19 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural validation of the functional vision questionnaire for children and young people (FVQ_CYP) with visual impairment in the Dutch population: challenges and opportunities

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    BACKGROUND:To assess cross-cultural validity between Dutch and English versions of the FVQ_CYP, a patient-reported outcome measure developed in the United Kingdom (UK) for children and adolescents with (severe) visual impairment or blindness (VI for brevity) to measure functional vision. METHODS:The 36-item FVQ_CYP was translated and adapted into Dutch using standard guidelines. The questionnaire was administered to Dutch children and adolescents aged 7-17 years (N = 253) with impaired vision (no restrictions regarding acuity). Data were compared to existing UK data of children and adolescents aged 10-15 years (N = 91) with VI (acuity LogMar worse than 0.48). As with the original UK FVQ_CYP validation, a rating scale model (RSM) was applied to the Dutch data. RESULTS:Minor adaptations were needed in translation-rounds. Significant differences in item responses were found between the Dutch and UK data. Item response theory assumptions were met, but fit to the RSM was unsatisfactory. Therefore, psychometric properties of the Dutch FVQ_CYP were analysed irrespective of the original model and criteria used. A graded response model led to the removal of 12 items due to missing data, low information, overlapping content and limited relevance to Dutch children. Fit indices for the remaining 24 items were adequate. CONCLUSIONS:Differences in population characteristics, distribution of responses, non-invariance at the model level and small sample sizes challenged the cross-cultural validation process. However, the Dutch adapted FVQ_CYP showed high measurement precision and broad coverage of items measuring children's functional vision. The underlying reasons for differences between countries in instrument performance are discussed with implications for future studies

    Psychometric evaluation of a new proxy-instrument to assess participation in children aged 3–6 years with visual impairment: PAI-CY 3-6

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    Purpose: The Participation and Activity Inventory for Children and Youth 3–6 years (PAI-CY 3-6) was recently developed to assess the participation needs of children with visual impairment (VI) by means of parent-proxy report. This study reports on its psychometric properties. Methods: Parents of children aged 3–6 years registered at two low vision rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands were invited to participate and completed the 52-item PAI-CY. Satisfaction with the PAI-CY 3-6 was determined using an evaluation form. Basic item analyses was conducted, after which an item response theory (IRT) model (i.e. the graded response model, GRM) was fitted. Deletion of items was informed by results of item analyses, fulfillment of IRT assumptions, differential item functioning, fit to the GRM and item information content. Face and content validity were considered; professionals from low vision rehabilitation centers were asked for their opinion in the item deletion process. After obtaining a satisfactory set of items, known-group validity, concurrent validity and test-retest reliability were also investigated. Results: Data of 237 parents were included in the analyses. Various aspects of the PAI-CY 3-6 were perceived as neutral to positive by over 85% of the respondents. After removing 17 items, the remaining 35 items reflected satisfactory fit to the GRM. Known-group validity was supported, since participants with more severe VI and comorbidity scored significantly worse than those with less severe VI and without comorbidity after correcting for potential confounders. Test-retest reliability was adequate, and the PAI-CY showed to have good concurrent validity. Feedback from professionals motivated the maintenance of 3 of the 17 deleted items, although not included in the scoring. Furthermore, two new items were added, resulting in a 40-item instrument. Conclusions: The PAI-CY 3-6 has sound psychometric properties and can now be used to assess the participation needs of children aged 3–6 years with VI by means of proxy. Implementation in routine low vision rehabilitation care enables further optimization and investigation of its acceptability and feasibility

    Psychometric properties and reference values of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) sleep item banks in the Dutch general population

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    Psychometric properties of the v1.0 Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) sleep disturbance (27 items) and sleep-related impairment (SRI; 16 items) item banks, short forms derived from the item bank, and simulated computerised adaptive test (CAT), were assessed in a representative sample of 1,006 adults from the Dutch general population. For sleep disturbance all items fitted the item response theory model. Four items showed differential item functioning (i.e., lack of measurement invariance) for age and two for language but the impact on scores (expressed as T-scores) was small. Reliable scores (r > 0.90) were found for 92.2%–96.3% of respondents with the full bank, short forms with six and eight items, and CAT, but for only 25.6% with the four-item short form. For SRI two items did not fit the item response theory model. Four items showed differential item functioning for language but the impact on T-scores was small. Reliable scores were found for 82.1% with the full bank, for 47.8%–69.5% with short forms and CAT. T-scores of 49.7 and 49.3 represent the average score of the Dutch general population for sleep disturbance and SRI, respectively. In conclusion, sufficient structural validity, reliability, and cross-cultural validity was found for the full banks but short forms of four items are not reliable enough for clinical practice. For SRI we recommend the full item bank if this is the primary outcome

    Towards standardization of measuring anxiety and depression: Differential item functioning for language and Dutch reference values of PROMIS item banks

