1,780 research outputs found

    A6_6 Lunar-tising

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    Lunar advertising, although a Sci-Fi concept, has caught the attention of company executivesbefore. In this paper, the authors examine the feasability of Moon advertising using lasers, andexamine the mechanics behind this. The paper nds that the power required to beam a messageon the Moon's surface are in the order of magnitude of 10^12 W, but any combination of normaloptical lasers can be used as there is no special requirements

    A6_8 The Hyperloop through the centre of the Earth II

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    In previous research it was shown how a 500 kg Hyperloop pod falling through the centre of the Earth would never return to the surface when air resistance is considered. In this paper two possible methods to ensure that the pod would reach the opposite side of the Earth are considered; a thruster and a winch. For 5000 kg of fuel, it was determined that the total travel time using thrusters would be 2820 s if all the fuel is burnt instantaneously, making it a feasible solution. On the other hand, the travel time using a winch was over 86 hours. Therefore using such a method would not be particularly useful given assumptions made here

    A6_4 The Hyperloop through the centre of the Earth

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    This paper describes how a Hyperloop style pod would travel through a low pressure tunnel straight through the Earth. The equations of motion for the pod in an airless tube are derived, and the total travel time is found, agreeing with the commonly quoted value of 42 minutes. A peak velocity of about 8000 ms−1 was also calculated. Furthermore, a numerical solution to an Earth bisecting tube with low air resistance was found, and graphed to show an exponential decay in amplitude of trajectory. the loss of velocity every oscillation meant the pod would not reach anywhere near the other side of the planet

    A6_3 Taking the Moon to Mars

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    We apply the Method of Patched Conics to estimate the trajectory the Moon would take if it wereto be removed from its current orbit and placed in the same orbit at Mars. We calculate thatthe velocity changes at Earth and Mars required for such a trajectory are 1906 m/s and 1356 m/srespectively. We determine that it would take one coal burning power plant in excess of 11012years to produce enough energy for just one velocity change, making the concept predictablyunfeasible with current technology

    A6_2 How Hot is Tatooine

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    Tatooine is a fictional terrestrial planet from the Star Wars universe which orbits a set of binary stars. By considering the classification of its Suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II, and the planets orbital period we were able to find the radius of Tatooine’s orbit, 1.15 Au. It was then possible to work out the varying solar constants for Tatooine depending on its position relative to both Suns, allowing us to calculate an average daytime temperature range of 42.3 celcius to −10.7 celcius

    A comparison of AC and HVDC options for the connection of offshore wind generation in Great Britain

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    This paper presents a comparison of two forms of cable connection of a distant offshore wind farm to a transmission system: AC and HVDC. The requirements of relevant industry standards in Great Britain (GB) that drive a connection design and, hence, its cost are highlighted along with an analysis of the ways in which AC cable connections might be made to comply while facilitating export of active power. Dynamic studies investigating responses to grid-side short circuit faults show that, in the particular scenarios studied, an AC connection of a wind farm in the place of a large synchronous generator is marginally detrimental while an HVDC connection is beneficial. A comparison of costs shows that the cross-over distance at which HVDC is cheaper than AC for wind farms of different sizes occurs at longer distances than have hitherto commonly been assumed, and AC connections benefit from reactive compensation not only at the point of common coupling and wind farm end but also at the connection mid-point

    Peer-Assessed Outcomes in the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Peer-assessed outcomes were examined at the end of treatment (14 months after study entry) for 285 children (226 boys, 59 girls) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who were rated by their classmates (2,232 classmates total) using peer sociometric procedures. All children with ADHD were participants in the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA). Treatment groups were compared using the orthogonal treatment contrasts that accounted for the largest amount of variance in prior MTA outcome analyses: Medication Management + Combined Treatment versus Behavior Therapy + Community Care; Medication Management versus Combined Treatment; Behavior Therapy versus Community Care. There was little evidence of superiority of any of the treatments for the peer-assessed outcomes studied, although the limited evidence that emerged favored treatments involving medication management. Post hoc analyses were used to examine whether any of the four treatment groups yielded normalized peer relationships relative to randomly selected- classmates. Results indicated that children from all groups remained significantly impaired in their peer relationships