4 research outputs found

    (Table S1) Chronostratigraphic constrains for sediment core AND1-1B

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    Thirty years after oxygen isotope records from microfossils deposited in ocean sediments confirmed the hypothesis that variations in the Earth's orbital geometry control the ice ages (Hays et al., 1976, doi:10.1126/science.194.4270.1121), fundamental questions remain over the response of the Antarctic ice sheets to orbital cycles (Raymo and Huybers, 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06589). Furthermore, an understanding of the behaviour of the marine-based West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) during the 'warmer-than-present' early-Pliocene epoch (~5-3 Myr ago) is needed to better constrain the possible range of ice-sheet behaviour in the context of future global warming (Solomon et al., 2007). Here we present a marine glacial record from the upper 600 m of the AND-1B sediment core recovered from beneath the northwest part of the Ross ice shelf by the ANDRILL programme and demonstrate well-dated, ~40-kyr cyclic variations in ice-sheet extent linked to cycles in insolation influenced by changes in the Earth's axial tilt (obliquity) during the Pliocene. Our data provide direct evidence for orbitally induced oscillations in the WAIS, which periodically collapsed, resulting in a switch from grounded ice, or ice shelves, to open waters in the Ross embayment when planetary temperatures were up to ~3° C warmer than today ( Kim and Crowley, 2000, doi:10.1029/1999PA000459) and atmospheric CO2 concentration was as high as ~400 p.p.m.v. (van der Burgh et al., 1993, doi:10.1126/science.260.5115.1788, Raymo et al., 1996, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(95)00048-8). The evidence is consistent with a new ice-sheet/ice-shelf model (Pollard and DeConto, 2009, doi:10.1038/nature07809) that simulates fluctuations in Antarctic ice volume of up to +7 m in equivalent sea level associated with the loss of the WAIS and up to +3 m in equivalent sea level from the East Antarctic ice sheet, in response to ocean-induced melting paced by obliquity. During interglacial times, diatomaceous sediments indicate high surface-water productivity, minimal summer sea ice and air temperatures above freezing, suggesting an additional influence of surface melt (Huybers, 2006, doi:10.1126/science.1125249) under conditions of elevated CO2

    Neogene tectonic and climatic evolution of the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica — Chronology of events from the AND-1B drill hole

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    Stratigraphic drilling from the McMurdo Ice Shelf in the 2006/2007 austral summer recovered a 1284.87 m sedimentary succession from beneath the sea floor. Key age data for the core include magnetic polarity stratigraphy for the entire succession, diatom biostratigraphy for the upper 600 m and 40Ar/39Ar ages for in-situ volcanic deposits as well as reworked volcanic clasts. A vertical seismic profile for the drill hole allows correlation between the drill hole and a regional seismic network and inference of age constraint by correlation with well‐dated regional volcanic events through direct recognition of interlayered volcanic deposits as well as by inference from flexural loading of pre‐existing strata. The combined age model implies relatively rapid (1 m/2–5 ky) accumulation of sediment punctuated by hiatuses, which account for approximately 50% of the record. Three of the longer hiatuses coincide with basin‐wide seismic reflectors and, along with two thick volcanic intervals, they subdivide the succession into seven chronostratigraphic intervals with characteristic facies: 1. The base of the cored succession (1275–1220 mbsf) comprises middle Miocene volcaniclastic sandstone dated at approx 13.5 Ma by several reworked volcanic clasts; 2. A late-Miocene sub-polar orbitally controlled glacial–interglacial succession (1220–760 mbsf) bounded by two unconformities correlated with basin‐wide reflectors associated with early development of the terror rift; 3. A late Miocene volcanigenic succession (760–596 mbsf) terminating with a ~1 my hiatus at 596.35 mbsf which spans the Miocene–Pliocene boundary and is not recognised in regional seismic data; 4. An early Pliocene obliquity-controlled alternating diamictite and diatomite glacial–interglacial succession (590–440 mbsf), separated from; 5. A late Pliocene obliquity-controlled alternating diamictite and diatomite glacial–interglacial succession (440–150 mbsf) by a 750 ky unconformity interpreted to represent a major sequence boundary at other locations; 6. An early Pleistocene interbedded volcanic, diamictite and diatomite succession (150–80 mbsf), and; 7. A late Pleistocene glacigene succession (80–0 mbsf) comprising diamictite dominated sedimentary cycles deposited in a polar environment