10 research outputs found

    Backcasting energy efficiency futures of the European Union - Case studies of Finland and Germany

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    Due to megatrends, such as climate change and population growth, energy issues have become very important in political discussion. In addition to energy savings, and the use of different energy sources, energy efficiency – consuming less energy to produce the same or more value – is an essential matter, and one of the important goals for the European Union. In this thesis, the targets of the EU 2020/2030 agreements – decreasing energy efficiency 20% by 2020 and 27% by 2030 compared to 1990 – have served as a preferred future vision for energy efficiency exploration. Finland and Germany were chosen as case countries for this thesis, because of their interesting, but different energy policies. Both forecasting and backcasting scenario techniques were utilized to see whether these countries will reach the set energy efficiency targets of the EU by 2020 and 2030. Also, Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis and de-linking energy consumption from GDP growth were examined to get better understanding of energy efficiency. Five future scenarios – business-as-usual BAU, industry, service, non-renewable, and renewable – were created for both countries by using LINDA accounting framework model. In addition, three intensity scenarios were conducted for Finland and Germany. All of the scenarios were based on the historical data as well as future visions, strategies, and plans of the countries. In this thesis, all the scenarios of Finland and Germany reached the EU 2020/2030 energy efficiency targets. The service and renewable scenarios had the best efficiency figures, whereas the industry and non-renewable scenarios had lower efficiencies than BAU scenario. The EK-Curve did not occur in Finland BAU, but it did appear in Germany. In Finland, de-linking energy consumption from economic growth was weak, whereas in Germany, de-linking appeared to be strong. Because of the challenges in interpreting the several energy efficiency targets, more convenient and coherent ways are needed for measuring. Even though the efficiency targets of the EU are good in trigger action, there might be a need for even more strict targets. Backcasting, the EKC hypothesis and de-linking could be further studied in the light of energy efficiency.siirretty Doriast

    FUTURES LITERACY LAB FOR EDUCATION : Imagining Complex Futures of Human Settlements at Finland Futures Academy Summer School 2017

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    This report presents an instance of Futures Literacy Laboratory (FLL) held for the Finland Futures Academy Summer School on the topic of “complex futures of human settlement in 2050” held in June 2017 at University of Turku. The Futures Literacy Laboratory approach was developed by Riel Miller and UNESCO through a series of instances held around the world starting in 2012. In essence, an FLL aims at increasing futures literacy by increasing awareness of anticipatory assumptions and ‘how the future is used’ in the present. This report describes the theoretical background, pedagogical design, practical implementation, and outcomes of this Summer 2017 FLL. It concludes with lessons learns and suggestions for future applications of FLL

    Futures Literacy Lab for Education: Imagining Complex Futures of Human Settlements at Finland Futures Academy Summer School 2017

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    This book is published as part the research and education agenda of the UNESCO Chair in Learning Society and Futures of Education (LSFE) held by Professor Markku Wilenius at Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku. The aim of the UNESCO Chair in LSFE is to utilize the tools of futures research to increase global futures thinking and well-being. The Futures Literacy Lab for Finland Futures Academy Summer School 2017 was co-organized by the UNESCO Chair in LSFE research team, the Futures of Cities and Communities research team, and the UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme. </p

    Backcasting energy efficiency futures of the European Union - Case studies of Finland and Germany

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    Due to megatrends, such as climate change and population growth, energy issues have become very important in political discussion. In addition to energy savings, and the use of different energy sources, energy efficiency – consuming less energy to produce the same or more value – is an essential matter, and one of the important goals for the European Union. In this thesis, the targets of the EU 2020/2030 agreements – decreasing energy efficiency 20% by 2020 and 27% by 2030 compared to 1990 – have served as a preferred future vision for energy efficiency exploration. Finland and Germany were chosen as case countries for this thesis, because of their interesting, but different energy policies. Both forecasting and backcasting scenario techniques were utilized to see whether these countries will reach the set energy efficiency targets of the EU by 2020 and 2030. Also, Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis and de-linking energy consumption from GDP growth were examined to get better understanding of energy efficiency. Five future scenarios – business-as-usual BAU, industry, service, non-renewable, and renewable – were created for both countries by using LINDA accounting framework model. In addition, three intensity scenarios were conducted for Finland and Germany. All of the scenarios were based on the historical data as well as future visions, strategies, and plans of the countries. In this thesis, all the scenarios of Finland and Germany reached the EU 2020/2030 energy efficiency targets. The service and renewable scenarios had the best efficiency figures, whereas the industry and non-renewable scenarios had lower efficiencies than BAU scenario. The EK-Curve did not occur in Finland BAU, but it did appear in Germany. In Finland, de-linking energy consumption from economic growth was weak, whereas in Germany, de-linking appeared to be strong. Because of the challenges in interpreting the several energy efficiency targets, more convenient and coherent ways are needed for measuring. Even though the efficiency targets of the EU are good in trigger action, there might be a need for even more strict targets. Backcasting, the EKC hypothesis and de-linking could be further studied in the light of energy efficiency.siirretty Doriast

