1,837 research outputs found

    Probing the Structure of the Pomeron

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    We suggest that the pseudo-rapidity cut dependence of diffractive deep-inelastic scattering events at HERA may provide a sensitive test of models of diffraction. A comparison with the experimental cross section shows that the Donnachie-Landshoff model and a simple two-gluon exchange model of the pomeron model are disfavoured. However a model with a direct coupling of the pomeron to quarks is viable for a harder quark--pomeron form factor, as is a model based on the leading-twist operator contribution. We also consider a direct-coupling scalar pomeron model. We comment on the implications of these results for the determination of the partonic structure of the pomeron.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX2e, 14 figures, uses axodra

    The Q2Q^2 dependence of the measured asymmetry A1A_1: the test of the Bjorken sum rule

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    We analyse the proton and deutron data on spin dependent asymmetry A1(x,Q2)A_1(x,Q^2) supposing the DIS structure functions g1(x,Q2)g_1(x,Q^2) and F3(x,Q2)F_3(x,Q^2) have the similar Q2Q^2-dependence. As a result, we have obtained that Γ1pΓ1n=0.190±0.038\Gamma_1^p - \Gamma_1^n = 0.190 \pm 0.038 at Q2=10GeV2Q^2= 10 GeV^2 and Γ1pΓ1n=0.165±0.026\Gamma_1^p - \Gamma_1^n = 0.165 \pm 0.026 at Q2=3GeV2Q^2= 3 GeV^2, what is in the best agreement with the Bjorken sum rule predictions.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, no figures, to be published in JETP Letter

    Proton Decay and Cosmology Strongly Constrain the Minimal SU(5) Supergravity Model

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    We present the results of an extensive exploration of the five-dimensional parameter space of the minimal SU(5)SU(5) supergravity model, including the constraints of a long enough proton lifetime (\tau_p>1\times10^{32}\y) and a small enough neutralino cosmological relic density (Ωχh021\Omega_\chi h^2_0\le1). We find that the combined effect of these two constraints is quite severe, although still leaving a small region of parameter space with m_{\tilde g,\tilde q}<1\TeV. The allowed values of the proton lifetime extend up to \tau_p\approx1\times10^{33}\y and should be fully explored by the SuperKamiokande experiment. The proton lifetime cut also entails the following mass correlations and bounds: m_h\lsim100\GeV, m_\chi\approx{1\over2}m_{\chi^0_2}\approx0.15\gluino, mχ20mχ1+m_{\chi^0_2}\approx m_{\chi^+_1}, and m_\chi<85\,(115)\GeV, m_{\chi^0_2,\chi^+_1}<165\,(225)\GeV for α3=0.113(0.120)\alpha_3=0.113\,(0.120). Finally, the {\it combined} proton decay and cosmology constraints predict that if m_h\gsim75\,(80)\GeV then m_{\chi^+_1}\lsim90\,(110)\GeV for α3=0.113(0.120)\alpha_3=0.113\,(0.120). Thus, if this model is correct, at least one of these particles will likely be observed at LEPII.Comment: 11 pages plus 5 figures (not included). CERN-TH.6628/92, CTP-TAMU-61/92. A condensed version of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas--Texas, August 5--12, 199

    Adjoint Messengers and Perturbative Unification at the String Scale

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    We consider states in the adjoint representation of the Standard Model gauge group as messengers for mediation of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. These new messengers can shift the gauge coupling unification to the string scale at O(5x10^{17} GeV) if their masses are at O(10^{14} GeV). The predicted SUSY mass spectrum at the electroweak scale is significantly different from those in other gauge-mediated or supergravity models, resulting in robust mass relations. The gravitino mass is predicted to be about 1-10 GeV. The heavy messenger sector could provide a superheavy dark matter candidate.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Supersymmetry and primordial black hole abundance constraints

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    We study the consequences of supersymmetry for primordial black hole (PBH) abundance constraints. PBHs with mass less than about 10^{11}g will emit supersymmetric particles when they evaporate. In most models of supersymmetry the lightest of these particles, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), is stable and will hence survive to the present day. We calculate the limit on the initial abundance of PBHs from the requirement that the present day LSP density is less than the critical density. We apply this limit, along with those previously obtained from the effects of PBH evaporation on nucleosynthesis and the present day density of PBHs, to PBHs formed from the collpase of inflationary density perturbations, in the context of supersymmetric inflation models. If the reheat temperature after inflation is low, so as to avoid the overproduction of gravitinos and moduli, then the lightest PBHs which are produced in significant numbers will be evaporating around the present day and there are therefore no constraints from the effects of the evaporation products on nucleosynthesis or from the production of LSPs. We then examine models with a high reheat temperature and a subsequent period of thermal inflation. In these models avoiding the overproduction of LSPs limits the abundance of low mass PBHs which were previously unconstrained. Throughout we incorporate the production, at fixed time, of PBHs with a range of masses, which occurs when critical collapse is taken into account.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX file with 3 figures incorporated (uses RevTeX and epsf). Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D: minor change to calculation and added discussio

    The Neutralino Relic Density in Minimal N=1 Supergravity

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    We compute the cosmic relic (dark matter) density of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) in the framework of minimal N=1N=1 Supergravity models with radiative breaking of the electroweak gauge symmetry. To this end, we re--calculate the cross sections for all possible annihilation processes for a general, mixed neutralino state with arbitrary mass. Our analysis includes effects of all Yukawa couplings of third generation fermions, and allows for a fairly general set of soft SUSY breaking parameters at the Planck scale. We find that a cosmologically interesting relic density emerges naturally over wide regions of parameter space. However, the requirement that relic neutralinos do not overclose the universe does not lead to upper bounds on SUSY breaking parameters that are strictly valid for all combinations of parameters and of interest for existing or planned collider experiments; in particular, gluino and squark masses in excess of 5 TeV cannot strictly be excluded. On the other hand, in the ``generic'' case of a gaugino--like neutralino whose annihilation cross sections are not ``accidentally'' enhanced by a nearby Higgs or ZZ pole, all sparticles should lie within the reach of the proposed pppp and e+ee^+e^- supercolliders. We also find that requiring the LSP to provide all dark matter predicted by inflationary models imposes a strict lower bound of 40 GeV on the common scalar mass mm at the Planck scale, while the lightest sleptons would have to be heavierComment: 53 pages(8figs are not included), Latex file; DESY 92-101, SLAC-PUB-586

    Anomaly-Free Gauged R-Symmetry

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    We review the gauging of an R-symmetry in local and global susy. We then construct the first anomaly-free models. We break the R-symmetry and susy at the Planck scale and discuss the low-energy effects. We include a solution to the mu-problem, and the prediction of observable effects at HERA. The models also nicely allow for GUT-scale baryogenesis and R-parity violation without the sphaleron interactions erasing the baryon-asymmetry.Comment: 6 pages, latex, no figures. Talk presented at SUSY-95. Work done in collaboration with A. Chamseddin

    Flavor Asymmetry of the Nucleon Sea: Consequences for Dilepton Production

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    Parton distributions derived from a chiral quark model that generates an excess of down quarks and antiquarks in the proton's sea satisfactorily describe the measured yields of muon pairs produced in proton-nucleus collisions. Comparison of dilepton yields from hydrogen and deuterium targets promises greater sensitivity to the predicted flavor asymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, (Three PostScript figures available by anonymous ftp from fnth06.fnal.gov in directory /pub/Fermilab-Pub/92.264.) FERMILAB-PUB-92/264--T LBL-3298