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    INTRODUCTION: The outcomes anxiety and depression are measured frequently by healthcare providers to assess the impact of a disease, but with numerous instruments. PROMIS item banks provide an opportunity for standardized measurement. Cross-cultural validity of measures and the availability of reference values are prerequisites for standardized measurement. METHODS: PROMIS Anxiety and Depression item banks were completed by 1002 representative Dutch persons. To evaluate cross-cultural validity, data from US participants in PROMIS wave 1 were used and differential item functioning (DIF) was investigated, using an iterative hybrid of logistic regression and item response theory. McFadden's pseudo R2-change of 2% was the critical threshold. The impact of any DIF on full item banks and short forms was investigated. To obtain Dutch reference values, T-scores for anxiety and depression were calculated for the complete Dutch sample, and age-group and gender subpopulations. Thresholds corresponding to normal limits, mild, moderate and severe symptoms were computed. RESULTS: In both item banks, two items had DIF but with minimal impact on population level T-scores for full item banks and short forms. The Dutch general population had a T-score of 49.9 for anxiety and 49.6 for depression, similar to the T-scores of 50.0 of the US general population. T-scores for age-group and gender subpopulations were also similar to T-scores of the US general population. Thresholds for mild, moderate and severe anxiety and depression were set to 55, 60 and 70, identical to US thresholds. CONCLUSIONS: The limited number of items with DIF and its minimal impact, enables the use of standard (US) item parameters and comparisons of scores between Dutch and US populations. The Dutch reference values provide an important tool for healthcare professionals and researchers to evaluate and interpret symptoms of anxiety and depression, stimulating the uptake of PROMIS measures, and contributing to standardized outcome measurement

    Quality of Life and Participation of Children With Visual Impairment: Comparison With Population Reference Scores

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate quality of life and participation in children aged 3 to 17 years with visual impairment (VI) compared to reference groups and between subgroups with increasing severity levels of VI. Methods: Parents of children aged 3 to 17 years (n = 500) and children aged 13 to 17 years (n = 75) completed the Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation (CASP). Children aged 7 to 17 years (n = 263) and their parents (n = 255) completed the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire to assess quality of life. Scores were compared to age and/or gender-appropriate population-based samples. For the CASP, a comparison was also made with children with chronic conditions or disabilities. The association between severity of VI and quality of life or participation was analyzed with linear regression models. Results: Children reported significantly worse on Physical Wellbeing and Social Support & Peers, but better on the School Environment KIDSCREEN-27 subscales compared to reference groups. Parents additionally reported worse on Autonomy & Parent Relation. Children's participation was significantly worse compared to a population-based sample, but significantly better compared to children with chronic conditions and disabilities. Having moderate or severe VI/blindness was significantly associated with worse participation, as reported by parents relative to those with no VI. Conclusions: Quality of life of children with VI is affected especially regarding Physical Wellbeing and Social Support & Peers compared to a reference population, and their participation is considerably worse. Participation was more affected in children with more severe VI. These results contribute to the understanding of the impact of VI. Interventions targeting physical health, social skills, and participation are warranted

    Dutch reference values for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Scale v1.2 - Global Health (PROMIS-GH)

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    Background: To add context to the impact of medical conditions, it is important to interpret and compare health outcomes across studies and populations. We aimed to determine Dutch reference values for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Scale v1.2 - Global Health (PROMIS-GH). Methods: The PROMIS-GH, also referred to as PROMIS-10, was completed by 4370 Dutch persons, representative for the 2016 Dutch population. T-scores for the mental health (GMH) and physical health (GPH) subscales, and their shorter two-item subscales, were calculated for the entire population, age groups and gender. T-scores for GMH and GPH were compared to the US reference population, representative for the 2000 US general population. Interpretability thresholds for poor, fair, good, very good and excellent GPH and GMH were calculated based on T-scores of participants, which were categorized into five groups based on their response to item Global01. For each group the mean GPH and GMH T-score was calculated and the midpoint between two adjacent means was identified, resulting in thresholds. Thresholds based on the Dutch data were compared to US thresholds. Results: The Dutch population had a GMH T-score of 44.7 and a GPH T-score of 45.2, both substantially worse than the US reference population T-score of 50. Lower T-scores were also found for age-range and gender subpopulations. Dutch GMH and GPH interpretability thresholds were mostly not substantially different compared to the US thresholds, although the Dutch threshold between fair and poor mental health was considerably higher (29 vs. 38). Conclusions: This study reports reference values for the PROMIS-GH scale for the Dutch general population, including age-range and gender subpopulations. These reference values provide an important tool for healthcare professionals and researchers to better evaluate and interpret patient-reported mental health and physical health. Scores are notably worse than the US reference values. The exact reason for this remains subject for further research, although possibilities for the differences are discussed, including the presence of differential item functioning and the representativeness and recentness of the data

    Measurement properties of the Dutch PROMIS-29 v2.1 profile in people with and without chronic conditions

