238 research outputs found

    (De-­)Localising the Climate: The production of uncertain agencies through climate websites

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    This article introduces a device-centred approach to the concept of climate engagement through a qualitative analysis of two websites: www.klimabevidst.dk and www.mapmyclimate.dk. While klimabevidst.dk represents a down-to-earth take on individual engagement with the climate, providing users with hands-on guides to green home improvements, www.mapmyclimate.dk seeks to increase the user’s awareness of the phenomenon of global climate change by demonstrating how the user’s actions impact the earth’s future. Using conversations with six individuals centred on these green technologies, we investigate how the scaling techniques employed by the websites impact the user’s sense of agency vis-à‐vis the climate. The analysis suggests that scales can indeed be changed or redefined in a way that is conducive to climate engagement

    Oliebyen midt i en jazztid. Nostalgi, magi og det moderne i Abadan

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    Vi hører ofte, at olieforekomst er en velsignelse pakket ind i en forbandelse, der medfører rigdom for nogle og elendighed for mange: Det sorte guld for eliterne er ’djævlens ekskrement’ for masserne. Olien skaber forurening, avler vold og korruption, den nærer diktaturer og kvæler demokratiske kræfter. For at nuancere denne gængse historie, tager nærværende artikel udgangspunkt i det helt særlige, moderne bysamfund, som olien formede, da den i det 20. århundrede tilvejebragte Abadan midt i ørkenen i Iran. Hvordan mindes abadanierne i dag med nostalgi byens florissante periode, og hvordan hænger denne nostalgi sammen med oliens „magiske kraft“

    Theoretical framework for analysing green web applications

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    This paper evaluates the appeal of four Danish green web applications. e purpose of the web application is to incentivise behavioural changes aimed at securing a long term sustainable climate by reducing CO2- emissions. e applications are placed in a theoretical framework. is framework shows the dialectical rela- tionship between hardware, software, practice, and discourse. e empirical basis excludes the hardware level. e web applications constitute the software level. Practice is in this case understood in a neo-institutional perspective. e discursive level is the Danish political consensus regarding the need for action in regard to CO2-emissions. e purpose of the evaluation of the appeal of each web application is to test the following hypothesis: A green web application’s appeal bene ts from employing multiple potentially opposed incentives. After establishing the theoretical framework each web application will be analysed according to a template of pa- rameters. e comparative analysis shows how the individual neo-institutional mechanics operates di erently in each application. Each “institution” plays its own role in regard to applications, however it will be argued that an application could bene t from containing elements from all the institutions – both in regard to their appeal and with respect to their key functionality: incentivising behavioural changes.