529 research outputs found

    Increasing Writing Center Visibility: The Political Rationale

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    This presentation and paper offer a political rationale for the Purdue Writing Lab Repository project. It discusses the need to make writing center research institutionally viable, and how the repository can contribute both to preserving and disseminating writing center scholarship and to presenting writing center administration as institutional research

    Strengthening Community Sense of Place through Placemaking

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    The concept of community involvement and the effect that the act of “making” has on the community itself is a key consideration in the placemaking discussion (Project for Public Spaces, 2015a; Silberberg, Lorah, Disbrow, & Muessig, 2013). From a historical perspective, community development has been placed in the hands of individuals who are considered experts in the creative process. This approach often results in targeted criticism of the proposed development by the host community and a lack of trust in the motives and priorities of the professionals involved (Nikitin, 2012) and diminishes community involvement in the development of public space, a practice that empowers communities and fosters a sense of place among community members. This article discusses the theoretical foundations of community participation and the value of coproduction in the planning and design process, explores the role of placemaking as a strategy for developing a host community’s sense of place, and proposes a continuum of placemaking strategies based on Arnstein’s ladder of citizen participation to increase the likelihood that a sense of place within the host community will be developed as an outcome of the planning and design process. This continuum is designed to help planning and design professionals better understand how they might include the community in a co-produced process and to highlight the degree to which a placemaking approach to community planning and design promotes a sense of place as an outcome of the process

    The Okavango; a river supporting its people, environment and economic development

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    The Okavango basin comprises the Cuito and Cubango active catchment areas in Angola, in addition to the Kavango–Okavango non-active catchment in northern Namibia and Botswana. The Okavango River water and its ecosystem resources are critically important sources of livelihoods for people in the basin. Pressures from livelihoods and development are already impacting on the environment. These pressures may increase in the future due to the rapid increase in population, the peace process and associated resettlement activities in Angola, and major development initiatives in Botswana and Namibia. For instance, possible future increase in water abstraction from the Okavango River may affect the long-term environmental sustainability of the Okavango Delta by minimizing channel shifting and thereby reducing spatial biodiversity. The paper argues that while conservation of the natural environment is critical, the pressing development needs must be recognized. The reduction of poverty within the basin should be addressed in order to alleviate adverse effects on the environment. The paper recommends that the development of sustainable tourism and community-based natural resource management initiatives may be appropriate strategies for reaching the Millennium Development Goals of poverty alleviation and achievement of environmental sustainability in the Okavango Basin. These initiatives have a comparative advantage in this area as demonstrated by the performance of the existing projects

    The language of intervention: A review of concepts and terminology in wetland ecosystem repair

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    As programmes and projects aimed at addressing wetland degradation gain momentum in South Africa, it is critical that related ideas are communicated among and between researchers, practitioners, management agencies, land-owners and the general public in a common language. This paper explores the meaning of ‘restoration’ and ‘rehabilitation’; terms that we suggest are key to understanding and advancing South Africa’s efforts to address wetland degradation. In its essence, the paper is a critical review of wetland ecosystem repair concepts and terminology from local and international literature. The major products of the paper are proposed definitions of the terms ‘restoration’ and ‘rehabilitation’ in a South African wetland science and management context. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, we argue that their absolute distinction will allow scientists and practitioners to better understand what it is that ecosystem repair interventions aim to achieve. We suggest that the terms be distinguished on the basis of what could be considered their respective ecological starting points, where ‘restoration’ applies to part of a system or a system in its entirety that has been completely and permanently, but not irreparably altered, and essentially removed from the landscape, and ‘rehabilitation’ applies to part of a system or a system in its entirety that has not been removed from the landscape through complete and permanent alteration, but is in a degraded state. Thus, ‘wetland restoration’ is defined as the process of reinstating natural ecological driving forces within part or the whole of a completely and permanently altered wetland to recover former or desired ecosystem structure, function, biotic composition and ecosystem services, while ‘wetland rehabilitation’ is defined as the process of reinstating natural ecological driving forces within part or the whole of a degraded wetland to recover former or desired ecosystem structure, function, biotic composition and ecosystem services