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    Purpose: To investigate the structural validity, internal consistency, measurement invariance, and construct validity of the Dutch PROMIS-29 v2.1 profile, including seven physical (e.g., pain, physical function), mental (e.g., depression, anxiety), and social (e.g., role functioning) domains of health, in a Dutch general population sample including subsamples with and without chronic diseases. Methods: The PROMIS-29 was completed by 63,602 participants from the Lifelines cohort study. Structural validity of the PROMIS-29, including unidimensionality of each domain and the physical and mental health summary scores, was evaluated using factor analyses (criteria: CFI ≥ 0.95, TLI ≥ 0.95, RMSEA ≤ 0.06, SRMR ≤ 0.08). Internal consistency, measurement invariance (no differential item functioning (DIF) for age, gender, administration mode, educational level, ethnicity, chronic diseases), and construct validity (hypotheses on known-groups validity and correlations between domains) were assessed per domain. Results: The factor structure of the seven domains was supported (CFI = 0.994, TLI = 0.993, RMSEA = 0.046, SRMR = 0.031) as was unidimensionality of each domain, both in the entire sample and the subsamples. Model fit of the physical and mental health summary scores reached the criteria, and scoring coefficients were obtained. Cronbach’s alpha for the seven PROMIS-29 domains ranged from 0.75 to 0.96 in the complete sample. No DIF was detected. Of the predefined hypotheses, 78% could be confirmed. Conclusion: Sufficient structural validity, internal consistency and measurement invariance were found, both in the entire sample and in subsamples with and without chronic diseases. Requirements for sufficient evidence for construct validity were (almost) met for most subscales. Future studies should investigate test–retest reliability, measurement error, and responsiveness of the PROMIS-29

    Measurement properties of the Dutch PROMIS-29 v2.1 profile in people with and without chronic conditions

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    Purpose To investigate the structural validity, internal consistency, measurement invariance, and construct validity of the Dutch PROMIS-29 v2.1 profile, including seven physical (e.g., pain, physical function), mental (e.g., depression, anxiety), and social (e.g., role functioning) domains of health, in a Dutch general population sample including subsamples with and without chronic diseases. Methods The PROMIS-29 was completed by 63,602 participants from the Lifelines cohort study. Structural validity of the PROMIS-29, including unidimensionality of each domain and the physical and mental health summary scores, was evaluated using factor analyses (criteria: CFI >= 0.95, TLI >= 0.95, RMSE

    Systematic review on the measurement properties of diabetes-specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for measuring physical functioning in people with type 2 diabetes

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    We aimed to systematically assess the measurement properties of diabetes-specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for measuring physical functioning, one of the core outcomes, in adults with type 2 diabetes.We performed a systematic literature search for PROMs or subscales measuring physical function that were validated to at least some extent in EMBASE and MEDLINE. Measurement properties were evaluated according to the COSMIN guideline for systematic reviews of PROMs.In total 21 articles were included, describing 12 versions of 7 unique diabetes-specific PROMs or subscales measuring physical functioning. In general, there were few high-quality studies on measurement properties of PROMs measuring physical functioning in adults with type 2 diabetes. The Dependence/Daily Life subscale of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF) and the Impact of Weight on Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire (IWADL) were most extensively evaluated. Both had sufficient ratings for aspects of content validity, although with mostly very low-quality evidence. Sufficient ratings for structural validity, internal consistency, and reliability were also found for both instruments, but responsiveness was rated inconsistent for both instruments. The other PROMs or subscales often had insufficient aspects of content validity, or their unidimensionality could not be confirmed.This systematic review showed that the Dependence/Daily Life subscale of the DFS-SF and the IWADL could be used to measure physical functioning in people with type 2 diabetes in research or clinical practice, while keeping the limitations of these instruments in mind. The measurement properties that have not been evaluated extensively for these PROMs should be evaluated in future studies.The study protocol was registered in the PROSPERO database, number CRD42021234890

    Effect of Corneal Transplantation on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Potential Predictors:A Systematic Review

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect and potential predictors of corneal transplantation on patient-reported outcomes such as quality of life, visual functioning, and mental health by systematically reviewing the literature. Methods: Studies with 1 preoperative and at least 1 postoperative measurement were searched for in relevant literature databases. Methodological quality was assessed using the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies, and effect sizes were calculated. Results: Of 1445 unique publications, 14 studies, including 15 study designs, were described in 16 publications. Four randomized controlled trials, 1 controlled clinical trial, 1 cohort study, and 1 before-after study (BA) were of good quality; 6 BAs were of moderate quality; and 2 BAs were of weak quality. Patients generally improved 12 months after transplantation on health-related quality of life (effect size between 0.08 and -3.06), vision-related quality of life (-0.67 and -6.65), visual functioning (-0.55 and -0.63), and subjective visual symptoms (-0.31 and -0.86). Patient satisfaction was high (-0.95). Patients improved on depression (-0.31) but remained stable on anxiety (-0.05) 4 months after transplantation. Predictors of positive outcomes were lower preoperative visual acuity and visual functioning, better postoperative visual factors, younger age, and male sex. Conclusions: Corneal transplantation showed overall beneficial effects on patient-reported outcomes. Knowledge of these effects and predictors might result in better treatment, more patient-centered care, and more realistic expectations on the part of patients and ophthalmologists. Future studies should focus on not only health- and vision-related quality of life but also mental health and labor participation using longitudinal study designs