    Varsinais-Suomen materiaalivirtojen kartoitus

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    Resurssitehokkuus on keskeinen teema EU:n komission valmistelemassa 7. ympäristöohjelmassa. Resurssien tehokas käyttö tarkoittaa edullisempaa raaka-ainetta teollisuudelle, maataloudelle ja rakentamiselle samalla kun jätehuollon kustannusten lasku ja ympäristövaikutusten vähentäminen hyödyttävät niin kuntia kuin kuntalaisiakin. Tässä raportissa on kuvattu Varsinais-Suomen materiaalivirtojen nykytilakartoituksen toteutus ja tulokset. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli selvittää alueen teollisuuden ja kaupan jäte- ja sivuvirtoja. Jäte- ja sivuvirroissa on iso hyödyntämispotentiaali, mutta tiedot niiden määrästä ja laadusta ovat puutteelliset. Hankkeessa pyrittiin selvittämään suurimpien virtojen määriä ja laatua. Tärkein tiedonkeruumenetelmä hankkeessa oli yrityshaastattelut. Haastatteluissa paneuduttiin yrityksissä tällä hetkellä puutteellisesti hyödynnettyihin jätteisiin ja sivutuotteisiin. Raportissa on kuvattu hyötykäytön nykytilaa ja tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää erilaisia sivuvirtoja jalostusketjujen raaka-aineena

    Towards active and working life orientated learning : teaching methods for teachers and training providers

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    In any work having to do with teaching and training, comprehensive and working life orientated learning should take more prominence. Pure substance know-how is no longer enough as interaction, networking and problem-solving skills occupy a central role in today’s working life. As a result, pedagogical approaches should emphasise processes relating to supporting and enhancing the production of innovations. This publication is a practical guide to student centred teaching methods based on innovation pedagogy. The guide offers methods for diversifying and invigorating different teaching, training and learning situations. The authors have sought to create a resource that is both clear and accessible, and no previous knowledge of training or teaching methodologies is required. The aim of the guide is to promote the use of a wide variety of approaches in various learning and training settings. This guide has been compiled as part of the EU funded WastED – The Export of Education of Waste Management project. WastED is a project carried out by Turku University of Applied Sciences, SYKLI Environmental School of Finland and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Project partners also include organisations based in Estonia and Latvia. For further information, please visit www.wasted.fi

    Tavoitteena aktiivinen ja työelämälähtöinen oppiminen : käytännön opetusmenetelmiä opiskelija- ja työelämälähtöiseen opetukseen ja koulutukseen

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    Koulutus- ja opetustyössä tulisi entistä enemmän tähdätä kokonaisvaltaiseen ja työelämälähtöiseen oppimiseen. Pelkkä asiaosaaminen ei enää riitä vuorovaikutustaitojen, verkostoitumisen ja ongelmanratkaisun ollessa keskiössä nykyajan työelämässä. Koulutusta ja opetusta tulisikin kehittää työelämän tarpeita paremmin tukevaan ja tehokkaammin innovaatioita tuottavaan suuntaan. Tämä julkaisu on käytännön opas, johon on koottu opiskelijalähtöisiä ja innovaatiopedagogiikan mukaisia opetusmenetelmiä. Oppaan tarkoituksena on antaa keinoja opetuksen, koulutuksen ja oppimisprosessin elävöittämiseen sekä monipuolistamiseen erityyppisissä opetustilanteissa. Oppaan koonnissa on pyritty havainnollisuuteen sekä yksinkertaisuuteen, eikä sen käyttö vaadi aikaisempaa kokemusta kouluttamisesta tai opettamisesta. Oppaan tavoitteena on laskea kynnystä käyttää erilaisia opiskelijalähtöisiä opetusmenetelmiä opetuksen tai koulutuksen tukena. Opas on koottu Jätehuollon koulutusvienti – WastED -hankkeessa, jossa on kehitetty innovaatiopedagogiaa mukaileva jätehuollon koulutuspaketti. EUrahoitteisen WastED-hankkeen toteuttajina ovat Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, Suomen ympäristöopisto Sykli sekä Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu. Lisäksi yhteistyötahoina projektissa on organisaatioita Virosta ja Latviasta. Lisätietoja hankkeesta löytyy osoitteesta www.wasted.fi