structure. In this setting, we derive moderate deviations principles for the random total magnetization SnS_n, which is the partial sum of (dependent) spins. A typical result is that under appropriate assumptions on the distribution of the local external fields there exist a real number mm, a positive real number λ\lambda, and a positive integer kk such that (Snnm)/nα(S_n-nm)/n^{\alpha} satisfies a moderate deviations principle with speed n12k(1α)n^{1-2k(1-\alpha)} and rate function λx2k/(2k)!\lambda x^{2k}/(2k)!, where 11/(2(2k1))<α<11-1/(2(2k-1)) < \alpha < 1.Comment: 21 page

    Cosmological models with flat spatial geometry

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    The imposition of symmetries or special geometric properties on submanifolds is less restrictive than to impose them in the full space-time. Starting from this idea, in this paper we study irrotational dust cosmological models in which the geometry of the hypersurfaces generated by the fluid velocity is flat, which supposes a relaxation of the restrictions imposed by the Cosmological Principle. The method of study combines covariant and tetrad methods that exploits the geometrical and physical properties of these models. This procedure will allow us to determine all the space-times within this class as well as to study their properties. Some important consequences and applications of this study are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX2e, IOP style. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit