4,555 research outputs found

    Eurasian beaver activity increases water storage, attenuates flow and mitigates diffuse pollution from intensively-managed grasslands

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Beavers are the archetypal keystone species, which can profoundly alter ecosystem structure and function through their ecosystem engineering activity, most notably the building of dams. This can have a major impact upon water resource management, flow regimes and water quality. Previous research has predominantly focused on the activities of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) located in very different environments, to the intensive lowland agricultural landscapes of the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe. Two Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) were introduced to a wooded site, situated on a first order tributary, draining from intensively managed grassland. The site was monitored to understand impacts upon water storage, flow regimes and water quality. Results indicated that beaver activity, primarily via the creation of 13 dams, has increased water storage within the site (holding ca. 1000m(3) in beaver ponds) and beavers were likely to have had a significant flow attenuation impact, as determined from peak discharges (mean 30±19% reduction), total discharges (mean 34±9% reduction) and peak rainfall to peak discharge lag times (mean 29±21% increase) during storm events. Event monitoring of water entering and leaving the site showed lower concentrations of suspended sediment, nitrogen and phosphate leaving the site (e.g. for suspended sediment; average entering site: 112±72mgl(-1), average leaving site: 39±37mgl(-1)). Combined with attenuated flows, this resulted in lower diffuse pollutant loads in water downstream. Conversely, dissolved organic carbon concentrations and loads downstream were higher. These observed changes are argued to be directly attributable to beaver activity at the site which has created a diverse wetland environment, reducing downstream hydrological connectivity. Results have important implications for beaver reintroduction programs which may provide nature based solutions to the catchment-scale water resource management issues that are faced in agricultural landscapes.The Devon Beaver Project is led by Devon Wildlife Trust, monitored by the University of Exeter, and funded by Devon Wildlife Trust and Westland Countryside Stewards

    Reconciling Bayesian and Total Variation Methods for Binary Inversion

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    A central theme in classical algorithms for the reconstruction of discontinuous functions from observational data is perimeter regularization. On the other hand, sparse or noisy data often demands a probabilistic approach to the reconstruction of images, to enable uncertainty quantification; the Bayesian approach to inversion is a natural framework in which to carry this out. The link between Bayesian inversion methods and perimeter regularization, however, is not fully understood. In this paper two links are studied: (i) the MAP objective function of a suitably chosen phase-field Bayesian approach is shown to be closely related to a least squares plus perimeter regularization objective; (ii) sample paths of a suitably chosen Bayesian level set formulation are shown to possess finite perimeter and to have the ability to learn about the true perimeter. Furthermore, the level set approach is shown to lead to faster algorithms for uncertainty quantification than the phase field approach

    Reconciling Bayesian and Perimeter Regularization for Binary Inversion

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    A central theme in classical algorithms for the reconstruction of discontinuous functions from observational data is perimeter regularization via the use of total variation. On the other hand, sparse or noisy data often demand a probabilistic approach to the reconstruction of images, to enable uncertainty quantification; the Bayesian approach to inversion, which itself introduces a form of regularization, is a natural framework in which to carry this out. In this paper the link between Bayesian inversion methods and perimeter regularization is explored. In this paper two links are studied: (i) the maximum a posteriori objective function of a suitably chosen Bayesian phase-field approach is shown to be closely related to a least squares plus perimeter regularization objective; (ii) sample paths of a suitably chosen Bayesian level set formulation are shown to possess a finite perimeter and to have the ability to learn about the true perimeter

    Cometary ions detected by the Cassini spacecraft 6.5 au downstream of Comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang

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    During March-April 2002, while between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft detected a significant enhancement in pickup proton flux. The most likely explanation for this enhancement was the addition of protons to the solar wind by the ionization of neutral hydrogen in the corona of comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang. This comet passed relatively close to the Sun-Cassini line during that period, allowing pickup ions to be carried to Cassini by the solar wind. This pickup proton flux could have been further modulated by the passage of the interplanetary counterparts of coronal mass ejections past the comet and spacecraft. The radial distance of 6.5 Astronomical Units (au) traveled by the pickup protons, and the implied total tail length of 7.5 au make this cometary ion tail the longest yet measured

    Exploring the dynamics of flow attenuation at a beaver dam sequence

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: All code and data to reproduce this analysis is available from the following repository https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6034308 (Graham, 2022). The code used to download and extract The Met Office NIMROD rainfall radar time series (Met Office, 2003) can be found in this repository: https://github.com/exeter-creww/Rainfall_radar.Beavers influence hydrology by constructing woody dams. Using a Before After Control Impact experimental design, we quantified the effects of a beaver dam sequence on the flow regime of a stream in SW England and consider the mechanisms that underpin flow attenuation in beaver wetlands. Rainfall-driven hydrological events were extracted between 2009 and 2020, for the impacted (n = 612) and control (n = 634) catchments, capturing events 7 years before and 3 years after beaver occupancy, at the impacted site. General additive models were used to describe average hydrograph geometry across all events. After beaver occupancy, Lag times increased by 55.9% in the impacted site and declined by 17.5% in the control catchment. Flow duration curve analysis showed a larger reduction in frequency of high flows, following beaver dam construction, with declines of Q5 exceedance levels of 33% for the impacted catchment and 15% for the control catchment. Using event total rainfall to predict peak flow, five generalized linear models were fitted to test the hypothesis that beaver dams attenuate flow, to a greater degree, with larger storm magnitude. The best performing model showed, with high confidence, that beaver dams attenuated peak flows, with increasing magnitude, up to between 0.5 and 2.5 m3 s−1 for the 94th percentile of event total rainfall; but attenuation beyond the 97th percentile cannot be confidently detected. Increasing flow attenuation, with event magnitude, is attributed to transient floodplain storage in low gradient/profile floodplain valleys that results from an increase in active area of the floodplain. These findings support the assertion that beaver dams attenuate flows. However, with long-term datasets of extreme hydrological events lacking, it is challenging to predict the effect of beaver dams during extreme events with high precision. Beaver dams will have spatially variable impacts on hydrological processes, requiring further investigation to quantify responses to dams across differing landscapes and scales.Natural Environment Research CouncilWellcome TrustDevon Wildlife TrustUniversity of Exete

    The Life of John Wishart (1850–1926): Study of an Academic Surgical Career Prior to the Flexner Report

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    BACKGROUND: The 1910 Flexner Report on Medical Education in the United States and Canada is often taken as the point when medical schools in North America took on their modern form. However, many fundamental advances in surgery, such as anesthesia and asepsis, predated the report by decades. To understand the contribution of educators in this earlier period, we investigated the forgotten career of John Wishart, founding Professor of Surgery at Western University, London Ontario. METHODS: Archives at the University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, London City Library, and Wellington County Museum were searched for material about Wishart and his times. RESULTS: A fragmented biography can be assembled from family notes and obituaries with the help of contemporary documents compiled by early 20th century medical school historians. Wishart assisted Abraham Groves in the first reported operation for which aseptic technique was used (1874). He was considered locally to perform pioneering surgery, including an appendectomy in 1886. Wishart was a founding member of the medical faculty at Western University in 1881, initially as Demonstrator of Anatomy and subsequently as its first Professor of Clinical Surgery, which post he held until 1910. Comprehensive notes from his undergraduate lectures demonstrate his teaching style, which mixed organized didacticism with practical advice. The role of the Flexner review in the termination of his professorship is hinted at in minutes of Faculty of Medicine meetings. Wishart was a foundation fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a founding physician of London\u27s Catholic hospital, St. Joseph\u27s, despite his own Protestant background. CONCLUSIONS: Wishart\u27s career comprised all the elements of modern academic surgery, including pioneering service, research, and teaching. Surgery at Western owes as much to Wishart as it does to university reorganization in response to the Flexner report. PMID: 2227097

    Stability and error analysis for a diffuse interface approach to an advection-diffusion equation on a moving surface

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    In this paper we analyze a fully discrete numerical scheme for solving a parabolic PDE on a moving surface. The method is based on a diffuse interface approach that involves a level set description of the moving surface. Under suitable conditions on the spatial grid size, the time step and the interface width we obtain stability and error bounds with respect to natural norms. Furthermore, we present test calculations that confirm our analysis

    Jovian deep magnetotail composition and structure

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    We analyze plasma ion observations from the Solar Wind Around Pluto instrument on New Horizons as it traveled back through the dusk flank of the Jovian magnetotail from ~600 to more than 2500 Jovian radii behind the planet. We find that at all distances, light ions (mostly protons) dominate the heavy ions (S++ and O+) that are far more abundant in the near Jupiter plasma disk and that were expected to be the primary ions filling the Jovian magnetotail. This key new observation might indicate that heavy ions are confined closer to the equator than the spacecraft trajectory or a substantial addition of light ions via reconnection and/or mixing along the magnetopause boundary. However, because we find no evidence for acceleration of the tail plasma with distance, a more likely explanation seems to be that the heavy ions are preferentially released down the dawn flank of the magnetotail. Perhaps, this occurs as a part of the process where flux tubes, after expanding as they rotate across the near‐tail region, need to pull back inward in order to fit within the dawnside of the magnetopause. A second major finding of this study is that there are two dominant periods of the plasma structures in the Jovian magnetotail: 3.53 (0.18 full width at half maximum (FWHM)) and 5.35 (0.38 FWHM) days. Remarkably, the first of these is identical within the errors to Europa's orbital period (3.55 days). Both of these results should provide important new fodder for Jovian magnetospheric theories and lead to a better understanding of Jupiter's magnetosphere

    Perforated carcinoma of the caecum presenting as necrotising fasciitis of the abdominal wall, the key to early diagnosis and management

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    BACKGROUND: Necrotising Fasciitis is a life threatening soft tissue infection which requires aggressive, early surgical management. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a rare case of a retroperitoneal perforation of a carcinoma of the caecum presenting as a necrotising fasciitis of the anterior abdominal wall. CONCLUSION: This case highlights the importance of early aggressive debridement to healthy tissue limits, the consideration of a rare underlying cause, and the scope for plastic surgical reconstruction in order that aggressive initial surgery can be adequately performed

    Distributed network organization underlying feeding behavior in the mollusk Lymnaea

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    The aim of the work reviewed here is to relate the properties of individual neurons to network organization and behavior using the feeding system of the gastropod mollusk, Lymnaea. Food ingestion in this animal involves sequences of rhythmic biting movements that are initiated by the application of a chemical food stimulus to the lips and esophagus. We investigated how individual neurons contribute to various network functions that are required for the generation of feeding behavior such as rhythm generation, initiation ('decision making'), modulation and hunger and satiety. The data support the view that feeding behavior is generated by a distributed type of network organization with individual neurons often contributing to more than one network function, sharing roles with other neurons. Multitasking in a distributed type of network would be 'economically' sensible in the Lymnaea feeding system where only about 100 neurons are available to carry out a variety of complex tasks performed by millions of neurons in the vertebrate nervous system. Having complementary and potentially alternative mechanisms for network functions would also add robustness to what is a 'noisy' network where variable firing rates and synaptic strengths are commonly encountered in electrophysiological recording experiments